Galador (Marvel)

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Galador is a planet that features in Marvel Comics.





The Galadorians were known for their benevolence and freely traded with other species. One mission led the Galadorian fleet into an area known as the Dark Nebula, the home system of the Dire Wraiths. Because of their peaceful purpose, the fleet was unprepared when the Wraiths attacked leading to near total destruction. The Wraiths then turned their attention upon Galador itself. With total destruction approaching, a thousand of Galador's youth sacrificed their humanity to become Spaceknights, cybernetic warriors capable of defending the homeworld. The first of these was Rom soon to be acknowledged as "Greatest of the Spaceknights". As the Spaceknights were gaining the upperhand, the Wraiths summoned their most feared weapon, the Deathwing a creature born in the heart of Wraithworld's Black Sun and scourge of the Galadorian fleet. Rom faced the Deathwing and destroyed it sending the Wraiths fleeing in panic. Galador now saved, the Spaceknights continued battling the scattered Wraiths to protect other unsuspecting worlds.

Approximately 200 years later Rom would attempt to return to Galador only to find that it had been moved. Through the help of the Living Computers of Xandar, Rom was able to locate Galador and returned in time to thwart the plans of Mentus and face the greater threat of Galactus. The few Spaceknights on Galador were able to defeat his herald Terrax. The Spaceknight Terminator was struck down by Galactus but before he could begin devouring the planet, his attention was drawn to his ship. Rom had penetrated Taa II and caused enough destruction to get the attention of Galactus away from Galador. Rom then struck a bargain with Galactus to lead him to a world he could consume if he would spare Galador. Rom thus became a temporary Herald of Galactus and led him to the Wraith's star system in the hope that Galactus would feast on it and thereby save Galador from destruction. Galactus was unable to consume the Dark Nebula but kept his bargain with a twist. He moved Galador (and presumably their entire star system) to an undisclosed location and left the Spaceknights in space not knowing where their homeworld was. (Rom v1 #27)

Afterwards, Galador would reform their once benevolent empire and established contact with its colony worlds. By this point, Rom ha served as Prime Director until a diplomatic mission where he disappeared and was presumed dead after his ship the Excalibur was destroyed. His wife Brandy Clark came to assume the mantle of leadership due to her status as Queen of Galador. Meanwhile, the Spaceknights came to be led by their sons Balin and Tristan who came to encounter a new foe in the form of the Wraithknights. These were captured Galadorians who were tortured and twisted to serve a new form of Dire Wraiths known as the Nazgoth. (Spaceknights v1 #5)

Later on, Galador came under attack from the Builders where their armada was heading towards Earth. A group of Spaceknights consisting of Terminator, Starshine, Firefall, Ikon and Pulsar attempted a valiant defence of their world only for them to seemingly fail with Galador apparently destroyed in the attack. (Infinity v1 #1) In reality, the planet had survived but the world was turned into a desert wasteland by the Builders who departed afterwards. Many Galadorians had survived the devastation but were left in the ruins of their once great civilisation and bereft of any leadership after the fall of the Prime Directorate. (Yondu v1 #3)

The Herald's Urn was later gifted to the survivors of Galador where it was believed that they could use its power to restore their ruined world and help in rebuilding it. (Yondu v1 #5)


Locations on Galador included:

  • Mount Balin :


  • Rom :
  • Ikon :
  • Pulsar :
  • Sanno :
  • Kiru :


  • Galador was created by Bill Mantlo, Jim Shooter, Sal Buscema and John Romita Jr. where it made its first appearance in Rom v1 #1 (December, 1979).


  • Rom v1: (1979)
  • Spaceknights v1:
  • Infinity v1: (2013)
  • Yondu v1: (2020)

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