Atomic Robo

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Atomic Robo is a male robot comic character who features in Atomic Robo.




Atomic Robo

Created in 1923 by Nikola Tesla, Atomic Robo has led a long and interesting life. In 1928 he received his doctorate in physics from Columbia University. He gained his legal status as a human being and U.S. citizen after his participation in a secret military operation in 1938. That was his first of many encounters with Baron von Helsingard, who has plagued Robo throughout his existance.

Robo also fought for his country during World War II. He traveled on a secret mission to Mars in 1975. He has confronted all manner of odd creatures and machinations - from the German Laufpanzers of WWII to giant ants and Dr. Dinosaur.

In 1943 he founded Tesladyne, initially to protect his assets during his service in the war. Tesladyne eventually became a unique organization of "Action Scientists" who are called upon to investigate strange occurrences around the world.


Personality and attributes

Robo has a well developed sense of humour, and makes numerous wisecracks at his foes' expense.

Powers and abilities

He was a robot possessing "automatic intelligence", created by Nikola Tesla in 1923.

Atomic Robo was a core member of Tesladyne Industries that was a thinktank dedicated to exploring the fringes of scientific inquiry, whose Action Scientists often respond to paranormal and supernatural emergencies.


  • Atomic Robo was created by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener where he featured in the setting of the Atomic Robo universe.
  • Robo's personality was based on Clevinger's grandfather, Michael J. Novosel.


  • Atomic Robo:

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