Brain Drain (Marvel)

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Brain Drain in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl v2 #21.

Brain Drain is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




Werner Schmidt

He was responsible for the efforts in creating the Master Man during World War II. (Giant-Size Invaders v1 #1)

Months ago, Werner was at the scene when a huge meteorite crashed at a site where he was present where it nearly killed him. The 'meteorite' was in fact a spaceship, with the four alien inhabitants saving Schmidt's brain and eyes and placing them in a robot body. With his brain waves heightened during the process, Schmidt began to be referred to by a new name which was Brain Drain where he began by taking mental control of the aliens - which he called 'Star Gods'. These beings he began to rename after old German gods: Donar, Log, Froh, and Brunnhilde. When Brunnhilde was released, she taunted Brain Drain into committing suicide in a vat of chemicals, which destroyed the characters. The Invaders escaped as the aliens then destroyed themselves and the installation. (Invaders v1 #2)

After the fall of the Reich, Schmidt escaped alongside Baron Blood John Falsworth on a ship. In the South China Sea , they were attacked by the Avengers, but before he was captured they were teleported away by Geoffrey Sydenham and offered positions in ICON. (Avengers 1959 v1 #3) Brain Drain was later shot in the head with an armor piercing bullet by Dominic Fortune, but was not arrested because ICON technically did not exist. (Avengers 1959 v1 #5)


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Brain Drain was a cyborg whose brain was present within a container housed in a mechanical frame. The name Brain Drain was merely a codename designed for use by Amerikaner agents whilst his true designation was Operative A.1416. (Invaders v1 #2)

It was noted that he had a distinctive voice. (Invaders v1 #2)

Powers and abilities

Originally, Werner Schmidt was an ordinary human being who by adulthood came to be a scientist. (Invaders v1 #2)

His life was changed completely when his body was nearly completely destroyed by a crashing alien starship. The vessels inhabitants came to save him by placing his brain within a mechanical shell. Hearing devices within this metallic body allowed him to hear his surroundings whilst his eyes were attached to his brain that were present within a clear domed shaped head. (Invaders v1 #2)

From his mechanical arms, he could generate a powerful electrical shock capable of rendering a person unconscious. (Invaders v1 #2)

With the ring, he had the ability to subject his powerful will on others. (Invaders v1 #2)


  • Brain Drain was created by Roy Thomas and Frank Robbins where he made his first appearance in Invaders v1 #2 (October, 1975).


  • Invaders v1: (1975)
  • Giant-Size Invaders v1:
  • Unbeatable Squirrel Girl v2:

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