Jhin (League of Legends)

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Jhin is a male video game character who features in League of Legends.




Khada Jhin was a male human who inhabited the lands Runeterra where he grew up to be a criminal psychopath who indulged in murder. He came to be captured by the nation of Ionia where he was a prisoner until the ruling council sought to use him as their personal assassin. Thus, the serial killer set his talents towards eliminating targets assigned by the cabal that ruled the country. For years, he plagued Ionia's southern mountains leading to people referring to him as the infamous 'Golden Demon'. Similarly, he slaughtered scores of travellers and even entire farmsteads in the province of Zhyun. The corpses of the dead were left behind in twisted displays in an act that furthered terrorised the people. In time, this led to armed militia's forming with towns hiring demon hunters and Wuju masters being sent to patrol the roads in an effort to stop him. Despite their efforts, these did little to slow down the work of Jhin who continued unabated. Jhin had been slaughtering farmsteads and scores of travellers for an unknown period of time before he was persued by Master Kusho Master Kusho, Usan Usan, and Shen Shen. He began his work in the ages spanning from 19-21, working primarily with knives. For a little more than four years, the three men pursued Jhin and were far from the first to have hunted him down. In the final stages of the three men's investigation, they discover that he is a mere stagehand working for Zhyun's traveling theatre and opera houses under the name, "Khada Jhin".

Master Kusho, Zed, and Shen followed Jhin's movements to Jyom Pass on the Ghajan river. Zed chased Jhin down only to get knocked out by the handle of his blade. Jhin captured the young acolyte and tied him to a chair looking out towards the dock. Before Zed wakes up, Jhin takes the amulet off his neck. Zed wakes up to Jhin chiding him to look up, saying that he'll want to see Yevnai before she dies. Jhin goes on about how boring and symmetrycal Yevnai's face is in contrast to the situation which was "glorious" . Zed begins to cry at seeing Yevnai on the dock before her "final moments". After Jhin goes on about the tragic connections between Yevnai, Shen and Usan, the captive Zed begs for Jhin to not harm her, admitting that they were following him and noting that Yevnai, "didn't do anything". After saying he'll do anything, Jhin asks about the amulet that he took from Zed. Zed then concedes that it is a symbol of the Kinkou and that the amulet allows them to find him. Shen, presumably having found Zed, punches through the wall and pins Jhin's neck to the wall. Zed declares that the whole thing was a set-up, that he was the bait, and takes Jhin's 4th knife, lunging at the man to kill him. Master Kusho appears in the nick of time, saving Khada Jhin's life. Kusho believes that because Jhin is not a real demon, he should be locked away at the monestary prison in Tuula. Khada Jhin was sentenced to life in the Tuula monestary prison. Jhin revealed as little about himself as possible during his many years there. The monks that guarded him said he was a "bright student". He excelled at a myriad of subjects, mostly in the arts, (i.e. smithing, poetry, and dance). Despite this, they could find nothing to cure him of his morbid fascinations. During his time in jail, the Noxian invasion began, and it is due to Ionia's instability during this time that his patrons funded him and released him from jail to terrorize the citizens of Ionia into action.

Jhin, post-Tuula, is freely roaming, bound only by his patrons. Those weaponizing Jhin include: the Kashuri Armories, as their weapons are relatively moderized for Ionia. Supposedly Jhin has also done performances for the Navori Brotherhood, Noxus, and most recently Zaun. Zed, when faced with Jhin's sniper rifle for the first time remarked that it was a "foreigners weapon". He has been described at this point in his life as both an assassin and an instrument of terror. Jhin was released some time after the war with Noxus. The timeline of his actions right after his release from prison is unclear, but he eventually sends a messenger out to Zed. She, the messenger, rows a small boat out to the Kwol Tavern where she finds Master Zed and delivers him a message about a "rich man" wanting to meet him in the village north of the Thonx outskirts; she gives Zed a blade attuned to his spirit wrapped in a red cloth which was the "rich man's" supposed thank-you-gift. Jhin kills four people before the Order of Shadow arrive: two unidentified people, the messenger, and the woman whose leg was amputated by Zed and Kusho 16 years prior. This time span makes Jhin about 38 to 39 years old currently.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Jhin was a tall, slender, pale-skinned man with black hair and brown eyes. The way he saw murder as an art led to him being known as The Virtuoso and as the Artisan Killer. He developed a reputation for his murders in Ionia's southern regions where he was regarded as the infamous Golden Demon.

He experienced a cruel sense of pleasure in performing his gruesome theatre which led to him becoming the idol choice in spreading a message of terror.

Within the ranks of the Navori Brotherhood, the few that know him consider him a weirdo.

Powers and abilities

Jhin used to 'perform' with blades powered by Ki techniques passed down from his father.

All of the weapons he uses were designed by him. The Kashuri armories reverse engineered Piltovan and Zaunite technology with the addition of Ionian spirit magic.


  • Jhin was created by Riot Games where he was voiced by actor Quinton Flynn and featured in the setting of the League of Legends universe.


  • League of Legends:

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