Breakworld is a planet that features in Marvel Comics.
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Breakworld was a planet that was inhabited by a ruthless and merciless humanoid race. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
The ancient war-mongers of Breakworld were noted to had stood as a bulwark against the Doom Maidens that were the first of the Asgardian Valkyrior who had descended into madness. (Fearless Defenders v1 #3)
After learning the location of the Rasputin, a Breakworlder armada was dispatched to Earth in order to eliminate him. Around this time, Ambassador Ord sent a warning to Breakworld about the presence of Colossus on a S.W.O.R.D. warship. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19) S.W.O.R.D. and the X-Men landed here to find out how Rasputin could have been a threat, nullify that threat and take out a huge missile pointed at the Earth. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #20) Colossus and Shadowcat fought among the locals, until one of them asked for them to trust him and accompany him to Aghanne's care center facility. Meanwhile, Cyclops and Emma Frost flew in a ship to meet the S.W.O.R.D. agents. The Beast and Agent Brand, trapped in a snowstorm, sought shelter as the temperature began to drop. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #21) After they managed to get on a spaceship, they all left the planet to reach the moon-based weapon. When the spaceship was destroyed and Cyclops apparently killed in the explosion, they came back to the planet and fought their way to Kruun's fortress. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #23) After capturing the Powerlord, the X-Men and their S.W.O.R.D. allies defended the stronghold against forces loyal to Sylatin. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #24) Power was eventually seized by Colossus, who was feared by the people as much as Kruun. (Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men v1 #1)
Unfortunately, once Colossus left, the Breakworld broke down into civil war, with multiple factions vying for control of the planet. Aghanne’s followers seized much more control following Kruun’s fall, and many found their 'bizarre' notions like mercy and compassion intolerable. They felt their culture was lost and their world was not their own any longer. One such faction, lead by the former Powerlord Kruun, left the Breakworld and headed to Earth, with the hope that their “Powerlord Colossus” would help them. Unfortunately, the notions of diplomacy were new to these refugees. They travelled in a decommissioned warship, as that was all the Breakworld possessed, and failed to notify the Earth of their coming, because they did not understand diplomatic protocols. This resulted in SWORD and the X-Men attacking, until they realised the Breakworlders were refugees, not attackers. The X-Men, feeling responsible for the state of the Breakworld, offered refuge to the Breakworlders on their sovereign nation Utopia. Kruun, however, had ulterior motives and used this opportunity to seek vengeance on all those he felt had wronged him, despite protests from his lover, the Augur Heleena. His rampage was ultimately halted when Heleena sacrificed herself to save Kitty Pryde. This drove Kruun to revaluate his life, and he sacrificed part of lifeforce to resurrect Heleena. Soon after, Kruun’s people relocated to a derelict neighbourhood of San Fransciso, renamed Breakworldtown, which they upgraded. Meanwhile on Breakworld , SWORD learned that the planet had started to recover from their period of civil war. Aghanne’s followers had spread the message of compassion, building numerous hospitals and establishing non-martial law. (Uncanny X-Men v1 #538)
On Earth, a Breakworlder warrior woman Kuva formed a crime syndicate based out of Oakland, California. The Oakland Clan allied with three other criminal groups to form the Four Clans syndicate. When Kuva sensed weakness in the leadership of rival clan leader Yukio, she challenged the woman. However, while their champions fought, Yukio murdered Kuva and seized control of the Oakland Clan. (Storm v3 #5)
Later on, the world came under the rule of Powerlord Varnn where he ordered the construction of another super-gun but one that was more compact. The self-evolving machine factory was stationed at City Seven with no one allowed to enter the vicinity. During the Last Annihilation, the Dread Lord Dormammu was invading the physical universe with an army of Mindless Ones at his command. Looking to stem the tide, S.W.O.R.D. had Cable steal the Breakworlder super-gun where he along with a Krakoan strike team teleported to the planet. They managed to dealt with the warrior defending the site and damaged the weapon that was converted into a ship form where it was teleported back to planet Arakko for use in the war. (Cable: Reloaded v1 #1)
Locations on Breakworld included:
- Attur-Hei :
- City Seven : a giant factory that had no occupants an largely built weapons for the Breakworlders. (Cable: Reloaded v1 #1)
All members of the species have olive green skin, black hair and small noses. The males of the species almost exclusively possess red irises while the females have green. Some, but not all, males possess prominent tusks. The aliens were physically larger than humans, generally standing over seven feet tall. Further adding to their formidable nature, Breakworlders possess superhuman strength, durability and reflexes well beyond that of a human.
Some member of the species, known as Augurs, possess an aptitude for psychic premonitions.
Their people were regarded as a mighty and merciless race. Breakworlders were governed by a singular principle namely domination through violence, war and extermination. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19) To kill the weak was considered the honored path by the people of Breakworld. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #22) Compassion was deemed a sin to their kind with concepts such as caring for the wounded, honoring the dead and fighting for the weak being alien to them. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #21)
A notable title held by the ruler of Breakworld was that of the Powerlord. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
One notable and influential group in their society was the Open Hand. Their race were known to produce psychics who were known as augers that could predict the future. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19) The Augers were said to be quite accurate in their prophecies of the future. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #20)
It was shown that they had access to mind probes that they used for interrogating prisoners. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #21)
Breakworlders were known to use full automated factories that built themselves into the necessary weapon needed by its occupants with these being self-evolving machines. (Cable: Reloaded v1 #1)
They were able to produce missile warheads capable of cracking a planet in half. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
Breakworld had a degree of climate manipulation allowing them to conduct a tactical weather deployment called a snowstrike causing a region to experience a sudden drop of temperature to below freezing. Such a move was done so to eliminate any targets in the region. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #21)
Among the space capable vessels used by the Breakworlders were the Bruteships. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
One of their most powerful weapons was the Retaliator that was a massive weapon capable of firing large munitions across space. This was a giant moon-sized facility capable of shooting a single projectile able to destroy a world. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #22) The original Mark I was the size of a moon whilst the Mark II were more compact models the size of cities tOhat were able to move on their own through their bipedal gigantic frame. (Cable: Reloaded v1 #1)
- Kruun : a male Breakworlder who led his race as Powerlord. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
- Ord :
- Kuva :
- Sylatin : a short one-armed Breakworlder who served as an attendant to Powerlord Kruun. (Astonishing X-Men v3 #20)
- Aghanne : (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
- Dafi : (Astonishing X-Men v3 #19)
- Heleena :
- Gar-Kuva : a male Breakworlder on Earth who hired Mystique to acquire the mass produced Nuke Red Pills who attempted to betray her until Weapon X Force defeated them. (Weapon X v3 #22)
- Gah-Ran :
- Varnn : the new Powerlord who came to rule Breakworld. (Cable: Reloaded v1 #1)
- Breakworld was created by Joss Whedon and John Cassaday where it made its first appearance in Astonishing X-Men v3 #4 (October, 2004).
Alternate Versions
- Astonishing X-Men v3: (2004)
- Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men v1:
- Storm v3:
- Weapon X v3:
- Cable: Reloaded v1: (2021)
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