Jin Kisaragi

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Jin Kisaragi is a male video game character who features in BlazBlue.




Jin Kisaragi (ジン=キサラギ)

Ragna has been sighted somewhere near the 13th Hierarchal City Kagutsuchi. Having heard of this, Jin follows his instincts and searches for Ragna within the city. Jin is being pursued by Noel, who was given orders to acquire Jin and deliver orders to return to base, with the bargaining chip of total oversight of his current excursion. Over time Jin is said to have completed many highly difficult missions the "Library" has given him and is called a "Hero" of the Ikaruga Civil War for his battlefield-presence.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Jin had blond hair, wears a long blue coat with a shoulder cape and wore a white Gi. He came to be referred to as the Hero of Ikaruga (イカルガの英雄 Ikaruga no Eiyū).

Powers and abilities

He wielded a long katana-like sword named Yukianesu.


  • Jin Kisaragi was created by Toshimichi Mori and Yuuki Katou where he featured in the setting of the BlazBLue universe.


  • BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger:

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