Iron Grenadiers

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The Iron Grenadiers are an organization that feature in G.I. Joe.




The Iron Grenadiers were a private army that were led by noted arms dealer Destro.


In appearance, the Iron Grenadiers were a private army owned and maintained by the arms dealer Destro. They were composed of Destro's castle guards, personal bodyguards, and mercenaries. Unlike Cobra’s troops, the Grenadiers tended to be well-motivated financially since each had a share in Destro’s weapons sales.

Divisions within the Iron Grenadiers included:

  • Iron Grenadiers : The basic infantrymen sent into hot spots to cause conflict and sell weapons. They have been described as "used car salesmen with machine guns."
  • Ferrets : Operators of the D.E.M.O.N. tanks.
  • Nullifiers : Pilots of the A.G.P. (Anti-Gravity Pod) flight vehicle. Nullifiers are trained and conditioned to be big and bulky.
  • Annihilators : Elite troopers. These troops use special helicopter backpacks and serve as Destro's personal guard.
  • T.A.R.G.A.T.s : Trans-Atmospheric Rapid Global Assault Troopers were soldiers sent into near sub-orbit and then deployed to battlefields.
  • Wild Boars : Operators of the Razorback assault vehicle.
  • Undertows : Underwater combat specialists, trained and equipped to function in polluted waters near industrial and military sites. They appear in the cartoon without the barracudas (the barracudas were only ever included with the figures).
  • Iron Anvils : Paratroops who wear heavy armor and are dropped from low-flying planes.

Vehicle used by the Iron Grenadiers included:

  • A.G.P. : the Anti-Gravity Pod was equipped with featured 106mm recoilless cannons, pivoting VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) capability, and six "STUNG" (Silent Titanium Under-Radar Negative Gravity) missiles.
  • D.E.M.O.N. : the Dual Elevating Multi-Ordinance Neutralizer had the main body of the tank elevated in attack mode, in order to better view the battlefield. It was armed with several triple-barrel lasers, and six anti-aircraft missiles.
  • Despoiler : Destro's personal aircraft, used to survey the progress of his Iron Grenadiers on the battleground.
  • Dominator : a vehicle that transformed from a helicopter to a tank, with its movable chopper blades and retractable tank treads, and featured a multi-shot rapid fire 3.5mm missile pod, and heavy armor plating.
  • Evader : a vehicle that featured a canopy-mounted 9mm machine gun, two "Pursuer" roof-mounted stinger-type missiles, and lo-ride tires.
  • Razorback : a vehicle with an adjustable battle attack mode, eight "Short-Blast" surface-to-surface missiles, a 205mm dual-pulsating anti-armor cannon, and a radar antenna.
  • Iron Mech : a special Iron Grenadier mechsuit that featured electronic lights and sounds, as well as a double-barreled spring launched missile launcher.


  • Destro :
  • Alexander McCullen : Destro's long-lost son in the Devil's Due Publishing continuity. He posed as Destro when the real one was bed-ridden with an illness.
  • Darklon : A distant cousin of the Destro clan and ruler of Darklonia. He briefly led the Iron Grenadiers when Destro retired from frontline conflict. Thought killed when Cobra Commander expanded operations into Eastern Europe and launched a missile that destroyed Darklon's castle, but in reality he escaped the blast and was alive and well until captured by the G.I. Joe team.
  • Metal-Head : Anti-tank specialist.
  • General Mayhem : A former Spetsnaz general who went AWOL. Returned as General Mayhem and Destro's new general. His plans may seem chaotic and unorganized, but they usually come together to ensure victory.
  • Mistress Armada : Lilian Osborne, a former member of the British Army, who sided with the Iron Grenadiers upon befriending Alexander McCullen in the Devil's Due Publishing continuity.
  • "Rowdy" Roddy Piper : a fellow Destro Clan member who serves as a trainer for the Iron Grenadiers. He is modeled after the professional wrestler Roddy Piper.
  • Sergent Major: Alastair Thomas Duncan, Destro's right-hand man.
  • Voltar : A former mercenary general capable of turning defeat into victory. Destro recruited him after rescuing him from prison.


  • The Iron Grenadiers were created by Hasbro and featured in the G.I. Joe universe.

In other media



  • G.I. Joe:

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