Coalition of Ordered Governments

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The Coalition of Ordered Governments is a government that features in Gears of War.





The Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) was a human government established on the planet Sera.

As the disparity in Imulsion production continued to polarize Sera, the militaristic monarchy of Tyrus emerged as a major political powerhouse. Through its significant Imulsion reserves and powerful military, the reactionary nation increasingly appeared as the sole guarantor of international order in the eyes of its Imulsion-producing neighbors. The charismatic statesman Nassar Embry sought to capitalize on this image of strength in order to secure the political and economic future of his nation, proposing the creation of a supranational military alliance capable of deterring threats to the status quo. Hoping to maintain their monopoly over the global Imulsion supply, the leaders of Kashkur, Sarfuth, Dushin, and Tyrus—later referred to as the Allfathers—agreed to consolidate their resources into a new sociopolitical collective. This resulted in the official formation of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Although the Allfathers envisioned the new supranational government as a means to protect the economic interests of their nations, the Coalition of Ordered Governments represented a political project as well. Following the official formation of the coalition, the Allfathers authored an authoritarian constitution—the Octus Canon—that established its system of government and political ideology. The decentralized government that emerged from this constitution sought to preserve national independence within its structure, granting its member-states considerable autonomy over their internal affairs. Throughout the early years of the coalition, the leaders of these nations served in the Council of Sovereigns, which determined alliance policy through unanimous votes and selected the executive from among its ranks. This executive—the Chairman—possessed little power, serving as a mediator between the various heads of state and overseeing the implementation of their decisions. Despite incorporating the socialist principles developed by Alexiy Desipich, the Octus Canon supported the authoritarian culture of the coalition and its member-states, transforming the meaning of these principles to support its reactionary ideology. Through the symbolism of the machine, the leaders of the coalition encouraged a communitarian ethos among its citizens that upheld the stratification of power. The mixture of reactionary and socialist ideologies resulted in domestic policies stressing the importance of absolute obedience to the state. As a result of their important roles in the formation of the coalition, the Founding Families—an important and powerful clique of aristocratic families—dominated the upper echelons of this new state. These families controlled important political, corporate, and military positions throughout the coalition, allowing these families to shape its political ideology in their favor. The result was a powerful combination of authoritarianism, industrialism, and militarism.

Locust War

Six weeks after the Pendulum Wars ended, the Locust Horde emerged from the underground warrens of Sera in a surprise, full-scale, planetary assault what would soon become known as Emergence Day. The Locust Horde invaded almost every single major city, in what was a campaign of rapid dominance. On the first day alone, a quarter of the total human population was killed

The Swarm


Leadership of the government was headed by the Chairman who was selected from the ranks of the House of Sovereigns.

In the conflict with the Locust, the COG instituted the Open Arms Program allowed Union of Independent Republics prisoners to participate in the conflict in the Locust War.

An elite special operations unit known as the Onyx Guard existed in the army where they operated under the sole discretion of the Chairman.


COG technology was noted for its durability and being able to operate for long lengths of time.

One new creation was the Fabricator that were large chest shaped machines that were able to create any technological item that was present in its databanks. These devices were able to build components within a matter of moments and were used for construction efforts. Fabricators could also be used to develop defensive emplacements in the field at a moments notice allowing users to reinforce locations quickly.

Their robotics technology developed even further following the Lambent Pandemic due to the breakthroughs from DB Industries. The company developed a series of bipedal automatons that were to be used for construction work and to rebuild civilization. However, under Chairman Jinn, the DeeBees were repurposed as military weapons and were deployed in security along with combat operations. DeeBees came in various models and sizes with different assignments.

The Coalition utilised a number of vehicles that included:

  • Centaur :
  • King Ravens :
  • Kestrel :
  • Condor :
  • Vulture :

Within their navy, they made use of Raven's Nest class of Class One series of helicopter carriers.

They were known to make use of geothermal energy that tapped into the power from the planet to maintain sites such as mines that had mined osmium allowing equipment in those facilities to still receive power long after they had been abandoned.

It had access to an Imulsion-energised orbital satellite laser weapon known as the Hammer of Dawn.


  • Richard Prescott :
  • Adam Fenix :
  • Marcus Fenix :
  • Dominic Santiago :
  • Anya Stroud :
  • Damon S. Baird :
  • Augustus Cole :
  • Alexandra Brand :
  • Jace Stratton :
  • Samantha Byrne :
  • Dizzy Wallin :
  • Tai Kaliso :


  • The Coalition of Ordered Governments was created by Epic Games and The Coalition where it featured in the setting of the Gears of War universe.


  • Gears of War:
  • Gears of War 2:
  • Gears of War 3:

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