Bracelet of Anubis (The Mummy)

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The Bracelet of Anubis was an ancient artifact that featured in The Mummy.


The Bracelet of Anubis was an artifact that belonged to the mythical Scoprion King. After his pact with the dark god of the underworld, the Bracelet was placed in ancient ruins near Thebes where it waited for centuries. Once worn, it served as a guide to the hidden temple in the lost oasis of Ahm Shere where the Scorpion King resided. This also activated a countdown for seven days with the Scorpion King rising and leading the Army of Anubis to conquer the world unless someone killed him in that time. It was protected by the daughter of Pharoah Set I, Nefertiti.

An inscription on the container that held the bracelet read "He who disturbs this bracelet will drink from the Nile." When removed from its chamber, the underground room became flooded by water from the Nile river which threatened to kill anyone that disturbed the tomb. This almost resulted in the death of both Evelyn O'Connell and Rick O'Connell.

Alex O'Connell accidently put on the Bracelet which locked onto his arm and was incapable of being removed. While on him, it led the way to the lost oasis of Ahm Shere where the Scorpion King's tomb resided. If the wearer of the Bracelet does not enter the temple in Ahm Shere within the time alloted, then the Bracelet of Anubis steals the life from the and kills them in the purpose.

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