Avlynn Pendragon

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Avlynn Pendragon is a female character that features in Merlin and the Book of Beasts.




She was the daughter of King Arthur of Camelot and his wife, Queen Guinevire during the ancient times. Her birth was kept secret from everyone, including the wizard Merlin in order to protect her from harm. She was entrusted to the guardianship of Sir Galahad who hid her from the world. This was especially the case when Arthur was killed in the Battle of Camlann and a dark age befell the lands. Galahad raised Evelyn and protected her from the dangers of the world in order for her to reach age and take her destiny as the queen of Camelot which would have brought a new age of peace onto the lands. During this time, she was raised alongside Galahads son Lancelot and later by Sir Tristan, son of Tristan. This remained the case for many years whilst she grew up and she learnt of the stories of her fathers time.

When she reached of age, Camelot fell to the hands of a powerful wizard called the Arcadian who had taken over the castle through a number of beasts that was under his command. This led to a quest spearheaded by Galahad which sent young knights Evelyn, Lancelot and Tristan which sought the power as well as advice of Merlin who had retreated from the world to his enchanted forest. The group reached the forest and entered the magical world which turned day into night. The questing knights encountered an empty suit of armor that promised death to those that journeyed deeper but this magically activated the empty suit. This led to Evelyn fighting the creature whilst her comrades were knocked out and whilst she slayed it, she was paralysed by Merlin himself who stated that he would destroy the trespassers.

It was only after he gazed into her eyes through the suit of armor did he realize that the knight was a woman. She asked for his assistance and revealed the fact that she was the child of Arthur. Despite this call for help against evil magic, Merlin refused and Evelyn said that she would inform her comrades that Merlin had died as he would never have refused a call for help. The questing group later made their way to Camelot where they were attacked by one of the Aracadians beasts; an undead knight. They were nearly overwhelmed by the creature until Merlin came and destroyed it with his magic. Merlin was seemingly killed at the hands of the Arcadian though Avlynn and her Knights managed to take his body to safety. She recalled the legends of the healing waters of Avalon and decided to take Merlin's body to the Fountain of Brittany in the hope its healing waters would revive the ancient wizard.

After arriving at the scene, they witnessed the fountain god that was a statue above the fountain that was claimed to be a silent sentinel that watched over the waters. It was claimed that the gods had placed these behemoths to watch the waters till the end of time. However, the fountain was dry until Avlynn shed blood in it that revived Merlin. He in turn revealed that the Arcadian was Mordred; Avlynn's own half-brother who intended for her to be his queen and bear him offspring that would be the start of a new dynasty of Pendragon's. Furthermore, he revealed that the powerful magics kept the Book of Beasts from being destroyed by ordinary means which was why it was hidden. The only thing capable of destroying it was deemed to be Excalibur that was hidden within the Lake of Destiny.

Avlynn was sent into the Lake by herself to confront the trials and show herself to be worthy wielder of the sword. She encountered a doppleganger of herself and passed the test by embracing her foe instead of battling herself. Following claiming Excalibur, she and her Knights were all captured by giant birds sent by the Arcadian. She awoke in a gown in the bed chambers seemingly with Lysanor with her only for her to learn that it was Mordred using a magical disguise. Avlynn refused his advances and wanted him to kill her but he simply used his magic to brainwash her to make her his willing slave queen. She was sent to battle her own Knights until Lysanor kissed her thus breaking the spell on her.

During the final battle, Merlin vanquished the Arcadian by using the power of the Book of Beasts that took Mordred within it. However, the dark magic spiralled out of control and corrupted Merlin who urged Avlynn to kill him. However, she refused and instead stabbed Excalibur into the Book of Beasts thus impaling it on the wall. This act freed Merlin from the Book and deprived him of magic by turning him into a mortal. Both Excalibur and the Book of Beasts remained trapped until a new bearer arose who could wield them with the forces of nature. As a result, Camelot was freed with Avlynn becoming the queen and she urged Merlin to advise her during her reign. However, he thanked her for the gift of being mortal and went out into the world to live his own life.


Personality and attributes

The young Evelyn was a beautiful white skinned woman with long blonde hair but despite her appearance, she was a skilled warrior and capable of fighting fellow knights with ease.

She was shocked to have learnt that she had a half brother in the form of Mordred but was repulsed by his desire to mate with her in order to produce a child of pure Pendragon blood.

Powers and abilities

The daughter of Arthur had no magical abilities at her disposal beyond her considerable expertise with a blade as part of her training as a knight.



  • Merlin and the Book of the Beasts:

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