Ashe (Overwatch)

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Ashe is a female video game character who features in Overwatch.




Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe was a female human born in the modern age where she grew up in Texas at the Lead Rose Manor that was a large estate located outside the town of Bellerae. She was born into a wealthy family who came from "old money" where she grew up surrounded by privilege. Her parents were highly sought-after business consultants and coaches for powerful CEOs around the world. The young Ashe came to be raised by an Omnic butler named B.O.B. with her parents not giving her much attention but had ensured she had every opportunity to succeed in life. B.O.B. was at Ashe's side for as long as she could remember. Her parents would often travel out of Texas, but never took her with them. Her parents would host many parties at their manor, trying to curry favor with influential persons from Bellerae. Ashe kept to the fringes of these events, resenting when her parents dragged her forward for a few minutes of small talk.

When motorcycles with lev rims were released, Ashe broke into her parents' study and used their finances to buy herself one. When her parents returned home, they found their daughter buzzing around the grounds on her new bike, much to their bemusement. Ashe told them that it had been sent as a gift by a business associate, but she'd lost the card. Her parents believed her, though detested the thing, considering it "dangerous" and "unladylike." They didn't shed any tears when Ashe crashed it.

Ashe and her family went through the Omnic Crisis relatively unscathed, though B.O.B. did disappear during the war. As the years passed, Ashe believed that she'd never see her butler again, and was surprised about how much she'd missed him. However, one day after the war, B.O.B. returned to Lead Rose, now sentient, and...different, in ways that Ashe couldn't quite grasp. But he was still the companion she remembered, and remained at her side.

For her 17th birthday, Ashe's mother gifted her with a golden bracelet. Months later, her mother borrowed it, and never returned it. At around about the same time, Ashe's condition at school had become worse—an Arbalest factory had shut down, leading to a number of her classmates' parents losing their jobs. Casual avoidance of the Arbalest heiress morphed into active dislike, leading to a number of schoolyard scraps. Three months before her eighteenth birthday, Ashe was set to graduate. However, despite her parents' promises, they weren't present, as they'd left to deal with a business merger, and had simply left her a note that they hadn't even bothered to sign. Their absence, while not new, hurt her deeply, since they'd seemed genuinely invested in her graduation, if only to show off to Bellerae that their daughter could be more than a troublemaker. Fuming, Ashe walked to school alone, distracting B.O.B. in also to do so. As Ashe walked down the road, she was confronted by Jodie and Jimmy Bonney; two fellow classmates whose parents had lost their jobs when the factory shut down. Already frustrated, Ashe rose to the bait, and a fight broke out. She held her own initially, but when Jodie drew a knife, Ashe realized how serious things had become. Nevertheless, she managed to disarm him and take the knife herself, which was when officers from the Bellerae Police Department arrived, finding a knife in her hands, and two bloodied boys lying on the ground below. Ashe was brought in for questioning by Carson. He didn't accept her claim that she'd acted in self-defense, as the brothers said that she'd attacked them, and furthermore, his officers had found her holding the knife. Fed up with her constant lawbreaking, he put her in a cell; she was underage, and her parents were overseas, so they couldn't bail her out this time. He'd get round to calling B.O.B. though eventually.

Ashe found that she had a companion in the cellblock, namely Jesse McCree. While she was wary at first, she began to open up as they discussed firearms, with Ashe preferring rifles while McCree preferred revolvers. She found herself envying him, because while McCree was a drifter with nary a penny to his name, he clearly had the freedom to make his own decisions. A freedom that she didn't have. He told her about his life outside Bellerae. They hit it off, but the reverie was cut short by Carson, who let her out of the cell, as her parents had bailed her out. Again. She bid McCree a quick goodbye and headed out of the station, to where B.O.B. was waiting for her in one of the family cars. She was given no time to reflect on recent events, as inside the car, the holoscreen activated, displaying her irate parents. They weren't interested in listening to her side of the story, and showed her an article from the Bellerae Daily Pioneer, which listed Ashe as being arrested for armed assault, the article's picture framed in such a manner that it made her look like the aggressor against the Bonney brothers. While Ashe had felt some genuine remorse in letting her parents down, now she realized what it was really about—not so much about her, but rather her being in the news and embarrassing her parents. To add insult to injury, her parents laid out what was going to happen. In three months time, Ashe would turn 18, and when that happened, she had been cut off from her family and its finances. Until then, she could live in Lead Rose, and would be given a small allowance, but nothing more.

Picking up a rifle, Ashe shot through numerous antiques her parents owned inside Lead Rose, but her revenge was short-lived, and did little to alleviate her anguish. She considered selling the goods at Lead Rose, but the market for such luxury items was limited, and three months was not enough time to arrange the sales. However, she had access to Arbalest goods, that could be sold on the black market more readily. However, even with her parents' credentials at her disposal, it wouldn't be as simple as ordering the goods for herself. No. She needed to steal them. And to do that, she needed a partner. Ashe had B.O.B. drive her to the Ace Valentine megafarm where McCree had said that he'd worked, arriving in time to find him be given the boot. She took him back to Lead Rose, and led him to a hill by the estate, where she handed him a revolver. He proved that he was as good a shot as he said that he was, and Ashe laid out her situation, and her plan to spend the next three months fleecing Arbelest for all she could, before leaving with enough money to go wherever and do whatever she wanted. All she needed was some help, in exchange for a cut of the profits. McCree agreed, negotiating his cut to 20%, unaware that Ashe would have gone as high as 30.

Ashe's first target was Arbalest Fulfillment Center Beta-3. Ashe had access to the schematics, and they entered a shed outside the facility proper, which in fact led to an underground tunnel. McCree reminded her that if they did this, there was no going back, and maybe all Ashe needed to do was wait for her parents to cool off. Ashe considered the possibility, but refused to back down, wanting to chart her own path. They left B.O.B. outside the building and entered the facility. In the storehouse, Ashe used a tablet and stolen codes to use a warehouse drone to pick up a case of Seraphim rifles—armament for which they could continue to rob Arbelest. However, as they took the cargo elevator to the surface, an explosive failsafe kicked in, as the crates had gone outside their storage location proximity. Ashe tried to use the tablet, but couldn't find any way to access the crates' systems to shut down the failsafe. Taking a rifle each, they managed to climb to the top of the shaft, escaping the blast with the aid of B.O.B. Unfortunately, they'd caught the attention of the facility's security drones. Ashe had B.O.B. hide, as the drones would identify him immediately. In the meantime, she and McCree made a break for it in the truck they'd commandeered, with McCree driving and Ashe shooting. They managed to escape


Personality and attributes

As the daughter of socialites, Ashe felt just as comfortable at charity balls as she did on a motorcycle.

Ashe was a good shot with a rifle where she believed that accuracy was the key and that all one should need was a single shot.

She was shown as being an ambitious and calculating person where she was a respected figure in the criminal underworld. Ashe had an organized mindset where she had an idea of how her organization should be run, to how relationships should work within it.

According to her, everybody needed a family because it was not fair facing the world alone. She said that no matter how tough a person was they should always have support.

Powers and abilities

She was armed with a semi-automatic rifle she called the Viper which allowed her to fire quick shots. It was shown that she could either aim or shoot from the hips. Ashe was also able to pull out a coachgun that dealt impressive damage to a target.

In addition, she was known to make use of explosives that she could throw out in the field.

Constant by her side was the family's Omnic butler B.O.B. who joined her gang in order to continue protecting her. His large frame meant he provided support for Ashe and she had his arm equipped with hidden autoguns. This allowed him to operate as her chief enforcer whilst she managed her criminal subordinates in the Deadlock Gang.


  • Ashe was created by Blizzard Entertainment where she was voiced by actress Jennifer Hale and featured in the setting of the Overwatch universe.


  • Overwatch:
  • Overwatch v2:

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