F.A.N.G. (Street Fighter)

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F.A.N.G. is a male video game character who features in Street Fighter.




Fang Fei

F.A.N.G. (Japanese: ファン, Hepburn: Fan, Chinese: 方) was a Chinese male who was born in the modern age on Earth. As a child, he was noted to had been kidnapped by the Nguuhao who were one of the largest crime cartels in Asia. Alongside other children, he was trained to be an assassin and forced to learn the ways of the Poison Hand. This saw him being exposed to poison in a controlled environment with the hope that he learnt to turn natural poisons in his body into a weapon. This combined with living in abject poverty taught him to to be unforgiving and cold in the criminal underworld and on the streets. Whilst growing up, he came to watch the other children die whilst he himself came to be the strongest ever user of the Poison Hand. This led to him being known as the Fang of the Nguuhao and stood among three other survivors who he referred to as his brothers as they helped each other survive. They came to be known as skilled professional assassins who made their mark in the criminal underworld in Asia. Eventually, he came to rise up the ranks and became a newly inducted leader within the Nguuhao.

Sensing F.A.N.G's strength after killing every other Nguuhao assassin, Bison came to spare his life when F.A.N.G tries to surrender, telling F.A.N.G that he does not demand loyalty, but power, and that being of use will give him a life in Shadaloo. Gaining intense respect and devotion towards M. Bison due to his power and wisdom, F.A.N.G works his way up Shadaloo's ranks, eventually becoming one of Shadaloo's Four Heavenly Kings, and heading research and administrative operations. He is one of the masterminds behind the Dolls project and plays an integral role in the planning and initiation of Shadaloo's latest bid to take over the world: Operation C.H.A.I.N.S.

F.A.N.G's plan to conquer the world for M. Bison and Shadaloo. Using seven enormous artificial Black Moons, and several kidnapped and threatened researchers and hackers, Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. is a plan by F.A.N.G to spread fear across the globe and strengthen M. Bison to the point of invincibility. Later on, a hacker and friend of Rashid, for apparently betraying Shadaloo and M. Bison. In order for Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. to commence, certain keys were required to control the Black Moons, but due to the efforts of the The Usher, they were lost to F.A.N.G and disseminated around the world. He finds the first one after he catches Rashid infiltrating a Shadaloo base. He defeats him, taking his piece, and prepares to initiate the plan. He uses the piece to activate one of the moons, leading to a catastrophic electromagnetic pulse that shuts down all of New York. Arriving at New York with the other Kings of Shadaloo, F.A.N.G is seen celebrating this achievement and irritating his allies with his elitism. He is revealed to be responsible for re-calibrating the Dolls, and then expresses the ultimate goal of Operation C.H.A.I.N.S. as spreading fear and despair across the globe so M. Bison can feed off of it and strengthen his Psycho Power, as it is boosted by negative emotions. F.A.N.G has Balrog and Vega test their skills against two Psycho Power-enhanced Shadaloo soldiers, but then the World Warriors arrive to attack M. Bison only to be fought off. F.A.N.G wishes to pursue them, but is held back by Bison.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, F.A.N.G. was a very thin and tall man with a medium length black hair tied in low ponytail and a thin goatee who wears a loose, purple Chinese changpao with a Chinese character on the front (a misspelled variant of two, er 貳), black Chinese capris with matching Chinese toe shoes and red long socks. He also wears a pair of small, black, circular shades and a large black hat with red linings. His hands, which are normally concealed by his flared sleeves, glow purple, presumably as a result of his poison techniques. Over time, his skill led to him being known as the the Fang of the Nguuhao.

He was driven by an intense desire to survive, living his life believing every day could be his last.

He was noted to had been incredibly eccentric and flamboyant, his frequent mannerisms usually consisting of odd movements and poses, much to the bemusement of others. Regardless, he is also a cold elitist and acts very condescending towards others, an example being his interactions with his own fellow assassin, Vega and boxing enforcer, Balrog, both of whom he considers incompetent and foolish. F.A.N.G is obsessed with protocol and order, with this apparent meticulousness being intense enough to drive Birdie to defect from Shadaloo. He runs the administrative operations of Shadaloo, but he is shown to be cold and uncaring to his underlings, especially the Dolls, who he refers to by numbers rather than their names.

F.A.N.G appears to be extremely loyal to M. Bison, insisting on being his second in command. He displays a bizarre fixation on the number "2" in general, considering it a lucky number, with the character on his qipao meaning "2", although written poorly (as noted by Karin and Chun-Li in their victory quotes against him, with the latter even questioning if he's Chinese at all) as he supposedly wrote the archaic character 貳, but added an extra stroke at the top. The other examples for his fixation on number "2" include a lot of his attacks hitting two times and require two motions to perform (ex. Senpukuga and Nishikyu), calling Alex test subject #222222 in Alex's character story, his low health round victory quote mentioning that he and the opponent made it past round 2 and his normal round victory quote where he says this is how number 2 rolls, his easy and normal survival mode intro quotes mention the number 2, his character selection quote ("How about a double dose of poison?!"), his theme lasting exactly two minutes before starting over again, several of his win quotes mention the number 2, and his smug threat that he'll finish his opponents in just two minutes as his intro quote. His metric height (212 cm and while stretching 222 cm), his birthday (February 2 (2/2)), as well as having four special moves (2+/x2=4 (in other words, 22=4)) also alludes to this.

A close associate of his was a woman by the name of A.K.I. where he brought the young girl out of a life of destitution and taught her his poison techniques after seeing her admiration of his engraved dagger. In a reversal of roles, A.K.I. treats F.A.N.G the same way he did for M. Bison, however while F.A.N.G's loyalty came from his dogma of strength, A.K.I. follows him out of pure infatuation. F.A.N.G constantly reminds A.K.I. that their relationship should not be any deeper than that of professionals given their line of work, and has her refer to him as 'xian sheng', a formal male honorific that means both 'sir' and 'teacher', though A.K.I. uses it to mean 'husband' unbeknownst to her master.

Powers and abilities

F.A.N.G. was a master of Dokushu Kenpō (毒手拳法? lit. "Poison Hand Kenpō").[1] Because of his skill in mixing toxins, as well as his assassins training, F.A.N.G has developed the ability to resist all poison regardless of its strength or origins. As such, F.A.N.G's immunity to poisons also renders him immune to the effects of alcohol.

Originally, he used to be a member of the Nguuhao (グーハウ Gūhau?, "cobra" in Thai) crime cartel until its destruction. This saw him joining the ranks of Shadaloo (シャドルー Shadorū?) after swearing loyalty to Bison.


  • F.A.N.G. was created by Capcom where he featured in the setting of the Street Fighter universe.
  • In Street Fighter 6 during World Tour where he was mentioned by his apprentice, A.K.I and as a NPC known as Fang Fei.


  • Street Fighter V: (2016)

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