Gorilla Boss

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Gorilla Boss is a male comic supervillain who features in DC Comics.





George Dyke

George Dyke is a crime boss who was executed in a gas chamber. His body is taken to a doctor named Doc Willard who transplants his brain into the body of a towering gorilla. When the body gains consciousness, George becomes Gorilla Boss. Due to the fact that the gorilla body doesn't speak, he uses a pad and pencil to order Doc Willard and his henchmen to procure the required funds so that he can have his brain placed in the body of Batman and Batman's brain placed in the body of the gorilla. Gorilla Boss committed a series of crimes and claims that once Batman's brain is in the body of the gorilla, the police will mistake him for the culprit and kill him. Batman escapes Gorilla Boss's grasp and is chased up the building until Gorilla Boss falls to the street where he remains unconscious by the time Batman makes it to the ground. The truth about the gorilla having George Dyke's brain and the experiments that allowed this to happen were revealed. (Batman v1 #75)


Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • Gorilla Boss was created by David Vern Reed and Lew Sayre Schwartz where he made his first appearance in Batman v1 #75 (February, 1953).

In other media


  • In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Gorilla Boss appeared in the setting of the animated television series in the episode "Gorillas in our Midst!" where he was voiced by actor Diedrich Bader. This version sported a suit and was capable of speech. He joined forces with Gorilla Grodd and Monsieur Mallah to form G.A.S.P. (Gorillas and Apes Seizing Power) and replace Gotham City's population with gorillas, but were defeated by Batman, Detective Chimp, B'wana Beast, and Vixen.


  • Batman v1: (1953)

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