Hammerhead Hannigan

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Hammerhead, Taurus Bulba's main henchman

The leader of Taurus Bulba'a henchmen, Hammerhead Hannigan is a goat who used his head as a blunt object. Along with his two subordinates Hoof and Mouth, Hammerhead was sent by Bulba to steal the Waddlemeyer Ramrod from the army, and later to kidnap Gosalyn Waddlemeyer.

After Bulba's apparent death, Hammerhead turned up as one of the many villains attending Phineas Sharp's island resort to bid on the stolen list of SHUSH agents. Although he won the bid (how is a mystery), Darkwing and Derek Blunt switched the real list with a grocery list. Hammerhead was last seen demanding an explanation from Sharp.

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