Capellan Confederation

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The Capellan Confederation is a government that features in BattleTech.




The Capellan Confederation was one of the Successor States that formed in the galaxy following the collapse of the Star League.

After the end of the Hegemony-Supremacy War, the Capellan Commonality was formed in 2310 as a loose federation of all the major powers occupying the Capellan Zone. In the midst of a House Davion "peacekeeping" operation, the heads of the major Capellan powers met on St. Andre in July 2367. There, Duke Franco Liao of the Duchy of Liao made a radical proposal: dissolve the Commonality and unify the entire Capellan Zone under a centralized authority strong enough to resist foreign intervention. After much debate, the motion was adopted, and the Capellan Confederation was born. The Capellan Confederation enjoyed great prosperity with the peace brought about by the Star League, but it was not to last. At the outbreak of the Star League Civil War, Chancellor Barbara Liao adopted a position of armed neutrality, allowing neither Aleksandr Kerensky's nor Stefan Amaris' forces to enter Capellan territory. With the dissolution of the Council, and the self-imposed exile of Kerensky and the Star League Defense Force, the Succession Wars became inevitable.

Throughout the early 24th century, The Federated Suns, ruled by House Davion, made repeated demands for the countries of the Capellan Reaches to turn over planets lying within their control to Davion control, a situation which resulted in a number of military engagements between the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns and the smaller Capellan nations. As the AFFS vastly outnumbered the forces any one of the Capellan states could field at one time, they slowly began to build a network of loose alliances against the Davion encroachments. Unfortunately, this only slowed the rate at which the Federated Suns was conquering Capellan territory. In 2366, after an internal crisis had destabilized the Capellan Hegemony, House Davion declared that it was sending "peacekeepers" to Capella to establish order. Representatives of the Capellan nations, terrified of the possibility of one of the largest Capellan states being conquered by the Davions without a shot fired, hastily met to create a unified Capellan state which to deal with the threat. In short order, The Capellan Confederation was formed uniting the Republic of Liao, the Sarna Supremacy, the Tikonov Grand Union, the Capellan Commonality (née Hegemony), the Sian Supremacy, and the St. Ives Mercantile Association. The delegation unanimously elected Franco Liao Chancellor, and set about planning the defense of the new nation. The new nation immediately began evacuating the planet Capella's capital before Davion forces could arrive, leaving behind only a group of 10,000 volunteers to fool the Davion forces into thinking nothing was amiss. Once the Davion forces arrived on Capella, the Capellan Confederation Navy ambushed them and bombarded the city from orbit, killing the entire Davion force as well as the 10,000 volunteers who selflessly gave their lives to prevent Davion domination of the Capellan people. In their honor, a black border was added to the Capellan Confederation's symbol. Since that time, the Confederation has developed into a country with a strong sense of national identity, and a society which is highly state-controlled. House Liao succeeded in establishing itself as the hereditary holders of the Chancellorship, with few outside the family ever coming to the position, and then only briefly.

Having suffered a psychotic breakdown, Maximilian was removed from the throne as his daughter Romano Liao became regent and eventually Chancellor of a much-reduced Capellan state. Of a questionable mental state herself, Romano started many bloody purges of the Capellan military and government and decreed several reforms of dubious character. Though severely weakened, the Confederation survived the Andurien Crisis, which helped to improve morale within its military, and it was untouched by the Clan Invasion, giving the realm more time to rebuild itself. After his mother's assassination in 3052, Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao instituted several policy changes meant to help rebuild the Confederation. The Chancellor succeeded in rejuvenating the Confederation's military such that he was confident in launching Operation GUERRERO in 3057, which successfully recaptured many worlds lost to the Federated Commonwealth decades earlier. When it came time to deal with the Clan problem once and for all, Sun-Tzu was elected to become the First Lord of the Second Star League, a largely ceremonial position but one which brought further prestige to the state. The Chancellor used these successes to launch his Xin Sheng campaign and the Capellan-St. Ives War, which successfully reincorporated the splinter state back into the Confederation, and found the Trinity Alliance between the Confederation, Taurian Concordat and Magistracy of Canopus.



In appearance, the Capellan Confederation was the smallest of the Successor States. It operated as self-proclaimed socialist meritocracy ruled by House Liao, from whom almost all of the nation's ruling Chancellors have been descended. Its name is derived from the Capellan Reaches, the region of space spreading out from Terra towards the star system Capella, and for the Capellan Hegemony, once centered on Capella, which was one of the Confederation's founding members. The Capellan Confederation's government consists of four bodies, the House of Scions (the collected minor nobles of the Confederation), the Prefectorate (the nominal rulers of each Commonality), the Chancellorship and finally, a less implicated, Treasury Hall. While ostensibly the House of Scions handles the day-to-day operations of the State and the Prefectorate elects and places a check on the power of the Chancellor, in reality the Chancellor rules by decree and has de facto absolute power within the Confederation.

The Confederation maintained an intelligence apparatus that was known as Maskirovka (Russian: "disguise"). They servd as the intelligence arm of the Capellan Confederation that were considered the most feared intelligence agency in the Inner Sphere. This fear had been one of its greatest weapons and helped prevent many attacks from outside the Confederation or from within it.


Religion does not play a large part in the day-to-day lives of the inhabitants of the Capellan Confederation. Although the Confederation allows freedom of religion, the state heavily promotes a trio of uniquely Capellan philosophies, the Korvin Doctrine, the Sarna Mandate, & the Lorix Order:

  • The Korvin Doctrine is derived from the collected writings of early Terran space explorer Alana Korvin DeVall. In her writings, Korvin states that mankind's inherent fragility can only be overcome through unity, and that in order for mankind to survive and thrive, individuals must work together for the good of the Greater Humanity, and learn to identify with their collective community. It also stresses the need for strong central leadership to bind together millions of people dwelling on planets orbiting divergent star systems, lest humanity collapse into weaker, fratricidal factions.
  • The Sarna Mandate comes to the Confederation from the founding principles of one of its founding states, the Sarna Supremacy. The Mandate stresses that only the most talented political, military, & scientific minds are qualified for leadership, and that those who do not originate with that elite group of individuals are not competent enough to decide the fate of others. Furthermore, by virtue of their capability, these individuals are justified in taking whatever actions are deemed necessary for the continued survival of a given population, up to and including the what some would deem ruthless acts or the periodic restructuring of society. In many citations of the Sarna Mandate, the reverse is also applied: If a leader is found to be utterly incompetent, then they are considered to have lost the right to rule and should be removed or deposed.
  • The Lorix Order was developed by CCAF Major Kalvar Lorix during a long convalescence in 2672. It stresses that the citizen has the right to expect the highest level of professionalism and performance from the military that defends it, and to that end, the military, particularly Mechwarriors, owe to the populace a life of endless training and campaigning. Warfare is a virtue, because even offensive operations contribute to the good of society by providing experience to society's defenders. Once a Mechwarrior has reached the pinnacle of his craft, he has become a valuable asset of the state, and no-one has the right to deprive him of his life save other Mechwarriors, and conversely, the Mechwarrior in certain circumstances has the right to exact personal retribution against those who transgress against him. To a soldier, the highest ideal must ever be loyalty, to the people, to the state, and to the head of state who is his commander in chief.

Unlike the other Successor States of the Inner Sphere, where individuals are born with citizenship, in the Confederation, citizenship is a benefit to be earned. All minors in the Capellan Confederation are technically wards of the state under the provisional supervision of their parents. During this time, they receive a state sponsored education and are encouraged to participate in the betterment of their communities. Upon reaching maturity, each Capellan child is evaluated to determine if they have proven their commitment to the state by participating in their community, whether through outreach work, artistic work of cultural value, or civic participation. Those who are found willing to provide service to the state are granted citizenship. Those who have not are given a grace period of two years after which they will have a second evaluation. Failure to earn citizenship after one's second evaluation regulates an individual to the class of non-citizens referred to as servitors. The life of a servitor is harsh, because a Servitor has no legal rights within the Confederation. Servitorship, however, is not a lifetime sentence, as citizenship can still be earned as a Servitor, although the task becomes significantly harder. Likewise, neither citizenship nor servitorship is inheritable, with all Capellan children receiving the same education and facing the same requirements to earn citizenship.

Capellan citizens are expected to continue providing services to their community throughout their lifetime, and the state makes a point of continuing to promote and reward those who provide selfless service to the state. All Capellan citizens are guaranteed free healthcare & education for life, in addition to other minor benefits. The result is a Capellan citizenry who is far more loyal and civic-minded than the average Inner Sphere inhabitant, one who sees his citizenship as a reward for hard work and not a right.


Despite being significantly weaker militarily and economically than its often violently expansionist neighbors, the Confederation has survived for over seven centuries, through the fall of the Star League, four Succession Wars, the Clan invasion, and the Word of Blake Jihad. The Confederation has endured attacks from all of its neighbors, yet has historically both repulsed and rebuilt after each invasion. In dealing with other countries, the Confederation is guarded and looks after its own interest first and foremost. Too often the Confederation has found itself the victim of its more powerful neighbors. This is not to say that the Confederation is incapable of participating amicably with the other nations of the Inner Sphere. The Confederation was a founding member of both Star Leagues, entered into the defensive Concord of Kapetyn with House Marik & House Kurita against Houses Steiner & Davion, participated in a brief alliance with the Free Worlds League, and founded a long standing Alliance with the periphery nation the Magistracy of Canopus, an alliance in which the Taurian Concordat also briefly participated.

The CCAF through the history of the Confederation had many trials and tribulations throughout the history of the fictitious Battletech universe. Form the Age of War, through the Succession Wars, and the Word of Blake Jihad. The CCAF though in comparison of the other military branches of the other Successor States far weaker by comparison of stats has been able to repulse foreign attacks and internal struggles. Though always coming out of each scathed and battered the CCAF that was renowned for its ability to rebuild quickly and respond with earnest vigor. The chancellor of the Confederation besides other duties as head of state is also defacto the highest level in the CCAFs' chain of command. Created by Sun-Tzu Liao, the Sang-jiang-jun (Senior General) duties entail the day-to-day operations of the CCAF. Inclusion unpon bearing the Sang-jiang-jun the person also serves as chairman of the Strategios, and acts as regent of the Confederation when the Chancellor is away on state affairs or unable to function at the time. The Strategios is administrative council that oversees the bureaucracy that runs the CCAF. Composed of two Jiang-juns from each Commonality and led by the Sang-jiang-jun. The Commonality that differs form the standard two members is the St. Ives Commonality which was granted three seats as part of the treaty that ended that war. All forces in each Commonality are separated into line and reserve units, both of which are commanded separately by two Jiang-jun.

Traditionally the CCAF forces usually employ a strong aerospace fighter contingent, with the strategy that removing an invasion before it lands is easier than fighting on the ground. Due to historically having a much smaller industrial base compared to the other states; so instead of each manufacturer producing products that specialize in specific niches, produce units that are versatile and are support each other in combat conditions in variable situations. Because of these shortcomings in the Confederation's industrial output, the CCAF though still having use of battlemech forces also became the Inner Sphere's foremost experts on guerrilla & unconventional warfare, and making a much wider use of artillery, minefields (particularly missile deployed minefields), strategically ignited fires, & anti-BattleMech infantry than any other nation of the Inner Sphere. All Liao-designed 'Mechs (especially early designs) have proven over and over again to be thoroughly well-designed and capable, as well as cheap and easy to build. As proof that quality over quantity is preferred the average Liao Troops tend to be more skilled than their counterparts from other Houses, and the CCAF in general learns more practical skills to make the best of their situation; this is thank to an emphasis on providing excellent training and equipment to the military, making the CCAF one of the best trained militaries in the Inner Sphere. Even though most Liao units were general smaller than most other House units following large military campaigns Liao units are usually forced into smaller sizes to accommodate loss of supplies while maintaining the same number of units.

The BattleMech regiments of the CCAF are divided into five categories, the Capellan Hussars, the Warrior Houses, the Death Commandos, the Commonality Reserves, and the Converted Mercenary units. The Capellan Hussars act as the personal guards of the Chancellor, the Prefectorate, House of Scions, & the Liao family. Also defenders of the Confederation's commonality capitals and as the core of elite combat formations. Standard practice for the Hussars is to recruit from other units selecting only the most talented and experienced MechWarriors out of the CCAF. Though an integral part of the CCAF the Hussars are rarely committed to any offensive actions but when so they are usually at the heart of the attacking force strike at the most decisive point. Officially part of the CCAF but reports directly to the Chancellor are the Warrior House Orders. Members of the Houses live a stark and monastic life that is dedicated to the philosophy and the perfection of their skills as warriors. Each House was founded within the Confederation at the directive of the Chancellor, and with a dedication to a different philosophy each order bears the name of its founder the eight orders are the Imarra, Lu Sann, Dai Da Chi, Kamata, Ijori, Ma-Tsu Kai, Hiritsu, & Fujita. Formed by Tormax Liao, the original Death Commandos were recruited solely from the elite of the Warrior Houses, although membership into the unit was opened to any officer in the CCAF who could meet the stringent entry requirements. The elite of the elite of the CCAF, reporting directly to the Chancellor, and all members are cross-trained to perform as infiltrators, anti-BattleMech infantry, special forces & assassins. No expense is spared in the equipping of the Death Commandos, and the mere mention of their deployment is enough to cow planetary governments into surrender. Unofficially known as the Chancellor's "storm troopers", members of the Death Commandos have very wide latitude in the performance of their duties. For example, they are allowed, on their own authority, to summarily execute any Capellan soldier, and even members of the nobility, under certain circumstances. The Commonality Reserves make up the bulk of the CCAF, each assigned to the defense of a specific commonality. While capable of offensive operations, unlike the CCAF's other formations, the Reserves focus on training in guerrilla warfare and defensive operations; and each Commonality has their own reserve formation, which evolves to the military needs of the Commonality.

Finally, the Confederation though the Succession Wars began conversion a number of Mercenary units under long-term contract with the Capellan Confederation into full-fledged members of the CCAF, in exchange for citizenship & other benefits, including such prestigious formations as McCarron's Armored Cavalry, the 4th Tau Ceti Rangers & the 15th Dracon. Long with being the units for offensive operations outside the Confederation, these units now have the benefit of being able to recruit directly from Capellan Military Academies and drawing from the CCAF supply chain at no extra cost in comparison to contracted Mercenary forces.


Administratively, the Confederation is divided into Commonalities. Each originally corresponded to a founding member-nation, but centuries of warfare and depredation by neighboring countries have forced redistricting. Currently, the Confederation is made up of five Commonalities: Sian, Capella, Liao, Victoria, & St. Ives.


  • Romano Liao :
  • Sun-Tzu Liao :
  • Tormax Liao :
  • Herman Wu :


  • The Capellan Confederation was created by the FASA Corporation where it featured in the setting of the BattleTech universe.

In other media

Video games


  • BattleTech:

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