Black Legion (Warhammer 40,000)
The Black Legion are a group that features in Warhammer 40,000.
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The XVI Legion was originally was called Luna Wolves and was a legion of Space Marines created by the Imperium of Man. The Primarch was the one preferred son of the Emperor of Man who was named Horus. Warp Energies of Chaos spread the different Primarchs on unknown planets. Horus were found during the Great Crusade on Cthonia. It was the most powerful of all the primarques. Both the Emperor and him carried out the great crusade by a masterhand. Centuries after centuries, the worlds fell under the imperial authority. After Orks worlds campaign in Ullanor system, the Emperor left the crusade, giving Horus title of Warmaster and thus letting him lead its company at His name. At that time, Luna Wolves were the most powerful legion, exceeding Ultramarines, Blood Angels and even wire of the Dark Angels's Lion. Lastly, the decision was made to rename the XVI Legion as the Sons of Horus to honour the Warmaster name. The Crusade continued with Horus at his head. Nevertheless, the situation was degraded, as he was attacked of all shares, both by his brothers Primarchs, jealous of the honor which was granted to him, and by the imperial authorities more than oppressive. The Master of war felt abandoned by his father and alone at the head of Mankind destiny. On the moon of Davin was he wounded by a weapon created by the powers of Warp, a "Primarchs". Under the impulse of chaplain of Word Bearers Erebus (legion already won over to chaos), the Warmaster was neat by the Snake Lodge, which was actually a chaotic organization. Erebus carried out it through Warp in time to see a future and a past that Horus could not support and in spite of Magnus Red's warnings , he succumbed to chaos. His legion was corrupted in its turn. The treason of the Warmaster and his warriors appeared on Istvaan III. The Sons of Horus, joined by the half of Space Marines legions carried war to Terra in order to besiege the Imperial palace. The legion renamed " Black Legion" after his death by the hand of the Emperor and repainted its armours, formerly metallic sea green, in black. It undergoes enormous losses at the time of the battle of Terra and ends up taking refuge in Warp after the defeat of its primarch.
Imperial authorities regard it as the most active and powerful force of Chaos . It is known that old legions were strong of 100 000 men and that Black Legion lost two thirds of its manpower in the battle of Impérial palace and has now 32000 chaotic Spaces Navy, what is quite higher than the number of loyal supporters in a chapter. Their current commander is Abaddon known as " the despoiler". He was formerly Horus' minion and first captain of the legion. It's known that times after the end of Terra's siege, as Horus' corpse had been carried in Chaos legions flight, Abbadon destroyed it (what is considered as the legion rename date. Black Legion has its own warfleet and do not really have a fortress-world of their own in the Eye of Terror. They supply by carrying out raids on weapon transport ships and industrial worlds, or sometimes by signing contracts with the démoniac forge-worlds where are based the renegade titanic legions. In spite of its chaotic allegiance, the legion did not encourage more any physical deviance, after having undergone a serious lack of manpower due to a huge propensity of its members to accept possessing of their bodies by demons, which generated some concern during the successive changes of divine allegiance practised by the legion.
Originally, they were known as the Luna Wolves but were re-named after their Primarch leading to them being called the Sons of Horus. After the Horus Heresy, they came to be once again renamed as the Black Legion. These came to be known as the Thrice-Cursed Traitors refers to warbands of the Sons of Horus which turned their back on Abaddon the Despoiler and instead chose to either remain true to the memory of Horus or forsake all masters.
All Black Legion leaders, from the remaining veterans of the Horus Heresy, to the more recently raised, are both cunning and ferocious. The Legion's tactics have been shaped by its lack of numerical strength compared to other Legions, and commanders are adept at using their troops to the best effect.
The defeat and exile of the Traitor Astartes was a crushing blow to the collective ego of Abaddon and his initial followers, and they broke down and fragmented easily without a purpose or powerful leader to act as the point of their spear. These elements suffered significantly during the early years of exile when it was leaderless, though since Abaddon's leadership it has regained a sense of discipline and purpose. Horus' favoured doctrine of 'tearing the throat out of the enemy' by eliminating their high command in a swift strike remains a well-used tactic.
After the death of Horus, proper structure within the squads and companies disintegrated, and their later dispersal in various spacecraft further fragmented the Legion. Warbands of virtually any size and composition can be found following Black Legion Champions - ranking officers from older times or newly emerged leaders who have won favour through their violent deeds. At times, such warbands rally together under the banner of a greater Champion or even Abaddon himself, for a major raid or incursion into the hated Imperium. However, loyalty to differing Chaos Gods often leads to internal politics and conflict. Possession by daemons is still considered highly favourable, and many members of the Legion strive for the honour of being hosts.
Formations within the Black Legion included:
- Mournival :
- Chosen of Abaddon : Rather than a single force with a single leader, the Black Legion would become a mighty host of many warbands and warlords. Within this host, all would swear complete allegiance to Abaddon, and through an inner circle, he would lead them with absolute dominion. These favoured lieutenants became known as the Chosen of Abaddon. The Chosen were his favoured generals, standing above all others and enacting his dark will; a warped shadow of the Luna Wolves' Mournival in which he had once served. Nowhere in the galaxy can a more feared and merciless collection of tyrants be found, always eager to put entire worlds to the sword in the name of Chaos. The last recorded deployment of a full Officio Assassinorum Execution Force was against the so-called Chosen of Abaddon. These four individuals were so hated by the Imperium of Man that an entire team of Assassins infiltrated Abaddon's flagship. This was an extraordinary event, for it is rare for even one Assassin to be sent to deal with a threat. Abaddon learned of the impending attack and laid a trap for the Assassins, slaying all four and protecting his Chosen. The Chosen bear an assortment of titles, reflecting their role in a past Black Crusade or honouring particular acts of cruelty for which they are infamous. Their numbers are ever-changing, for Abaddon has little tolerance for failure amongst those who serve him.
In the case of the Sons of Horus, the combat doctrines of this most aggressive Legion were those of the application of overwhelming force directed to where the foe was weakest. These shattering blows were used to utterly destroy enemy command cadres, vital strategic support structures and wreak terrible slaughter on the pride of an enemy's forces, often turning the tide of an entire conflict with a single, well-placed and savage attack. Even on a personal level, the Sons of Horus took this merciless doctrine to heart and like the wolves they were once named for, were swift to exploit a foe's weakness, surrounding, and brutally tearing apart an outnumbered or exposed enemy before they could recover from the shock of an assault. The XVIth Legion was a truly flexible fighting force, able to adapt to almost any combat situation. With the treachery of Horus, their gene-father, the Sons of Horus Legion grew ever more savage and proud. Freed of the last remaining shackles imposed on them by the distant rule of the Emperor and the dim remembrance of Terra's martial traditions, they fought with callous, calculated fury, born both of the darkness in their hearts and shadowed powers which Horus had found communion with. Their battle tactics became ever more predatory, while the Warmaster himself saw to it that as the rebellion burned on, his own Legion lacked neither for recruits nor the finest weapons and wargear his enthralled Dark Mechanicum allies could supply.
Units fielded by the Black Legion included:
- Dark Emissary :
Balefleets were new swarms of heretic warships, that the Black Legion has unleashed to seize the Nachmund Gauntlet from the Imperium.
- Horus Lupercal :
- Abaddon :
- Ar'baal :
- Zeravael :
- The Black Legion was created by Games Workshop and featured in the setting of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
In other media
Video games
- Warhammer 40,000:
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