Illidan Stormrage

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Illidan Stormrage is a male video game character who features in Warcraft.



Illidan Stormrage was a male Night Elf who was born thousands of years ago during the height of the Kaldorei empire. He and his twin brother Malfurion Stormrage were born at Lorlathil in Val'sharah.

For the next 10,000 years, Illidan remained trapped within his lightless prison with a Keeper of the Grove named Califax along with a contingent of Night Elves keeping constant watch over the Betrayer. It was said that among his guards was the Warden Maiev Shadowsong who had sworn to ensure her prison never escaped his cell. He remained there until he was freed by Tyrande Whispherwind who was forced to kill the guards in order to enlist Illidan's aid in fighting the recently returned Burning Legion. At the time, the demons had returned to Azeroth through the use of their undead Scourge that had ravaged the lands. Stormrage still held his love for Tyrande and agreed to help her but said that once the Legion was forced back that he would be departing the Night Elves forever. After his release, he came to storm the war-torn forests of Mount Hyjal.


Personality and attributes

At one time, he was known by the title of Lord of Outland after conquering the ruined world.

Such was his dedication to this goal that he felt that no sacrifice was too great if it brings an end to the Burning Legion.

He noted that his kin called him the Betrayer but said that he felt he had in fact been betrayed by his people.

It was his feelings for Tyrande that saw him helping her in hunting down the demons. However, he came to note that he never owed his people anything.

Powers and abilities

During the age of the Kaldorei Empire, it was noted that Illidan had practiced the highborne’s magics common among his people in that era.

He came to be the earliest known Demon Hunters who fought demons by using their own powers against them. This path saw him ritually blinding himself in exchange for spectral sight that allowed him to better sense his prey. This enhanced awareness worked in conjunction with his great agility and magical prowess.

To gain greater power, he consumed the fel energies of the Skull of Gul'dan and transformed himself into a demon.

Illidan wielded the Twin Blades of Azzinoth that were a pair of warglaives originally wielded by a Doomguard named Azzinoth.

He was the founder and one-time leader of a faction called the Illidari consisting of Demon Hunters who had operated as his agents and servants.


  • Illidan Stormrage was voiced by actor Matthew Yang King where he made his first appearance in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
  • In an interview, Scott Mercer commented, "we realized [...] Illidan had appeared many times in the concept art and the other material surrounding the expansion, but very few players ever actually saw him in the game itself. To most heroes, Illidan was a bit like Sauron from The Lord of the Rings; he was an omnipresent evil that they would hear about, but never actually meet in a face-to-face confrontation."

In other media

Video games

  • In Heroes of the Storm, Illidan Stormrage appeared as a playable champion in the setting of the MOBA video game where he was voiced by actor Liam O'Brien.


  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne:
  • World of Warcraft:

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