Ebon Samurai

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Ebon Samurai is a male comic character who features in Marvel Comics.




Kioshi Keishicho was a Japanese male born in Chiyoda City, Japan in the modern age. By adulthood, he joined the police where he was trained at the National Police Academy in Fuchu City in Tokyo. This saw him become a career officer where he came to be assigned to the Imperial Guard of Japan who were an elite branch of the National Police Agency where it was responsible for protecting the Emperor. Years ago, Captain Keishicho was present when an assassination attempt was made by the international terrorist organisation known as Hydra. The Emperor was saved but Kioshi was killed by blade of the Silver Samurai Kenuichio Harada who was affiliated by Hydra at the time. A funeral was held in his honour with Keishicho's soul descended into Yomi that was the Shinto nether realm. Once there, he was confronted by the primordial god of evil Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Within Kioshi, he sensed an unsated thirst for vengeance and offered to send him back to the mortal realm to exact his revenge against the one responsible for his death. Keishicho agreed but was unaware of the strings attached with this deal. He came to find that he was transformed into a revenant who was returned to the land of the living and permanently bonded to a suit of ebony samurai armour. (Big Hero 6 v1 #2)


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities

Upon being reborn as a revenant, he was given a katana sword mystically bonded to the essence of a shinma demon that subconsciously reminded Kioshi of his debt owed to Mikaboshi. (Big Hero 6 v1 #2) His weapon was imbued with the dark demonic energy by the dark god Aratsu-Mikaboshi. The sword's burning energy could be felt and it often whispered into the mind of Kioshi to embrace it. (Big Hero 6 v1 #4)

As an alternative, he had a non-demonic wakazashi sword that he could use without risk of further corrupting his essence. The Ebon Samurai also made use of shuriken blades that he could throw to provide him a ranged attack against an enemy. (Big Hero 6 v1 #4)


  • The Ebon Samurai was created by Scott Lobdell and Clayton Henry where he made his first appearance in Alpha Flight v3 #9 (January, 2005).


  • Alpha Flight v3: (2005)
  • Big Hero 6 v1:

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