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Deidara is a male anime and manga character who features in Naruto.



Deidara fights Sasuke.

Deidara (Japanese: デイダラ, Hepburn: Deidara) was a male ninja who lived in the village of Iwagakure in the Ninja World. At some point, he was known to have had left the village for the hope of using his 'art' more frequently. This led to Deidara becoming a terrorist bomber for hire which he saw as an opportunity to use his 'art' on a regular basis. Later on, he was approached by members of the Akatsuki organization who were looking for a new recruit to join them following the departure of Orochimaru. This saw Deidara being approached by Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, and Sasori of the Red Sand, who were under the orders of the Akatsuki leader Pain to recruit Deidara into their organization. At first, Deidara refused though Akatsuki insisted on a battle where if they won then the Iwagakure shinobi had to join them. Deidara quickly got into a small confrontation with Itachi where he seemingly won. However, it was revealed that Itachi had forced forced a genjutsu on Deidara making him believe he had won by exploding himself with a clay centipede via genjutsu. Deidara quickly realized he had no chance of wining and recognized the Sharingan as 'art'. Despite that, his defeat at the hands of Itachi's dōjutsu left a mark on Deidara's ego leading to him developing a murderous loathing for the Uchiha and his Sharingan. Acknowledging Itachi as a powerful foe, Deidara went about finding a means of ensuring his revenge against him. This included training his left eye to counter genjutsu and also developing a more powerful explosive clay variant.

He came to attend a gathering of the Akatsuki following Orochimaru's recent attack against Konohagakure. Deidara voiced the view that they be patient as they would deal with Orochimaru eventually and commented that if they could accomplish their goals in the next 3 years. Two years later, the Akatsuki made their bid for the Tailed-Beasts with Deidara and Sasori travelling to Sunagakure to claim the One-Tails from its host Gaara. Sasori's subordinate eliminated the guards present at the entrance to the village with Deidara taking the lead and looking to scout using a creation that could fly. In the sky, he spotted the sand ninja sentries keeping a watch over the village where he eliminated them with spider constructs that exploded after latching onto their targets faces. It was then that he was confronting by the Kazekage who was the junchuriki host Gaara who had taken notice of a bird that was not native to the land. Deidara was then forced into taking up the defensive, seeing Gaara's abilities to make his opponent worthy of him using his artistic ninjutsu on. Nearly being trapped in a prison of sand pulled from the surrounding desert, Deidara ended up losing his left arm trapped in some of the sand from Gaara's gourd, forcing Deidara to pull what remained of it off to prevent the sand from crushing the rest of him. Seeing that he was nearly out of clay, Deidara hatched a plan that would end the fight: Using a C3 bomb on the village as a decoy with Gaara left defenceless in his act to protect Sunagakure for Deidara to use a clay bird. Though Gaara's sand stops the scheme, Deidara reveals that some of the clay in the arm Gaara took had mixed with his sand. Detonating the clay as Gaara uses his ultimate defence, Deidara abducts his unconscious opponent with Kankurō in pursuit before Sasori gives Deidara time to escape. After waiting for Sasori, Deidara headed out with him to one of their hideouts in the Land of Rivers to extract Shukaku with the rest of Akatsuki. When Team Kakashi and Team Guy were announced to be on their way to save Gaara, Deidara could not help but feel embarrassed about his lack of stealth in capturing Gaara.

When Team Kakashi arrived at their location, Deidara was given a meagre clue from Itachi as to what the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is like - the one who barges in and barks first. To test Itachi's clue, he sat on Gaara's corpse while waiting for the team, to see which of the shinobi gave a response first. This worked and Deidara, taking advantage of this, left with Gaara's body in order to lead away the jinchūriki, leaving Sasori to deal with Sakura and Chiyo. He was set on capturing Naruto to help him in his quest for greater stimulation to his art sense as he found Naruto to be "a canvas worthy of my artistry". He tried separating Naruto from Kakashi Hatake in order to have an easier time capturing Naruto and tried several different tactics, but ended up failing each time. Kakashi tried decapitating Deidara, but only managed destroying his other arm, giving Naruto a chance to retrieve Gaara and knock Deidara into the forest. Handicapped, Deidara was taken by surprise when Naruto appeared behind him and pushed him to the ground, repeatedly pummelling him without rest. Right before Naruto could kill him with a Rasengan; Deidara managed to switch himself with a clay clone and hid in a near-by bush. He watched in amazement as Naruto's anger caused him to enter a two-tailed form before Kakashi reversed it with a Chakra-Suppressing Seal. Chiyo and Sakura arrived immediately afterwards, cuing Deidara to make his escape as he had no backup to rely on now; however, he could not help but get in the last laugh about his partner as he prepared to leave. He was hiding within the bushes observing the entire scene when he sensed that some enemies had snuck up behind him. These turned out to be leaf shinobi led by Might Guy and his team who had used Neji Hyuga's byakugan to see Deidara. Thus, he was forced to flee as he was now heavily outnumbered. Upon remembering his clay bird was still around, Deidara bit off some of it and used another substitution, allowing a Suicide Bombing Clone to take his place in an attempt to both kill his enemies and flee. The attempt at destroying his enemies was futile, as Kakashi teleported the explosion away with Kamui; though they did believe Deidara was dead. In reality, the detonation was done so by one of his explosive clones whilst he hid underground. The intention was to eliminate all his foes but once again Kakashi's jutsu created a dimensional space that teleported the blast elsewhere. Once the leaf shinobi departed, Deidara emerged and went to look for his missing arm along with the ring on its finger. He then found Zetsu and Tobi at the scene of his arm where they initially believed that Deidara had died in an explosion. A bit later, Deidara met Tobi and Zetsu after they found his severed appendage, stating he fulfilled his position in capturing Gaara when Zetsu wondered why he did not capture Naruto as well. He then comically tried to choke Tobi to death after being accidentally insulted three times by him when the masked ninja refused to give Deidara back his arm. At some point in time later, Deidara had what was left of his right arm sewn back on by Kakuzu along with a new left arm to replace the one Gaara had crushed.

Though killed, his remains were salvaged to create a copy of him with Deidara being revived through the reanimation jutsu by Kabuto Yakushi. He came to be brought back along with the other deceased Akatsuki members as well as a few others being brought back with the technique. These deceased shinobi were present by Kabuto to Tobi as part of an elite force that would aid him in the Fourth Shinobi World War. Later on, Kabuto would use Deidara on a mission to track down the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails that were residing on the hidden cloud's wandering Turtle Island. In this time, his personality was restored though Deidara had no control over his body and forced to obey Yakushi's orders. During this time, the pair were confronted by the Tsuchikage along with his two subordinates over the giant turtle island with Deidara sent to battle his former kinsman. He looked to have his art triumph over his village's elder but at the height of the battle Deidara was recalled by Kabuto after he had succeeded in his own mission by capturing Yamato. Later on, all the reanimated shinobi were revived by Kabuto at the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War where they were sent against the Allied Shinobi Forces. Deidara came to find himself working with his former colleague Sasori along with two other reanimated shinobi in the field.

Deployed on clay birds, they moved to counter the commando forces of the Allied Shinobi Forces as the war began. They came to find three members of a reconnaissance unit of enemy shinobi who were all dealt with easily. One of the ninja had their body commandeered by Sasori with hidden explosives placed on them to use them as a bomb against their allies. The trap was uncovered by the enemy who evaded the blast with Deidara forced to confront them directly alongside his allies. Confident in victory, he believed that being made immortal by the reanimation jutsu meant that they were to win this confrontation. Deidara then used the reanimated Shin as a living bomb intending to kill his former comrades but the blast was diffused by Kankuro. The act and referring to Shin as 'the bomb' angered his adoptive brother Sai who engaged Deidara and Sasori causing him to use his art to send the two Akatsuki to the ground. Kankuro then encased the pair in his puppets and Omoi used a lightning-infused sword to pierce Deidara to prevent him from blowing himsel up. Thus, the two were taken as captives with Deidara urging Sasori to not listen to the enemy. However, Sasori listened to the words of Kankuro where he came to make peace with his past thus ending the reanimation jutsu on him and he departed for the afterlife. This left Deidara the only captive who was furious and constantly attempting to escape his puppet prison though was unable to break free from it.

It was then that his body began to disintegrate as the reanimation jutsu cast by Kabuto had become undone. This saw his soul return to the afterlife as his body turned to dust.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Deidara was a male human with slanted blue eyes and long golden blond hair that he wore drawn as a half ponytail with the rest hanging down freely.

He came to refer to his ninjutsu as his art and believed each bomb to be one of his works. According to him, true art was an explosion where it existed for one brief moment before disappearing. This often saw him repeating the phrase "Art is an Explosion!" (芸術は爆発だ, Geijutsu wa Bakuhatsu da) when he deployed his bombs.

Deidara referred to Sasori as Master Sasori (サソリの旦那, Sasori no Danna). This is probably because Deidara greatly respects him as a fellow artist. He also came to admit that Sasori was a lot stronger than himself. Despite that, Deidara often argued with Sasori about the nature of art and what constituted it. In fact, he once directly disobeyed his command in spite of a threat to be killed. Deidara held that art was transient and that it departing quickly as it only existed or a moment. Meanwhile, Sasori believed that fine art was something wonderful that was timeless and existed long into the future.

Powers and abilities

Born a human, Deidara came to be a shinobi where he trained himself in the manipulation of chakra to achieve various feats. He came to be a powerful ninja who was S-ranked due to his power and skill which got him noticed by the Akatsuki. Even their leader Pain came to acknowledge Deidara's power as being something unique and that his loss was a major blow to their group. It was said that he was a long range attacker who struggled to fight opponents in close quarters. As a Kekkei Genkai user, he came to be the user of Explosion Release (爆遁, Bakuton, Viz: Explosion Style) that allowed him to simultaneously use earth and lightning chakra natures to give his chakra explosive qualities.

A fancy and skillful fighter, Deidara uses special mouths in the palm of each hand and one giant mouth on his chest, which were always kept sewn shut, to create Exploding Clay (起爆粘土, Kibaku Nendo). As the name suggests, Deidara can make the clay explode using the command Katsu (喝). By infusing the clay with chakra and molding it into various forms, Deidara can create living explosives to sneak up on opponents. Deidara can even create clones from the clay, named Suicide Bombing Clones (自爆分身, Jibaku Bunshin), that can be a deadly surprise for opponents. Deidara's clay creations can range from microscopic to gigantic in size, allowing him to adapt to any situation. Deidara can also use the clay for other purposes, as he is frequently seen creating birds to be used for transportation.

Deidara ranks his clay by number in a fashion similar to C-4, the weakest being C1 and the most powerful being C4. The other clay ranks are much more dangerous than C1, and any foe that sees Deidara use any rank higher than C-1 is usually one Deidara sees as a strong fighter. These clays included:

  • C-1 : Deidara's most commonly used form of clay, and is used to make small clay animal figures. The explosion power of C1 is equal to that of a hand grenade, although combined with the clay's ability to move on its own makes it an effective weapon. Deidara also uses C1 clay to create large birds he uses for long-distance transportation.
  • C-2 : C-2 summons a large clay dragon whose main use is to spit out several smaller explosives made from the clay of its tail out of its mouth.
  • C-3 : A large immobile clay statue that drops on top of targets from above, is capable of destroying entire cities with destructive power equalling that of nuclear weapon.
  • C-4 : The most powerful of Deidara's ranked clays. It is used after Deidara eats clay with his own mouth followed by spitting the clay out making his "C4 Garuda", a giant clay clone of himself. The clone quickly explodes itself after it is created, spreading microscopic explosives throughout the surrounding area that destroy anything that breathes them in from the inside out.
  • C0 : a suicide-bomb technique used as a last resort and said to be Deidara's Ultimate Art (究極芸術, Kyūkyoku Geijutsu).

Among the techniques known to him included:

  • Explosive Clay (起爆粘土­, Kibaku Nendo) :
  • Clay Clone (粘土分身­, Nendo Bunshin) :
  • Explosive Landmines (起爆地雷­, Kibaku Jirai) :
  • Suicide Bombing Clone :

After his defeat by Itachi Uchiha, he began to wear a scope on his left eye for long-range observation and had trained the eye itself to genjutsu.

He came to be a member of the Akatsuki (暁, literally meaning: "Dawn" or "Daybreak") when his talents got him noticed by the mercenary organization who ended up recruiting him.


  • Deidara was created by Masashi Kishimoto where he featured in the setting of the Naruto universe.

In other media


  • In Naruto Shippuden, Deidara appeared in the setting of the anime television series adaptation where he was voiced by Japanese actor Katsuhiko Kawamoto and by English actor Roger Craig Smith in the dub. The anime adaptation had Sasori and Deidara were immediately tasked with eliminating Orochimaru for betraying the organisation. Upon arriving in the Land of Wind and witnessing the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation by Orochimaru, the Sannin retreated after his technique proved incomplete. After Deidara attempted to kill him by blowing up his base, Deidara and Sasori searched the ruins but were unable to confirm his death as they did not find his corpse. At some point afterwards, Deidara returned to Iwagakure and left it in destruction after detonating a bomb within the village, as he flew away

Video games


  • Naruto:

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