Ellie (The Last of Us)

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Ellie is a female video game character who features in The Last of Us.




Ellie Williams was a female human born in the spring of 2019, by which time the Cordyceps brain infection had spread throughout the United States. Her mother was a nurse named Anna, with her fathers identity being unknown. On the day of her birth, her mother passed away but prior to her death Anna entrusted her closest friend Marlene to look after Ellie. However, Ellie did not meet Marlene until she was 13 years old. As a child, Ellie grew up as an orphan in an oppressive military quarantine zone in Boston, Massachusetts, with little knowledge of the world before infection.

Sometime after returning to the school, Ellie and Riley took a picture together using Riley's camera. Despite Ellie accidentally breaking the camera sometime later, Ellie kept the picture they took on her wall in her dorm room. Ellie and Riley eventually had an argument and parted ways. Riley disappears from the school and Ellie assumes that her friend has been killed when she doesn't return. In the meantime, Ellie is drafted into the military and keeps a marginal connection with Riley’s friends. Sometime during Riley's absence, Ellie visited Winston's camp at the mall and spent some time with Princess, unaware she was being observed by Winston. In the summer of 2033, Ellie is taken by surprise when Riley returns, waking her in the night. Relieved, but upset, Ellie asks where her friend has been, having not seen her for six weeks, and Riley reveals that she has become a Firefly. Riley, understanding her friend is upset, promises to tell her what happened while she was gone if she leaves the school with her. Reluctantly, Ellie gets dressed and follows Riley out of the school. Outside the school grounds, they evade a coming patrol by ducking into an abandoned building. Traveling through the building, Ellie asks how Riley found the Fireflies. Riley recounts how she followed Trevor, a Firefly Ellie bit when they first met Marlene, and was ambushed and taken directly to Marlene, who allowed her to join her cause.

When Riley asks if Ellie has made friends with anyone at the school or kept up with her friends, Ellie is evasive but tells her that she doesn’t really talk to anyone since she left. Entering another room, Ellie spots a Firefly symbol and jokingly asks if Riley has "found the light." Riley tells her friend that with the Fireflies she is not a soldier like Ellie. Overhearing a loudspeaker transmission on the state of the quarantine zone, Riley tells Ellie that the military is lying about the number of infected that continue to appear in the zone. She nearly reveals that she had to kill someone who’d become infected, but veers from the subject. Crossing the rooftops, they evade another patrol and climb down through the window into the Liberty Gardens mall, their usual hangout. When Riley asks if she remembers the first time she brought her here, Ellie asks why she brought her back. Riley evades the question and continues onward. Spotting a poster of a water gun, Ellie tells Riley that she attempted to get their water guns from "Corporal Dickhead's" office, but she got caught in the process of escaping. Riley tells her to give up on getting them back, but Ellie remains determined to steal them back. Arriving at Winston’s camp, Ellie tells Riley that she heard that Winston had died of a heart attack, a rarity for survivors. Exploring his tent, Ellie discovers a photograph of Winston in his youth and comments on his looks. Riley discovers a bottle of alcohol and offers Ellie a drink. After Riley drinks in his memory they leave his tent and spot the saddle belonging to Winston’s horse, Princess.


Personality and attributes

Ellie was also perceptibly clever and witty, and will do whatever it takes to keep Joel and herself alive. She has good survival instinct and she can be resourceful. She takes orders from Joel, but all the while makes it clear she does not "need any babysitting at all".

Powers and abilities

By April, 2038, Ellie had finally learned how to swim, play the acoustic guitar and sing. Ellie's main hobby is drawing, with her skillfully able to draw many points of interests and other people's faces in her journal and her room. Furthermore, she is a skilled artist.


  • Ellie was created by Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley where she featured in the setting of The Last of Us universe.

In other media



  • The Last of Us:

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