Hippolyta (DC)
Hippolyta is a female comic character who features in DC Comics.
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These instructions from the goddess told her to craft two children of clay with one being white and one dark. These were then animated with life as well as beauty by Aphrodite who created daughters for the Amazon Queen with one being Diana and the other Nubia. The goddess then told Hippolyta to wait whilst the pantheon gathered to provide gifts to the two infant children. However, the first to arrive at the scene was Mars who looked to take the children for himself and managed to take the newborn Nubia away where he disappeared from the world. The distraught Hippolyta wanted to find her missing daughter but her patron goddess Aphrodite was unable to find the missing child. As a result, the Amazon Queen experienced grief over the loss of her daughter Nubia with these memories being so traumatic that she forgot the existence of the child. (Wonder Woman v1 #206)
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.
Around 30,000 B.C., she was a woman who was in a cave when a a man was bitter over being maimed by a tiger and driven out from his tribe. Upon seeing her, he decided to take out his anger and frustration on her after she showed him compassion with him brutally murdering. Thus, she came to be the first woman who was murdered by the hatred of a man. (Wonder Woman v2 #1)
She was one of many souls of deceased women that were gathered by the Olympian goddesses where Hippolyte would be the Queen of their daughters. (Wonder Woman v2 #1)
Thousands of years ago when Greece was young, a cult of immortality formed that consisted of Vampires that started to feed on the young and impressionable that was draw to them. However, over time, the cult became greedy and started to rampantly feeding on people forcing them to expand as they exhausted their local food supply. This brought them into confrontation with the Amazons led by Hippolyta who waged war against them. After a great and terrible battle, the Vampires were defeated where they were banished by Hippolyta who marked the cult with 'X' as they were labelled the Tenth Circle in reference to the various circles of Hell. (JLA v1 #95)
Following the Flashpoint, a new version of reality was created with a different history of events.
Her mother Queen Alcippe had a meeting with the Spartans who came to request the aid of the Amazons against Hecate. In this time, they offered her a drink which turned out to be poisoned and Alcippe died as a result. This saw Hippolyta inheriting the throne where she came to be the next Queen of Themyscira. (Wonder Woman Annual v4 #1)
During the 10th century, a grave threat came to be faced by the world with Hippolyta joining forces with the Viking Prince and an avatar of the Parliament of Trees. Together, the three went to the wizard in Egypt who decided to temporarily free Black Adam to aid them. (Justice League: Endless Winter v1 #1) The four them went forth to the Arctic Circle in order to track down the feared Frost King whose powers threatened to engulf the world in ice. (The Flash v1 #767)
After the defeat of Perpetua, reality was recreated as the Multiverse was restored with Diana seemingly killed in the process. In the aftermath, Hippolyta grieved the death of her daughter during a time when the Amazons were seeking a new Wonder Woman. The Queen then decided to have a trial whereby the participants had to brave death itself where several warriors including Nubia took part. This trial seemingly involved facing the severed head of the Medusa Gorgon and rather than be turned to stone the other participants except Nubia decided to forfeit. This led to Nubia being the winner though Hippolyta had never intended to have the winner face near-death nor was the prize being the new Wonder Woman. Rather, Hippolyta had decided to take her daughter Diana's place as Wonder Woman and the trial was rather to decide who would be the new Queen of Themyscira. She also intended to seek out Yara Flor who had a previously unknown ties to the Amazons. (Infinite Frontier v1 #1) Afterwards, Themyscira was attacked by a multiversal warlord named Brutus who was attacking the Amazons and then fled to a portal to Central City. Hippolyta pursued him to the city where they continued their battle but Brutus then fled back to his world when the Justice League arrived at the scene. She then informed the Justice League about her recent battle and was shocked to find that they had added Black Adam among their ranks. (Justice League v4 #60) The former Amazon Queen came to regret her treatment of the Justice League leading to her going to the Hall of Justice in order to apologise to them. Whilst there, she met with Barry Allen who revealed that the League had journeyed to another Earth to battle Brutus and prevent further invasions. It was during this time though that he realised his calculations had split the League when they arrived on the other world. He and Hippolyta then used the Cosmic Treadmill in order to make the journey to that world in order to assist the Justice League who were battling the superpowered warlords that were ruling that Earth. (Justice League v4 #62)
Personality and attributes
One account claimed that her mother was Queen Alcippe who ruled the Amazons of Paradise Island before her. (Wonder Woman Annual v4 #1)
An incarnation of her came to have a son named Jason who was the twin brother of Diana though the boy was given away to be raised by the Argonaut Glaucus. (Wonder Woman v5 #32)
In her youth, she and a fellow Amazon named Derinoe came to be lovers but their relationship came to an end when Hippolyta became Queen. (Wonder Woman Annual v4 #1)
Powers and abilities
- Hippolyta was created William Moulton Marston and Harry G. Peter where she made her first appearance in All Star Comics v1 #8 (December, 1941/January 1942) but featured as Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman v2 #128 (December, 1997).
- The character was based on Hippolyta from Greek Myth.
Alternate Versions
- In Flashpoint, an altered timeline where Hippolyta was the Queen of the Amazons who was the mother of Diana and sister of Penthesilea where she ruled Themyscira. After being poisoned by a Kraken, she encouraged Aquaman of Atlantis to marry her daughter Wonder Woman. On the wedding day, Hippolyta was murdered by Artemis who was disguised as an Atlantean as part of a secret conspiracy between Penthesilea and Ocean Master. In actuality, Diana was the target of the assassination attempt but her mother ended up taking the arrow to save her. This sequence of events triggered the Amazon/Atlantean War that rampaged across the Earth as Queen Diana led the Amazons against Emperor Aquaman of the Atlanteans.
In other media
- In Justice League, the character appeared in the setting of the animate television series set in the DC Animated Universe where she was voiced by actress Susan Sullivan. She was shown as being an immortal Amazon who once dwelt on Mount Olympus where she was gifted an armor forged by Hephaestus. Around 3000 years ago, she was seduced by Hades who had tricked her into opening the gates for the invading Titans. Following the war, Zeus banished Hades to Tartarus with Hippolyta commanded to watch over the gateway to the underworld that now resided beneath the city of Themyscira. Thus, Hippolyta became the Queen of the Amazons where she ruled her people that remained hidden from the rest of the world. At some point afterwards, she desired a child of her own and sculpted a figure from clay that was brought to life by the Olympian gods. This child became known as Diana who was given the special gifts of great strength, speed and flight who was the daughter of the queen and thus princess of the Amazons.
- In Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Hippolyta appeared in the setting of the animated television series in the episode "Triumvirate of Terror!" where he was voiced by actress Tippi Hedren.
- In Justice League Action, Hippolyta appeared in the setting of the animated television series in the episode "Luthor in Paradise" where she was voiced by actress Julianne Grossman.
- In Wonder Woman, a brunette Hippolyta featured in the 2009 animated film where she was voiced by actress Virginia Madsen. Long ago, she led the Amazons and became romantically involved with Ares. However, the god of war forced himself on her and made her conceive his son who was named Thrax. He eventually brought his armies to wage battle against the Amazons who suffered heavy casualties. During the battle, Hippolyta slayed her son Thrax and defeated Ares but before she could kill him the Olympian gods intervened. Zeus commanded that his son be spared with Hera placing mystical chains on him that suppressed his power turning him into effect mortal. When Hippolyta asked about her people, Hera rewarded the Amazons by gifting them Themyscira that was a mystically cloaked island where they would live peaceful lives as immortals. Ares was given to the Amazons to be their prisoner that they were to guard for all of time. In addition, Queen Hippolyta crafted a child from clay from the beach of Themyscira with the Olympian gods bringing this daughter to life. This daughter of hers would become known as Diana who grew under the Amazons that lived in isolation from the world.
- In the DC Extended Universe, Hippolyta made multiple appearances in the shared continuity setting:
- In Wonder Woman, Hippolyta appeared in the live-action 2017 film where she was portrayed by actress Connie Nielsen. She was the Queen of the Amazons who long ago led her people when they were given the island of Themyscira. At some point, she had mated with the Olympian God Zeus where she became pregnant with him child that she named Diana. Due to the danger of Ares, the child's demigod nature was hidden and instead she was raised to believe that she was crafted from clay and given life by the gods. Hippolyta kept her hidden and away from the life of a warrior as she hid from her daughter her nature as being the godkiller destined to destroy Ares. This was because she feared Diana could die as a result and thus sheltered her from any fighting. Despite her ban, her sister Antiope secretly trained Diana to be a warrior who was present when Steve Rogers crashed on Themyscira.
- In Justice League, Hippolyta appeared in the 2017 live-action film where she was once again portrayed by actress Connie Nielsen. In the current day, she was notified that the Mother Box kept by the Amazons on Themyscira had become active and she went to investigate. When she reached the temple, she saw that the relic had summoned the New God Steppenwolf back to Earth where he sent forth his Parademons to claim back the box. The Amazons attempted to push him back but failed with Hippolyta attempting to escape with the Mother Box to deny it to the New God warlord. Despite her efforts, she failed and Steppenwolf escaped Themyscira with it before the Amazon army could confront him. As they were trapped on the island, the Amazons were unable to stop their ancient foe but Queen Hippolyta had her archers light the signal to warn her daughter Diana of the danger.
- In Wonder Woman 1984, Hippolyta appeared in the live-action 2020 sequel film where she was once again portrayed by actress Connie Nielsen.
- In Wonder Woman: Bloodlines, Hippolyta appeared in the setting of the 2019 animated film where she was voiced by actress Cree Summer.
Video games
- In Infinite Crisis, the character did not appear but was mentioned in the MOBA backstory of Mecha Wonder Woman. She was stated to be the Queen of the Amazons of Themyscira who was called a 'wonder woman' that championed the cause of peace. At Themyscira Labs, a protector was created for her that was a mechanical being with feminine features that operated as Queen Hippolyta's bodyguard but the Amazon was killed by the robot assassins of the Doom Legion. Her protector then began operating as a hero of her version of Earth and after being upgraded by the Justice Consortium began to operate as Mecha Wonder Woman.
- In DC Comics Legends, Hippolyta was introduced in the setting of the iOS video game and was made as a playable character.
- All Star Comics v1: (1941)
- Wonder Woman v1:
- Wonder Woman v2:
- JLA v1:
- Wonder Woman: Our Worlds at War v1:
- Wonder Woman v4:
- Wonder Woman Annual v4:
- Wonder Woman v5:
- Justice League: Endless Winter v1: (2020)
- The Flash v1: (2020)
- Infinite Frontier v1: (2021)
- Justice League v4:
External Links
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