Behemoth (SWAT Kats)

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The Behemoth was a large Plantimal created by Dr. Viper to guard the front entrance of the Megakat Tower after he'd taken it over. It was capable of spraying acid from several hose-like tentacles on its back, and proved invulnerable to the fire from the Enforcers' Peacekeepers. Even an attempt by Enforcer pilots King and Burge to kill the thing by dropping a canister containing a thousand gallons of weed killer onto it failed to kill it; the Behemoth merely mutated into a larger, fiercer form. It was eventually killed when T-Bone dropped a tank of super rocket coolant onto the building. The resulting explosion showered the Behemoth and caused it to freeze solid. It was then struck and shattered by falling debris from the damaged skyscraper.

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