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Flemeth is a female video game character who features in Dragon Age.





There were varying conflicting accounts on the origins of Flemeth.

One of these was a legend that spoke of her as a beautiful young woman named Flemeth of Highever who harboured a secret talent of magic. In that time, Bann Conobar took her as his wife and for a time the pair lived happily together until a young poet named Osen came to capture the lady's heart with his verse.

While on assignment to recover old treaties crucial to the Grey Wardens' effort against the Blight, the party is approached by Morrigan, who reveals that the treaties have been removed by her mother. Apparently, Flemeth had kept them safe in her hut in preparation for the Wardens' hour of need. Flemeth later rescues the Warden and Alistair from the Tower of Ishal following the disastrous Battle of Ostagar, and brings them back to the hut to heal them. Once they recover and grasp the scope of their responsibilities, she insists that Morrigan accompany them. Flemeth avoids giving a direct answer to her reasons, but implies that her main concern is stopping the Blight and perhaps that she wishes to keep Morrigan safe from it. Leliana, when asked, will tell the Warden the traditional version of Flemeth's story as known in Ferelden and Orlais. Morrigan may tell the Warden the story as the Chasind know it, as well as Flemeth's own version (in which Osen is her true husband). Morrigan is quick to point out the distinct possibility that neither version is true. Morrigan may also ask the Warden to recover Flemeth's Black Grimoire, which is held by the Circle of Magi. Recovered from the First Enchanter's study in the Circle Tower, it can be exchanged for a bonus to Morrigan's approval, and soon afterwards the Warden will hear a startling tale. Morrigan claims to discovered through reading the Grimoire that whenever Flemeth feels her body diminish from age, she raises a daughter to follow in her footsteps, only to then possess that daughter and discard the old body. Morrigan asks the Warden to kill Flemeth as a precaution, but will not risk being present for such a confrontation. If confronted, Flemeth offers the Warden a deal: in exchange for her real grimoire, the Warden returns to Morrigan merely pretending that Flemeth is dead. If Flemeth is attacked she will transform into a high dragon. After defeating Flemeth or agreeing to lie to Morrigan, access is granted to Robes of Possession and Flemeth's Real Grimoire. On the eve of the Battle of Denerim, Morrigan reveals that her ritual was designed by Flemeth. Morrigan conceiving a child with a Grey Warden to trap Urthemiel's soul was Flemeth's motivation from the start. Morrigan does not reveal what Flemeth planned to do with the child herself—perhaps she never knew.


Personality and attributes

Her reputation as a notorious sorceress that resided in the Korcari Wilds led to her being known as the Witch of the Wilds. Chasind barbarians meanwhile called her rhe Mother of Vengeance where they noted her as a capricious being that only the truly desperate would consider turning towards for help, and often painted her in the motif of a great dragon or serpent. Meanwhile, the Dalish elves came to know her as Asha'bellanar.

She offered aid to petitioners and supplicants who sought her, but rarely in the way one expected.

Powers and abilities

She had the ability to transform into a great and powerful dragon.

To prolong her life, she came to possess the bodies of her children that she used as hosts for her essence.

A relic tied to her was Flemeth's Grimoire that was an old but loving cared for book that was bound in leather for questionable origins.


  • Flemeth was created by David Gaider where she was voiced by actress Kate Mulgrew featured in the setting of Dragon Age.
  • In an Interview, Dragon Age 2 character artist Francis Lacuna remarked on her redesign, "seemed a gamble at first, going from a crazy old lady living in a shoe to a crazy old lady who can turn into a dragon, eat Darkspawn for breakfast and is also kind of a hot babe...which is disturbing and awful and at the same time – awesome!".


  • Dragon Age: Origins:
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition:

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