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Halfworld is a planet that features in Marvel Comics.






After Gamora went into exile, she went to Halfworld in order to find and take her revenge on Rocket Raccoon. A new incarnation of the Guardians of the Galaxy gathered together by Groot and Peter Quill then came to Halfworld in order to find her as she was being targeted by the Dark Guardians. The Dark Guardians believed that she had Thanos's mind secretly within her mind and after the Mad Titan's death that it was expected the sleeper programming was to come active as per his will. Thus, the Guardians sought to protect her from the Dark Guardians as they wanted to eliminate her to prevent his rebirth of Thanos even though Gamora stated that this was a lie that the Mad Titan used in order to sow conflict in his enemies. (Guardians of the Galaxy v5 #4)

Afterwards, the Guardian's travelled to Halfworld to help Rocket with the failed bio-modifications in him being removed and replaced in a surgery that took weeks for him. The team then decided to rest and stay away from being heroes when they were approached by Nova who requested their aid as the rogue Olympian gods had been reborn as cosmic beings that were now destroying entire worlds across space. This resulted in a split in the team as some wanted to help Rider whilst others wanted to stop being superheroes. Ultimately, Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Phyla-Vell and Moondragon departed in order to join a new Guardian's team being gathered by Nova that was tasked with destroying the god's mobile city of New Olympus. (Guardians of the Galaxy v6 #1)



  • Rocket Raccoon :
  • Lylla :
  • Dyvyne :
  • Judson Jakes :
  • Pyko :


  • Halfworld was created by Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema where it made its first appearance in Incredible Hulk v1 #271 (May, 1982).

In other media


Halfworld in the animated series Guardians of the Galaxy.
  • In Guardians of the Galaxy, Halfworld was shown in the animated series in the two-part mini-episode focusing on Rocket Raccoon's origins. It was mentioned as a scientific research facility that was manned by automated machines that conducted experiments such as giving intelligence to Rocket Raccoon. The episode "We Are Family" showed that the world was controlled by robot scientists and a protective energy barrier called the Galacian Wall stopped intruders from arriving. The machines had conducted numerous experiments in artificial evolution on animals with their earlier attempts being crude. This was until their mining world had minerals exposed to the power of the Cosmic Seed that could be used to generate radiation to evolve others. The experiments saw numerous animals uplifted in the process but these creatures rebelled under the leadership of Uncle Pyko. Rocket Raccoon and Groot were brought back to Halfworld where they encountered the animal revels and the evil experiments of Pyko. Rocket allied with the robots of Halfworld robots in reversing the artificial evolution of the planet's inhabitants thus turning them back into animals once more.

Video games

  • In Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, Halfworld appeared in the setting of the video game. It was shown to had been a world that contained a laboratory that experimented on animals in an effort to uplift them and boost their intelligence. This saw the installation of artificial vertebrae and boosting the brain functions to allow for the capacity of speech as well as learning. Many subjects were deemed failures with them being terminated via lethal injection by the robotic drones that tended to the facility. Rocket and Lylla were both created in the laboratory where the latter died after being administered a lethal injection. After acquiring the Eternity Forge, Rocket returned to the abandoned laboratory where he had intended to use the relics cosmic powers to return Lylla to life but it lacked the energy to do so.


  • Incredible Hulk v1:
  • Annihilators v1:
  • Guardians of the Galaxy v5:
  • Guardians of the Galaxy v6:

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