Cheetara (ThunderCats)

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Cheetara is a female animated character who features in ThunderCats.





Cheetara had left the doomed planet of Thundera with her fellow ThunderCats. Leaving behind the planet, Cheetara was instructed by Jaga to wake Lion-O from sleep, which she did, despite the objections of Snarf. When the Mutants boarded their ship, Cheetara joined the other ThunderCats and bravely fought them off. She was given a new outfit and her Staff to help defend herself on their new home by Jaga, along with her fellow ThunderCats. Cheetara helped defend the ship from the attacking Mutants, going into suspension to make the journey to the new planet chosen as the ThunderCats' new home. She was then revived with the others when they reached their new home on Third Earth, and after defeating the Mutants, prepared with the others to build a new home.

Cheetara's amazing speed has often saved the other ThunderCats from deadly situations. Once when Tygra ventured into a mysterious cave, he found himself beginning to age rapidly, Cheetara was the only one who could get in and out of the cave fast enough to save Tygra from death.

When the time of Lion-O's Anointment Trials came, it was Cheetara's task, as the fastest of the ThunderCats, to try Lion-O in speed. Lion-O knew he could not beat Cheetara in a race, and so took a dangerous western route as an alternative. Already miles ahead of Lion-O, Cheetara ran into the Mutants, who pursued her on land and underwater. Luckily Panthro arrived in the Thundertank to assist the outnumbered Cheetara. Cheetara was ahead by a mile and two thirds, eventually coming face to face with Lion-O, they raced alongside one another to the finish of their race. Lion-O knew he could not win the race in this way, but his sheer determination allowed him to. Lion-O at first believed Cheetara had let him win, something which offended her, as the code of Thundera forbade such action. The distance they ran actually exhausted Cheetara's super speed, and she told him that his determination not to lose had allowed him to win the race.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

She has incredible speed, once clocked at 120 m.p.h. on a morning jog. She can maintain this speed only for brief periods, but with it, she is very fast in combat.

Often a voice of reason, she is also the bearer of a budding 'sixth sense', detecting when something is unsafe or if evil is near. This precognitive sense, which Cheetara regards as a curse for the most part, also allows her to perceive visions—whether involuntary or by forcing herself—but can leave her very weak; she may require days to regain her strength.

Tygra clocked her jogging speed as "thirty seconds for the mile" (120 mph) implying her top speed to be significantly higher than that. At her peak, Cheetara can sustain her top speed for about 2 miles before succumbing to exhaustion. She also has an ability called her "Sixth Sense", which gave her the ability to see into past and future events, although this was also very taxing, such that she sometimes considered it a curse; these visions could come at random and when she forced them to appear, it could take days or weeks for her to recover. She could also sense danger to others which she attributed to "woman's intuition". Cheetara had a fondness for the "useless" metal gold.

Her weapon of choice is a baton that expands into a bō that can grow or shrink to variable lengths. When not in use, it is attached to her left armband.


  • Cheetara was created by Tobin Wolf where she featured in the setting of the ThunderCats universe.

Alternate Versions

  • In ThunderCats, Cheetara appeared in the setting of the 2011 animated television series and its alternate setting. This version was one of the Clerics that were a religious order among the ThunderCats who served under Jaga. When she originally tried to join the Order of Clerics as a child, she was initially turned down by Jaga, because even though she had the speed possessed by clerics, she lacked the patience. Despite being turned down, Cheetara decided to show Jaga she had the patience needed to become a cleric and began to wait in front of the Order's doors. While waiting, she was given a flower by Tygra, which helped Cheetara sustain herself for days, until Jaga finally allowed her to join the clerics. In the aftermath of Thundera's downfall, Cheetara's possibly the sole surviving member of the Order, other than Jaga, who lives on in spirit form. Cheetara initially served as an encourager to Lion-O, since she never shunned him for his interest in technology and initially seems to support his kindness to other races. During the first half of the first season, both Tygra and Lion-O harbor romantic feelings for her and competed for her love. Originally many believed Cheetara held feelings for Lion-O and would choose him, but in the end, it's revealed she has always been in love with Tygra since their childhood when he had shown her kindness and support during the days she desired to become a cleric. Cheetara and Tygra become a couple shortly thereafter and Cheetara later abandoned her duties as a Cleric in "New Alliances" to save Tygra's life.

In other media




  • ThunderCats:

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