Goldar is a male television character who features in Power Rangers.
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Goldar was an alien warrior who came to serve in the forces of Lord Zedd. Eventually, he was assigned to work under Rita Repulsa where they travelled to Earth. However, they came to be defeated by Zordon who imprisoned Rita and her followers that were trapped in a container left on the Moon. 10,000 years later, two astronauts accidentally released the Evil Space Aliens who reclaim their Moon Palace as their base and quickly unleash their Putty Patrollers on Zordon's new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Meanwhile, Goldar led his Empress' very first invasion against the Earth. However, he soon faces the Power Rangers who wipe the floor with his Putties until Rita makes him grow giant and he starts to rampage so the Power Rangers summon their Dinozords and form Tank Mode. He blasts them with fire but it is only shaken up and they quickly blast him with it's cannons and form the Dino Megazord in Battle Mode. However, Goldar immediately jumps into the air and smackes it in the chest before slashing it down the front though it then twists him around in a big circle and deflects a slash before punching him in the gut. Though the punch knocks it back as well, Goldar is unfazed and double slashes it only for a third to be blocked and he gets punched in the face hard enough to go down. However, as Billy points out, Goldar isn't even winded and immediately jumps in the air to knock back the Megazord with a devastating double kick to the chest. Though the Megazord deflects a slash and then dodges a second, it takes a hard kick to the gut which shakes up the cockpit and leads Goldar to declare premature victory. Luckily, Jason summoned the Power Sword which scares Goldar enough to retreat.
As part of a plan to divide and conquer the Rangers with a monster, Goldar sends a platoon to attack Kimberly and Trini at a recycling plant. Once this failed, he personally leads an attack on the two girls by the Putties whilst the males attackes the Mighty Minotaur. They are initially overwhelmed by the Putties until the Mighty Minotaur is grown so they summon the Dinozords, Kimberly using her Pterodactyl Dinozord's laser cannons to defeat the Putties, forcing Goldar to withdraw. Rita develops a scheme to use King Sphinx's wind power to blow away four of the Rangers and destroy Jason with Goldar and the monster. Goldar arrives very abruptly in the fight, when Jason and Sphinx are at a stalemate in the fight, and turned the tide with fire blasts before Rita make them grow. They blast Jason down several times but he manages to get the newly sent Power Crystals to summon the other Rangers. Fortunately, despite King Sphinx blasting him, Jason is able to retrieve a bag filled with the new Power Crystals and use them to teleport the other Rangers in before he summons the Dinozords. Forming Tank Mode, they blast the two villains but they are unfazed and blast the formation with devastating force so they have to enter Battle Mode. Goldar and King Sphinx are smacked aside with Goldar getting punched back twice and Sphinx punched away. Goldar recovers and double slashes the Megazord and, though they are able to duck a swing that would have decapitated the formation, something goes wrong and they have to form Tank Mode to recover. Unfortunately for Goldar and King Sphinx, they ram down the two of them and blast them with the Cranial Laser. This apparently hurts Goldar badly enough to take him out of the fight since King Sphinx does all of the fighting from here onwards and is swiftly slain by the Power Sword. Alone and severely outgunned, Goldar is forced to retreat.
Goldar accompanies Rita, Squatt, Baboo and Finster to a cave where the Power Eggs are and later accompanies Squatt and Baboo as they carry the chest containing the Power Eggs after Maria and the Chunky Chicken monster retrieve them. He loses then when he and the idiots are hit by the Blade Blaster Tower Formation and fights Kimberly and Trini only to be unexpectedly at the warehouse district where he watches Maria get freed and the Megazord destroy the Chunky Chicken. After Squatt and Baboo bring a Genie to help Rita destroy the Power Rangers, Goldar sends the Genie to Earth in the lamp carried by Squatt and Baboo so that he will not be detected by Zordon and his scanners before Rita wants him to be. After Squatt and Baboo accidentally lose the Lamo to the Power Rangers however, Goldar and a platoon of Putties attack the Angel Grove trainyards which forces the Power Rangers into battle. Whilst his Putties take on the other Rangers, Goldar fights Jason and blocks a kick who dodges his sword swings twice but Squatt and Baboo advancing on…something distracts him long enough to be cut down. Before the fight can continue however, the Power Rangers are called away to fight the Genie and Goldar returns to the Moon Palace. Though the Genie comes extremely close to destroying the Power Rangers, Squatt and Baboo’s loss of the lamp is ultimately his undoing. Much later, after making Tommy Oliver into her evil Green Ranger, Rita desires to lure the Power Rangers into a trap and uses her magic wand to grow her top henchman, Goldar, to giant-size. The Power Rangers, seeing this in the Viewing Globe, morph into action to confront him. After a brief battle with some Putties, the Rangers summon their Dinozords, form the Megazord, and summon the Power Sword to battle Goldar. Suddenly, Goldar disappears and Tommy invades their cockpit and defeats them before leaving after a show of force. Later, Goldar confronts Jason in Rita's Dark Dimension after Tommy captures him and nearly kills the Red Ranger several times over before being forced to leave by Tommy's arrival who Rita has ordered to kill Jason. Later, after Jason is teleported to safety, Goldar appears via voiceover to tell Tommy that he will remain there until further notice for his failure.
With the Megazord proving problematic for the Green Ranger, Rita plans an eclipse to weaken it enough for it to be annihilated so enlarges Goldar and has him go on a rampage. As Goldar rampages through Angel Grove, he sees Bulk and Skull in a bus and picks them up before marching to the beach and forcing the Rangers to respond. The Rangers chase after Goldar, who has put the bus on a cliff, with Squatt, Babboo, and the Putties pushing it toward the edge, while Bulk and Skull are helplessly trapped inside. The Rangers finally summon their Dinozords and form the Megazord. Just as the bus is pushed over the edge, the Megazord catches it and puts it back on the cliff in safely. The Megazord then battles with Goldar on the beach when suddenly, Rita's solar eclipse begins, and the Megazord begins to lose power. Despite this, the Megazord manages to gain the upper hand on Goldar, knocking him to the ground. On seeing this, Rita sent her newly reawakened minion Scorpina into battle and grows her into a giant, hideous scorpion monster. The Megazord is severely weakened by the combined power of Goldar and Scorpina and the loss of its solar energy is enough that Goldar is able to jump kick the Megazord to the ground as the eclipse reaches its zenith. Jason calls on the Power Sword for an energy boost and the Megazord gets back on its feet and reclaims the advantage on Goldar and Scorpina. However, Rita then summons the Green Ranger and enlarges him too. Together, all three villains beat down the Megazord and Tommy and Goldar's combined sword blasts cripple the Megazord which plunges to its apparent doom in a cavern full of lava.
Following their victory, Rita and her minions throw a party in celebrating their ultimate victory. However, Zordon (having been banished earlier by Tommy) returns and brings the Zords back which allow them to defeat the newly reawakened Dragonzord. Jason then manages to destroy the Sword of Darkness and return Tommy to the side of good where he then joins the Rangers as their Sixth Ranger. Goldar teams up with the Spidertron very briefly, blasting down the Rangers with fire but is stopped by Zack's Blade Blaster before the monster is enlarged and he left. (Episode: Itsy Bitsy Spider) After transforming Kimberly's grandmother's spinning wheel into the Wheel of Misfortune, Rita sent Goldar and Scorpina down to Earth in order to grow. The individual Zords are no match, Goldar netting up the Tyrannosaurus and energy blasts from Scorpina prevents the other Zords from interfering before they cut it down. Luckily, Tommy breaks free and blasts them down with the Dragonzord's missile barrage before freeing the Tyrannosaurus Dinozord. Midway through the Zord fight, the Wheel arrives and manages to put up a solid fight, even giving the Megazord trouble. It is ultimately destroyed when the Megazord combined with the Dragonzord and Titanus to form the Ultrazord in a last-ditch effort for victory, prompting the other villains to retreat. (Episode: Wheel of Misfortune) After Scorpina gets the Mirror of Destruction and Rita enlarges her, giant Goldar pops up and restrains the Megazord, forcing the Rangers to cover their eyes before forcing Goldar in front of it. Scorpina discarded it to save her partner so Jason summons the Power Sword and obliterates it with an energy slash, making Goldar and Scorpina withdraw. (Episode: The Rockstar)
Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo accompany the Samurai Fan Man to a cafe where the Rangers confront the quartet just to be blown away by the monster. He is later enlarged with the Fan Man so Tommy calls on the Dragonzord, which combines with the other Zords to form the Dragonzord Battle Mode. The battle continues to go poorly, with their best efforts only pushing Goldar back a bit. Luckily, they begin to turn the tide when they summon the Power Staff managed to cut the monster's gourd loose with a stab from the Power Staff, freeing Kimberly who summons her Pterodactyl Dinozord so Jason, knowing that they need more power, has the team form the Megazord. They call on the Power Sword, breaking the Samurai Fan Man's lance, but he then blows both the Megazord and Dragonzord away simultaneously with his fan, which are stopped by a nearby mountainside. Goldar orders the Fan Man to destroy them but the Rangers recover and call on Titanus to form the Ultrazord, which is able to destroy the monster which forces an angry Goldar to retreat. (Episode: Calamity Kimberly) With Rita feeling very under the weather, Goldar decides to mastermind an attempt on the Rangers' lives. After Scorpina traps the Rangers with her Weaveworm monster, go down to Earth with the Babe Ruthless monster and all three make themselves grow at will and attack the city but the Rangers escapes the cocoon with their sidearms and summon their Zords. Whilst Scorpina and Goldar take on the Tyrannosaurus, Babe Ruthless takes on the other four Zords. Though the Rangers take a pounding, Tommy manages to leave a karate commercial audition and summons the Dragonzord. The Rangers then form Dragonzord Battle Mode which Babe fights personally whilst Scorpina and Goldar fight the Tyrannosaurus but all three are overwhelmed. Once the Power Staff destroys Babe Ruthless, Scorpina returns to human size, Goldar returns to the Moon Palace. (Episode: A Star Is Born) During Rita's schemes with the Green Candle, Goldar guards the mystical item and is confronted by Jason whilst the Cyclops monster keeps Tommy busy. He defeats Jason easily and easily holds him back from the candle until they have to retreat and form the Ultrazord to destroy the Cyclops. Although the villains succeed and drain away Tommy's powers, Jason takes his powers and both the Dragon Dagger, Dragon Shield, and Dragonzord for his own use which prevents Rita from recovering them. (Episode: The Green Candle) It was Goldar's idea to plant the Hatchasaurus egg to destroy the Power Rangers but this scheme ultimately fails miserably. (Episode: Birds of a Feather) Goldar and Scorpina go down to Earth to aid the Polluticorn when he attacks the Power Rangers but he refuses their help and easily forces the Rangers to retreat. (Episode: Clean-Up Club)
Personality and attributes
Powers and abilities
Goldar could shoot fireball blasts from his eyes which were powerful enough to cause massive explosions around Jason whilst fleeing from him and King Sphinx. When combined with Scorpina's claw barrage, it took down the Thunder Megazord and forced the White Tigerzord back into its default Tiger Mode.
Goldar was not as good at hand-to-hand combat as he is at swordsmanship but was still easily able to take down all five Rangers. Goldar was better than any other villain at combat with a weapon, perhaps even more than Rita but excluding Zedd. Goldar constantly failed to beat Tommy in his Green Ranger form whilst Zedd could overpower him in his more powerful White Ranger form without breaking a sweat. Goldar was able to expertly pilot both Cyclopsis and Serpentera with no assistance and overwhelm the Zords easily in both as well as piloting the Dragonzord to victory.
- Goldar was voiced by actor Kerrigan Mahan where he featured as an antagonist in Power Rangers.
- The character was an adaptation of the villain Grifforzar from the original Japanese series Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger.
In other media
- In Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, Goldar appeared in the setting of the live-action film where he was voiced again by actor Kerrigan Mahan. Goldar arrived with Zedd, Rita and Mordant at the construction site during night time. After pointing out Mordant only agreed with Rita about wanting to hard-boil the "egg" because he was a pig, Goldar watched in amazement as Zedd unlocked the egg to release a morphalogical being known as Ivan Ooze. Goldar left with his masters after setting Ivan off after Zordon and the Power Rangers. At the moon palace, Goldar watched in disbelief with Rita and Zedd as the Power Rangers teleported to Phaedos in search of the Great Power; Ivan had apparently failed. Ivan arrived shortly after and declared that he was taking over the world on his own. trapping both Rita and Zedd in a snowglobe, depriving them of their powers. Given the choice between imprisonment or serving Ivan, Goldar and Mordant choose to serve the King of Ooze. He then watched in amazement as Ivan spat up Tengu Warriors that he ordered to track down and kill the Power Rangers. Goldar remained at Ivan's side on Earth, being given control of the workforce Ooze had created by hypnotizing the adults of Angel Grove. He and Ivan waited at the construction site as the parents slowly dug up the Ecto-Morphicons. Deciding to have some fun, they took turns ordering an adult to do different types of dancing. The Tengu returned shortly after, informing them that they failed to kill the Power Rangers because of interference from Dulcea, who Ivan knows will lead the Rangers to the Great Power; Ivan blew up the Tengu as punishment. Once construction on the Ecto-Morphicons were complete, Goldar took delight in making dark "good-bye" jokes to the adults after Ivan ordered them to return to the construction site and leap to their deaths. Goldar then witnessed the machines bringing brought to life, finding the event "excellent." As the Barbaric Hornitor and Dreaded Scorpitron attacked Angel Grove, Goldar watched from the observitory with Ivan. Amused by the destruction, Goldar high-fived Ivan, declaring "Long live, the King of Ooze!" To Goldar's horror, the Power Rangers returned and angered Ivan by destroying the Scorpitron. Once Ivan merged with Hornitor and grabbed the observatory, Goldar decided "I'm out of here!" and took off. After Ivan's defeat, Goldar returned to the moon palace, where he declared himself "King Goldar, the Ruler of the Universe!" Unfortunately, Rita and Zedd entered the throne room, angry with him and Mordant.
Video games
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:
External Links
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