Cole Turner
Cole Turner is a male television character who features in Charmed.
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Cole Turner was a male human born in 1885 to a mortal human Californian state assemblyman named Benjamin Turner and an upper-level demon named Elizabeth.
Shortly after Cole was born, Benjamin found out his wife was a demon and tried to take Cole from her, but Elizabeth killed her husband with an energy ball and raised Cole herself. Elizabeth taught Cole to despise his human side for its "weaknesses." He suppressed it so completely that he became one of the most powerful demons of all time, under the name Belthazor. The Source of All Evil saw a good deal of promise in Cole and had Elizabeth put him through law school so he could blend into human society as a prominent lawyer. Many upper-level demons seek to infiltrate the mortal world in order to further the cause of evil, and Cole was particularly well suited for this since he was half-human.
Sometime around 1900 or 1901, the Source selected Cole to become a member of the Brotherhood of the Thorn, an elite society of upper-level demons. He was particularly close with two of the Brotherhood's other younger members, Tarkin and Trigg; they were the closest things he had to friends. Over the next century, he made a reputation for himself as a cold, ruthless and methodical assassin who could kill anyone, an athame being his weapon of choice.
He came to be hired by the Triad who tasked him with getting close and eliminating the Charmed Ones. In exchange for his service, they offered him his father's soul as his reward should he successful in his task. The Triad and the Source believed that since Cole was half-human, he could get closer to the sisters than a full-blooded demon could. To do so, Cole was set up as an assistant district attorney in San Francisco.
Cole first meets the Halliwell sisters in the year 2000 when he investigates the attack on the sisters' friend Darryl Morris. The sisters witnessed the attack and foiled the assailant, Emilio Smith, who was possessed by a Guardian in a plan to spread evil in the San Francisco area. When he arrives there, the youngest Charmed One, Phoebe Halliwell, is immediately taken with him. Cole calls the sisters in as witnesses for the man's trial, but the judge, William Hamilton, acquits him. Hamilton, it turns out, is an upper-level demon who is assigning Guardians to criminals. He sends Emilio after Cole, but Prue and Phoebe manage to save Cole. At Emilio's next arraignment, Piper freezes the innocents in hopes of smoking out whoever is assigning the demons. Cole only pretends to freeze; in the midst of the ensuing struggle he shimmers to Hamilton's chambers and kills him by sending him up in flames. (Episode: The Honeymoon's Over)
Cole first strikes against the sisters when he gets word that Piper and Leo are planning to marry, despite the Elders' vehement opposition to allowing the wedding. He alerts the Triad, who, in turn, alert the Elders. This doesn't appear to make sense at first, but it turned out both the Triad and the Elders feared that if a Whitelighter were allowed to marry a Charmed One, the concentration of power would be massive enough to irreparably damage the Grand Design. Later, he makes two attempts to steal the Charmed Ones' Book of Shadows.
After his first few attempts to assassinate Phoebe and her sisters, he starts protecting them against other demons so that his assignment can continue. Eventually, his human half falls deeply in love with Phoebe. His growing love for Phoebe soon overwhelms his demonic nature. Demons can't handle human emotions. Eventually, he stands up for the sisters and protects them, even though they do not know that Cole and Belthazor are the same person.
Under pressure from the Triad, Cole employs the help of Andras, the demon of rage, to turn the sisters against each other and strip them of their powers. A distraught Phoebe then goes to Cole's apartment. Cole slips an athame into his pants, intending to kill Phoebe, but can't bring himself to do it. Andras is watching, and threatens to rat him out to the Triad.
Personality and attributes
As a demonic assassin, he came to be known by the alias of Belthazor. He eventually came to hold the title of the Source of All Evil after the former holder had been slain with this power then residing within Cole.
Due to his evil upbringing, Cole grew up to become a calculative, resourceful, manipulative, and cunning individual, even amongst demons. He had learned to adapt to any environment and use his extrasensory abilities to his advantage. His training in law school through the Underworld network helped him learn much about the ways of the human world and keep up with the modern times. He could connect with humans due to his half-human side, which granted him the added ability to feel emotions. He was also prone to fits of anger and acts of violence if provoked.
Powers and abilities
Having legitimately went to law school to gain an upstanding in human society, Cole had genuine skill and expertise as a lawyer. He was considered to be very prominent in his field of profession.
Cole was an astute strategist and tactician. His tactical wit and penchant for elaborate plans was legendary in the Underworld. He had orchestrated various schemes in an attempt to eliminate the Charmed Ones, and would have been successful had not his human feelings for Phoebe cloud his better judgment. Cole's affinity for deception was almost as legendary as his strategic mind. Cole was able to successfully seduce Phoebe and feign himself as an ordinary mortal; deceiving even the Charmed Ones until they eventually found him out. He was effective in exploiting mental weaknesses, and use to his advantage.
Having been raised in the magical world his entire life with a century of experience, Cole had extensive magical knowledge. He was particularly knowledgeable as a demonologist and fully understood the workings of the Underworld. He knew things the side of good did not, giving him a rare perspective and a unique insight that no one else had, including even Leo.
He had access to the unique form of teleportation used by demons whereby the user disappeared in gray dust-like particles.
In time, he came to join the ranks of the Brotherhood of the Thorn who were a society of powerful upper-level demons that acted as mercenaries for the demonic underworld.
Later on, Turner came to accept a invitation to join the ranks of the Avatars and was transformed into one of them. They were a group of powerful magical beings who claimed to be neutral in the war between good and evil. Instead, their desire was to shape the world according to their own design and make it a perfect Utopia.
- Cole Turner was created by Brad Kern with him being portrayed by actor Julian McMahon in his human form whilst actor Michael Bailey Smith portrayed his demon form where they featured in the setting of the Charmed universe.
- Charmed:
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