Brotherhood of Steel

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The Brotherhood of Steel is an organization that features in Fallout.



The Brotherhood of Steel was a religious organisation that formed in the aftermath of the Great War that resulted in a nuclear event that devastated the Earth on Saturday, October 23, 2077. It was founded by a United States Army security team that were stationed at the Mariposa Military Base.


Their motto was said to be "Ad Victoriam". In their eyes, defeat was unacceptable because they were fighting for the future of mankind and thus their rallying cry was more powerful than any weapon a person could carry.

The core mission centred on the seizing and regulation of pre-War technology throughout the wasteland.

A doctrine followed by the organization was The Chain that Binds which was a guiding belief to its members. Those inducted into the Brotherhood were seen as being bound by the chain of command. Recruits were required to carry out orders of their immediate superiors and were responsible for their subordinate siblings. Those that did not carry out their duty were expelled from the Brotherhood and all their technology was reclaimed by any means necessary.

Central to the faith of the Brotherhood of Steel was the Codex that was written by their founder Roger Maxson. All members were required to abide by it and anything not documented within it was not important. It was said to contain their history and was updated by the Scribes.

Leadership of the Brotherhood was maintained by figures known as the Council of Elders. The High Elder served as the leader of the organization and beneath them were the Elders.


  • Roger Maxson :
  • John Maxson :
  • Jacob :
  • Rachael :
  • Jonathan :
  • Mary :


  • The Brotherhood of Steel was created by Interplay Entertainment where it featured in the setting of the Fallout universe.


  • Fallout:

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