Garrus Vakarian
Garrus Vakarian is a male extraterrestrial video game character who features in Mass Effect.
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Garrus Vakarian was a male member of the Turian race where he was the son of Castis Vakarian and was noted to had grown up on Palaven.
Garrus was put in charge of investigating Saren after Ambassador Udina complained to the Council, claiming that Saren had gone rogue and attacked a human colony. Garrus, however, found himself hampered at every turn: as a Spectre, most of Saren's activities were classified, and it was nearly impossible to get any solid evidence. He appealed to Executor Pallin for more time, but Pallin, seeing only that Garrus had not found any evidence of Saren's guilt, ordered the investigation closed and reported that there was nothing to support a charge of treason. However, Garrus had one lead and only needed more time to look into it. Regardless of Pallin's orders, he decided to pursue it on his own. During the investigation to find out whether Saren had gone rogue, Commander Shepard can learn that Garrus has gone to the Med Clinic in the Wards. If Shepard follows this lead, the Commander arrives to find Dr. Chloe Michel being threatened by a group of thugs, not realizing that Garrus is lying low nearby. Shepard's arrival distracts the thugs, allowing Garrus to take one of them out with a single well-placed head-shot. After the ensuing firefight, Garrus tells Shepard that he is leaving C-Sec: he knows Saren is guilty, but regulations and his position mean that his hands are tied. Now, however, he is determined to take Saren down. Shepard agrees to let him come along and become part of the Normandy's crew. Garrus is very courteous to Shepard, calm and reassuring to victims like Dr. Michel, but ruthless when fighting. He is also very impressed with the SSV Normandy, saying she is proof of what races can accomplish when they work together. He is eager to see what she can do in a fight, because the stealth system offers an entirely new angle on space combat. During mission downtimes, he hangs around the Normandy's vehicle bay next to the Mako.
Sometime after the Battle of the Citadel and Sovereign's defeat, Garrus either rejoined C-Sec, declined an offer to rejoin, and/or began Spectre training, depending on his conversations with Shepard in 2183. Despite which path he took Garrus grew increasingly disgusted with the bureaucracy of the Citadel, a situation likely exacerbated by the Citadel Council downplaying and dismissing the Reaper threat as nothing more than a rumor. To know of the Reapers and be unable to do anything about it was frustrating enough. After hearing of Shepard's death and the Normandy's destruction, Garrus could no longer tolerate the Council's unwillingness to act. He abandoned either his Spectre training or C-Sec and headed to Omega, determined to make a difference there. Garrus decided to follow his friends example and form his own squad that were to enforce their version of justice in Omega.
Over the last few months, Archangel had developed a reputation of being nothing short of a menace to Omega's crime empires; arriving with his team of twelve operatives, Archangel caused an impressive amount of trouble for three of the Terminus Systems' most powerful and successful mercenary groups. The impact on the mercenary groups' operations was so devastating that it drove all three into forming a temporary alliance with one another, intending to use all their available manpower and resources to eliminate Archangel. Seeing Blue Suns, Eclipse and Blood Pack work together was unprecedented; as Aria T'Loak explained, unless a war broke out, the three were almost never seen together. The mercs corner Archangel at his base in Kima District, keeping him stuck on one side of a bridge. Shepard's team arrives at the mercs' nearby encampment, initially pretending to be recruited freelancers then rushing to the beleaguered turian's aid after making it to his base. Archangel removes his helmet upon their arrival, revealing himself to be none other than Garrus Vakarian. After Garrus explained his situation to Shepard, Shepard's team assisted in taking out the rest of the mercenaries. During the battle, Garrus is attacked by a Blue Suns gunship and suffers multiple wounds to his face and upper torso. Following the battle, he is rushed back to the Normandy SR-2 to receive medical treatment. After being treated by Dr. Chakwas, Garrus greets Shepard in the comm room, showing the damage he sustained in the gunship attack. A quarter of his face on the right side has been badly damaged, replaced by a bandage/artificial graft; Jacob Taylor mentions that some cybernetics were also needed to keep Garrus alive. There are various degrees of damage to Garrus' armor, and a chunk of the armor's collar has been blasted off.
Personality and attributes
After Shepard's death, he began to operate as a vigilante and targeted criminal operations where he came to be known as Archangel.
Garrus was particularly frustrated when regulations mean that a suspect goes free. He does mention to Shepard that he is concerned about their apprehension of Saren: if they arrest the ex-Spectre and bring him back to the Citadel, there's too much risk of him escaping, or being exonerated and protected by the Council in order to prevent a scandal. Garrus suggests that it might be better in the long run if they just kill Saren, rather than strictly going by-the-book. Shepard can offer an opinion on this.
While he's by no means naive, Garrus generally prefers to see the universe in black and white, even admitting he doesn't know what to do with gray. It's because of this that it apparently never once occurred to him that while Sidonis betrayed him, which in turn cost the lives of all of their twelve-man team except the two of them, he was ridden with guilt over it to the point that he was haunted by the faces of his former teammates, in addition to being insomniac and borderline suicidal. All in all, Garrus tends to be driven solely by his emotions, a fault he's well-aware of and even admits if he's convinced to spare Sidonis.
Powers and abilities
Garrus Vakarian was a turian and possessed all the natural traits of his species.
- Garrus Vakarian was created by BioWare where he was voiced by actor Brandon Keener and featured in the setting of the Mass Effect universe.
- Mass Effect:
- Mass Effect 2:
- Mass Effect 3:
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