Cliff Steele

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Cliff Steele is a male comic superhero who features in DC Comics.





Cliff Steele

When the Chief learned that Madame Rouge had been forced into the Brotherhood of Evil by Brain twisting her mind patterns, he invented a psycho-ray to undo the damage. The ray reached all the way to Paris, and began to awaken Rouge's good side. The Brain suspected something amiss in his compatriot, and began a booster treatment to keep her on the side of evil. The Chief's work was interrupted when a news report came in of giant mutants attacking the city. Negative Man and Robotman balked at how hideous they were, and Elasti-Girl reminded them that they were supposed to be on the side of all freaks The Doom Patrol briefly battled Ar, Ir and Ur before the mutants left the field of combat, and warned that the next time they returned it would be to destroy humanity. Back at hq the Chief researched them using his computer brain, and learned that they were all born near early atomic bomb testing sites, and resented all humans for causing their deformities. Elasti-Girl wept for their tragedy. The mutants used their gravitational powers to pull Haley's Comet out of orbit, and as it approached Earth it caused many natural disasters. Negative Man flew Robotman and Elasti-Girl to the scene, but the heroes were soon defeated. Robotman was buried alive and Ur carried of Elasti-Girl. Chief's psycho-ray worked, and Rouge regained her mind after physically defeating her evil side. Chief had Negative Man save Rouge from the Brotherhood's clutches, and sent her to save Robotman. She dug him out, and explained that she was now on his side. Robotman suspected that Chief made such an effort to save her because he was sweet on her, and she retorted that a genius like the Chief had little time for love. Negative Man flew them at superspeed until they found the mutants new location and interrupted their doomsday plot, but the mutants escaped after causing a rockslide to slow down the heroes. Back at DP hq Chief summoned his team, including Beast Boy and Mento. He told them that the military launched a number of missiles at Halley's Comet, but its erratic flight made it near impossible to hit. He split up his team to find the mutants again, and assured them he had a plan. Beast Boy and Mento went to the Himalayas where they encountered the Abominable Snowman, and Beast Boy made friends with him by giving him an Alfred E. Neumann button. Robotman and Elasti-Girl found the mutants again, and tried to inspire them with their own story of being accepoted by fellow freaks, but the mutants were still hard hearted. A spaceship landed, disgorging the giant Galactic Gladiator, who claimed to be a non-mutant slave from the planet Selin. He told the mutants they'd be masters on his planet, and Ar and Ir were interested. Ur, however, didn't want any part of a slave culture. He said if there was anything worthwhile humanity had taught him, it was that men would always fight for freedom. He decided to fly into space and destroy Halley's Comet. His fellows were unsure of his motivation, but refused to let him go alone, and they sacrificed themselves by diving into the comet and blowing it up. Chief climbed out of the Galactic robot he created for the express purpose of manipulating the mutants. He returned to hq to have a romantic dinner of fine French food with Rouge. (Doom Patrol v1 #116)

The Chief spent another romantic evening with Rouge, and seemed bothered when Robotman disturbed him after returning from a fight in which he lost an arm and a leg to a madman with an atomic ray, and told him to repair himself. Meanwhile Negative Man was trapped under lead by some criminals, and sent his energy form to get Chief's attention. Chief ignored him, but his energy form found a way to free his host. An argument ensued, and when Elasti-Girl got a call, she made her way to hq to calm things down. Her teammates thought Chief was ignoring them for his new romance, and suspected Rouge of being a spy for the Brotherhood of Evil. Elasti-Girl chided them, reminding them that they owed their entire lives to the Chief, but the boys were still hopping mad and quit the DP. Elasti-Girl suspected that they resented their father figure pursuing a woman they disapproved of. Rouge dismissed them as children, and after a heated argument with Elasti-Girl, they stormed out and left Chief by himself. Chief was soon attacked by a condor, and then hummingbirds with poison-tipped beaks, but fought them off with the firepower in his wheelchair. The birds master, Black Vulture, soon appeared, and told the Chief he had a score to settle, even though the Chief didn't recognize him. The Chief hid behind a steel door, and when that failed, a wall of flame, but the Vulture kept pursuing him. Robotman questioned why he ever left, and after saving a blind man's life, realized he needed to stick with his fellow freaks. Negative Man unwrapped his bandages and flew a plane into the sky to do some thinking. He realized he still had feelings for Elasti-Girl, and also resolved to return to the Dp. The boys and Rita made it in time to save the Chief, but the Vulture summoned bats whose combined sonar knocked out the DP. A tribe of Mohawks busted into the DP hq, and made short work of the Black Vulture, unmasked as Mr. Decker. Decker had produced a forged claim on Mohawk land, and Chief exposed him through radiometric dating. The grateful White Feather promised to one day return the favor, and he was good to his word. Once Rouge was coaxed back, the Chief told the DP that as father figure he made the rules, and they agreed to accept his new romantic interest. The Doom Patrol sacrificed themselves to an explosion in order to save a small island from General Zahl and Madame Rouge. The Chief secretly erected a force field to save everyone except Elasti-Girl. Robotman survived the explosion, but his body was badly damaged and cast adrift at sea. (Doom Patrol v1 #117)

It was later revealed that Cliff's brain had survived and that Will Magnus, the robotics expert who created the Metal Men, had recovered Cliff's brain and built him a new body. Cliff then joined a new Doom Patrol headed by a woman claiming to be Niles Caulder's wife, Arani. Refusing to believe that Niles was dead, she formed this new team to search for him and took his place as leader, calling herself Celsius due to her heat-and-cold-based powers. (Showcase v1 #94)


Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Cliff Steele

After the race car accident, Cliff Steele was airlifted to St. Jude’s, but his body was wrecked, and his condition was hopeless. The Chief absconded with Cliff to his secret lab, and placed his brain inside an automaton. Chief woke up Cliff’s brain, and told him to remember that he’d saved his life, and there was no other way of doing so. Cliff was horrified, and tried to take his life multiple times over the next three months, but each time the Chief prevented him, and told him he could use his new robot body for good. The Chief spent the rest of the year teaching Cliff how to use his new body before he allowed Cliff to part ways with him, but he knew he had been back. Cliff had no place to stay, so he sought out his old pal from school Tadwallader Jutefruce, aka Super-Hip, an Elvis Presleyesque singer. Tad had a high tolerance for weirdness, so he took Cliff in, and his kindness meant the world to Steele. (Doom Patrol v5 #21)

An army of Earth's heroes, including Robotman and the Doom Patrol, appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn't at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he'd be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy's death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible foir boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime. (Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime v1 #1)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events. Cliff Steele


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

The outer body shell was formed by multiple layers of special flexible ceramic metal. (Doom Patrol v1 #94)


  • Cliff Steele was created by Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani where he made his first appearance in My Greatest Adventure v1 #80 (June, 1963).

Alternate Versions

In other media


  • In Teen Titans, Robotman appeared in the animated television series starting from the episode "Homecoming" where he was voiced by actor Peter Onorati.
  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Robotman appeared in the animated television series in the episode "The Last Patrol!" where he was voiced by actor Henry Rollins.
  • In Doom Patrol, Robotman appeared in the live-action television series where he was portrayed physically by actor Riley Shanahan and voiced once again by actor Brendan Fraser.


  • My Greatest Adventure v1: (1963)
  • Doom Patrol v1:
  • Showcase v1: (1977)

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