Helghast Empire

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The Helghast Empire is a government that features in Killzone.




The Helghast Empire was a government established on the planet Helghan by the Helghast. Its origins were traced to the exodus from Earth by humanity after the planet became uninhabitable. During this time, the Helghan Corporation was an energy conglomerate that came to chart the worlds of Helghan and Vekta. However, the purchase of the latter was halted by the United Colonial Nations (UCN) over what was seen as unfair business practices by the corporation. The dispute resulted in an open war being fought named the First Extrasolar War which lasted from 2199 till 2204. This resulted in the Helghan Corporation being dismantled with all its assets being seized by the UCN whilst its members being forcibly evicted from Vekta an forced to move to the harsh world of Helghan.

Years later, the Helghast would launch out a blitzberg attack against the ISA colony of Vekta and managed to disable the Strategic Defense Orbital Platforms that defended the planet.


They bred special Guard Dogs that were native to their world and were used in areas where sentry bots were not reliable.

A particular ore used by the Helghast was Petrusite that served as a potent power source.

They had constructed harvester drones that were responsible for the harvesting and collection of raw Petrusite.

Among the infantry weapons included:

  • StA-2 Battle Pistol :
  • StA-3 Stova Light Machine Gun :
  • StA4 Stova :
  • Emplaced StA-3 Light Machine Gun :
  • StA-5X Arc Cannon :
  • StA-11 Submachine Gun :
  • StA-11SE Submachine Gun :
  • StA-7 Submachine Gun :
  • STA-12 Inferno Shotgun :
  • StA-14 Rifle :
  • StA-18 Pistol :
  • StA19 Reigner :
  • StA25 Vlug :
  • StA-52 Assault Rifle :
  • StA-52SE Assault Rifle :
  • StA-52 SLAR :
  • StA59B Pulver :
  • StA61 Vultur :
  • StA-62 Minigun :
  • StA101 Kameraad :
  • StA409 Keyzer :
  • TR-X Teslite Grenade : Petrusite powered device that emitted electricity by extracting it from the environment and then releasing it in one big blow.

Spider Mines were automated area denial devices developed from landmine technology that activated upon the presence of a target though their movement sensors did not distinguish between friend or foe infantry. They operated on a tripodal locomotive system allowing them to pursue enemy from their deployed position where they detonated its anti-personnel charge once they came in range of their target.

A mechanical augmentation use by their empire was the Helghast Trooper Carrier that as an armed autonomous quadrupedal vehicle able to carry 3 troopers into the field.

They made use of EAW-25/4 Chimera Heavy Weapons Platforms that were used to control the airspace over Helghast-occupied territory.

Vehicles used by the Helghan Empire included:

  • Helghast Sawblade AAPC : nicknamed 'the Bull', it was well respected due to the heavy firepower it fielded in its linked turret and passenger LARs. In addition, it had front mounted mining blades able to tear through or crush enemy armor. The front armor was quite heavy making it perfect for ramming through obstructions or mine-sweeping. A top-mounted light machine helped provide cover fire for the deployment of its crew of 6 Helghast warriors that disembarked upon reaching their destination.
  • Helghast Hivelord Tank :
  • Spider Tank :
  • Helghast Tank :
  • Helghast Strike Fighter :

Their empire made use of Overlord Dropship for the rapid deployment of troops on the battlefield.

Among the largest vehicles in their arsenal was the MAWLR that were massive 280 meter tall multi-legged war machines designed to dominate both ground and airspaces.

Parasite crafts were used to penetrate a vessel and drop troops onto them. These modules were packed full of explosives as a final exit strategy to damage their targets.


  • Scolar Visari :
  • Joseph Lente : male General that commanded the 3rd Helghan Army invasion forces of Vekta.
  • Gregor Hakka : a male Colonel who was actually an in-field operations agent spy that reported to the I.S.A.
  • Jorhan Stahl : Jorhan Bimve Stahl
  • Kuisma :
  • Vyktor Kratek : a male Colonel in the military who was a zealot for the cause of Helghast superiority and largely was responsible for the conquest of Diortem.


  • Killzone:
  • Killzone 2:
  • Killzone 3:
  • Killzone: Shadow Fall:

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