Jeffrey Sinclair

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Jeffrey Sinclair is a male television character who features in Babylon 5.




Jeffrey David Sinclair was a male human born on May 3, 2218 on Mars Colony within the Earth Alliance.

After the death of his father, Jeffrey attended a Jesuit school which was run by Father Raffelli and his wife both of whom were priests. The couple would become lifelong friends of Jeff's until their deaths in 2252. While at the school, Sinclair learned to appreciate mornings, getting up at sunrise for Mass followed by an hour of meditation before class. (Episode: Babylon Squared)

As squadron leader, Sinclair fought at the Battle of the Line which was the last major battle in the Earth-Minbari War. During the course of the battle, his squadron was destroyed by the Minbari in mere minutes, resulting in the death of many friends (including Bill Mitchell). Sinclair's own fighter was badly damaged, rendering the weapons disabled and engines failing. In a last act of defiance, Sinclair attempted to ram one of the Minbari cruisers. Something passed in front of his eyes and he apparently blacked out. When he awoke 24 hours later the war was over and he learnt that the Minbari had surrendered thus ending the war. (Movie: In the Beginning...)

On March 2256, Sinclair was chosen to be in charge of the recently completed station Babylon 5 even though several others were in line in front of him. Sinclair was surprised when they informed him, as he was comparatively low ranked compared to many of the other candidates. He would learn later that he was specifically chosen at the behest of the Minbari, who were the first to sign onto Babylon 5 but only on the condition they were allowed to choose the station commander. (Episode: Signs and Portents)

As station commander, his decisions would often be met with criticism or hostility among the political factions back on Earth. On the eve of the Earth Alliance elections, the Narn attacked and seized a small Centauri agricultural colony, Ragesh 3. Sinclair called for an emergency session of the B5 Council and the League, hoping to impose sanctions against the Narn. However, the Earth Alliance did not want to commit itself to possibly being involved in a conflict during the elections. Sinclair decided to personally lead a team of Starfuries to intercept a band of Raiders before they could attack a supply ship carrying colonists. He left Lt. Cmdr. Ivanova to act in his stead in the Council, and told her to act as though he had not been able to tell her his orders from Earth. Sinclair's squadron easily dispatched the raiders and discovered a command and control ship. Once they boarded the vessel, they discovered a Narn officer, as the Narn had been supplying weapons to the Raiders. The ship also intercepted transmissions from Ragesh 3 proving the attack was unprovoked, despite the claims of the Narn. Sinclair used this evidence to compel G'Kar to get the Regime to withdraw from the colony. (Episode: Midnight on the Firing Line)

When an unidentified alien ship tumbled out of hyperspace, headed for a collision with the station, Sinclair quickly grabbed a Starfury to try and grapple the ship, hopeful for a first contact situation. He was successful, and the sole being on the ship was taken to the Isolab for treatment. Delenn accompanied Sinclair to the medlab, where she recognized the alien as a Soul Hunter and begged Sinclair to get rid of him immediately. She explained who the Soul Hunters were and how the Minbari abhorred their practice. Many other aliens aboard either barred themselves inside their quarters or left the station as soon as possible. Sinclair spoke to the Soul Hunter when he awakened, skeptical of his claim to be able to take a person's soul at death. He told the Soul Hunter he would be kept in custody in the lab until his ship was repaired, then he must go on his way. The Soul Hunter escaped, however, and kidnapped Delenn. A second member of his race then came aboard, explaining the first had gone rogue. Sinclair located Delenn, confronting the Soul Hunter, who warned Sinclair that Delenn was 'satai' and that the Minbari were using him. Sinclair killed the Soul Hunter by turning his own soul stealing machine on him. Afterwards, he forbade any Soul Hunter from commencing activities on B5, and turned over the rogue's collection to Delenn. (Episode: Soul Hunter)


Personality and attributes

Members of the Sinclair family had been fighter pilots dating all the way back to the Battle of Britain. He was noted to had been close to his grandfather, whom he later credited with teaching him everything he knew about flying. His grandfather also explained to him the importance of ignoring propaganda and to "focus on what he can see."(Episode: Midnight on the Firing Line)

Powers and abilities


  • Jeffrey Sinclair was portrayed by actor Michael O'Hare where he featured in the setting of the Babylon 5 universe.

In other media



  • Babylon 5:

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