Disciples of Adam (Top Cow)

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The Disciples of Adam are a group that feature in the Top Cow Comics universe.




By the modern age, the group was led by Elias Legion who became the charismatic prophet of the cult and the only one that communicated with the Disciple leader Adam. In Haifa at Israel, Legion assembled the Disciples of Adam to stand watch whilst he went into a cave to meditate and speak to Adam. Upon his emergence, he seemingly was hit with an epiphany after communing with the prophet Adam who spoke to him and who's spirit gave him wisdom. When asked what was said, Elias replied that he was told to find Pandora's Box which was one of the Thirteen Artifacts and with its power they would cleanse the world after opening the relic. Thus, he spoke to his followers and told him that the dawn of New Eden had begun. He later led a strike against the Church of the Patriarch in Moscow, Russia where all the worshippers were slaughtered in the attack. Once pacified, Elias entered the building and demanded to know where the compass was from the priest who was wounded after which he was killed when he revealed that information but not before Legion promised to have his name recorded in their books as a martyr. The Compass of the Ancients was an artifact that was supposedly hidden by Rasputin himself and led the way to the Obsidian Stone which was also known as Pandora's Box. After journeying to an underground chamber, he saw a priest kill himself in order to protect his secrets but Elias cut open the dead man's body in order to pry the compass from his bloody chest. Following this event, he dispatched assassins to torch the Sons of Ember household and kill Wulfgar Olafsson but the devotee was killed by Glorianna Silver. A similar such attempt was made against Kenshin Kawakami but the ninja-like assassins were killed by the Japanese warrior and Michael Finnegan.

Using the Compass of Ancients, it was learnt that Pandora's Box was located in Tunisia leading to the Disciples to that site where they were chased by both Glorianna Silver and Michael Finnegan. The cult later assembled at a camp in Qa'afur on the outskirts of Tunisia where Elias came a sermon as well as a briefing to them. Finding a village, the Disciples placed the region in lockdown whilst Legion began threatening to kill the children in front of the village elder who knew where the relic was located. Ultimately, the elder relented but it was revealed that the box was a fake which led to Elias commanding Alina to make the old man tell her after which she was to burn down the village. From him, they were told of a guardian that protected the relic at the temple in Tikal, Guatemala. At that moment, the Muharib attacked and killed Elias's bodyguards but the protector was ultimately slain by Alina. Inside, Elias discovered the legendary relic known as Pandora's Box where he said that the dawn of the New Eden was upon them.


This group were also known as the Adamites and as the Children of Adam who were considered a paramilitary doomsday cult which sought to remake the world in their image. The ultimate goal of the cult was to cleanse the entire world and replace it with a New Eden that was free from the sins of the past. Each member believed themselves to be both pure and righteous thus fitting for them to live in this new world whilst the rest of society was filled with sinners. As such, they thought of themselves as being the faithful and of being servants of God. Every Disciple bore the Mark of Adam which was a runic symbol that was tatooed or even branded onto their flesh; typically done so on the right palm. However, some possessed additional marks on their bodies as signs of loyalty. The Mark represented the Thirteen Artifacts known to the world and Pandora's Box was known to them as the Obsidian Stone.

A distinction was often made between the Disciples and other dangerous cults as they were not only armed but both highly trained as well as being well funded. During the modern age, the followers that served under Legion acted more as a special ops task force rather than a cult. Their membership was open to all walks of life and from other nations though many of those who served in the Disciples had either backgrounds in the military or had worked in private security firms. These individuals were later found by Elias when they were abandoned by either their nation or loved ones thus becoming devotees of the cult. Some even were known to indoctrinate their own children at a young age to follow the teachings of Adam. Its members were considered true believers and to stop them, it was believed that one had to break them which entailed savagery to be employed against them. They were willing to kill each other if commanded and even commit suicide with a smile on their face. Sometimes, they performed mercy killings where they told their victim "May Adam grant you peace.".



  • Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box 1
  • Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box 2
  • Broken Trinity: Pandora's Box 3

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