Cosmic Hulk

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The Cosmic Hulk in Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk v1 #1.

The Cosmic Hulk is a comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




The Cosmos Automaton was a robotic creation of the World Devourer Galactus that were made to obey its master and set with the goal of preparing a base world for consumption. When arriving on a world, it would influence the mind of a highly intelligent native to construct a body for itself. Once created, the machine then broke down any defences on the world thus allowing its masters global absorption of the planet a more stream-lined process. Such a practice was used for over thirty millennia until certain worlds came to learn the nature of the Automatons and manipulated the entity for their own goals. Typically, this meant sending the machine against its own creator and thus would slow down the feeding process. As a result, Galactus began substituting the machines for living entities empowered by his Power Cosmic as they became the Heralds of Galactus. One such unit was a dataloop that probed the universe for a base world whose native mental receptacle could build a body for itself. It came to Earth around 11 cycles ago where it first sought out Professor Gregson Gilbert of Empire State University where it compelled him to build a synthetic body that became the Dragon Man though the shell did not suit the requirements of the Cosmos Automaton Program. This led to the dataloop seeking out another native mind and found one in the Mad Thinker who was compelled to create a body that drew fear from the people on the planet. Thus, he decided to base the armature on the Hulk but after completing the body he began to question what compelled him to build such a machine. This eventually resulted in him deciding to lock away the robot thus leaving the Cosmos Automaton trapped in storage for some time. (Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk v1 #1)

One account would claim that the robot construct of the Hulk was created as a misguided experiment by two students at the Maryland Institute of Technology and inadvertently brought to 'life' by exposure to cosmic energy from the Eternals' Uni-Mind. The construct ran amok in a nearby city, killing several people and causing massive property damage. (Eternals v1 #14) The Eternals Sersi, Makkari, and Ikaris attempted to subdue it, but only the Eternals' ruler Zuras was able to vent the cosmic energy giving the robot life. (Eternals v1 #15) The pseudo-Hulk fled to the city's sewers, where it exploded, inadvertently freeing the Deviant Mutate Dromedan from his crypt beneath the city. (Eternals v1 #16)

The Hulk robot was stolen from Olympia by the Intelligencia. (Fall of the Hulks: Alpha v1 #1) It was used in an attack on Dr. Doom in an attempt to frame the real Hulk for attacking Latveria. However, Doom easily beat the robot and ripped off its skin thus revealing its robotic nature. (Incredible Hulk v1 #606) It was later sent to destroy a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier where it encountered Red Hulk. At first, it defeated and nearly killed Red Hulk, but Ross mustered up all his anger and guilt and caught it when it was off guard. He then tore it in half. It was later taken by S.H.I.E.L.D. and put in storage. (Hulk v2 #23)


Personality and attributes

Originally, it was one of the Vessel Cosmos Automaton but the unit that came to Earth was eventually given the moniker of the Cosmic Hulk. (Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk v1 #1)

It primarily existed as a dataloop that probed the universe where it sought a mental receptacle that could give it its form. (Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk v1 #1)

Powers and abilities

The self-replicating program/entity was an artificial life form that could only be created by a native of its base world that constructed the physical shell for it. Once built, the synthetic entity had to osmose any band of the cosmic energy spectrum within the base world's solar system with this typically being hydrogen fission. There was no limit to how much power the Automaton could take in. (Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk v1 #1)


  • The Cosmic Hulk was created by Jack Kirby where he made his first appearance in Eternals v1 #14 (August, 1977).


  • Eternals v1: (1977)
  • Fall of the Hulks: Red Hulk v1:
  • Incredible Hulk v1:
  • Hulk v2:

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