Jinbe (One Piece)
Jinbe is a male manga and anime character who features in One Piece.
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Jinbe (Japanese: ジンベエ, Hepburn: Jinbē) was a blue-skinned fishman born 46 years ago and grew up in the orphanage that eventually became the Fish-Man District, alongside Arlong, Macro, and Fisher Tiger. He trained at the Fish-Man Karate Dojo at an early age and earned a black belt in Fish-Man Karate while still in his childhood. Around 15 years ago, Jinbe came to be a soldier in the army of King Neptune who had ruled the kingdom. Whilst Queen Otohime was preaching to her people, Jinbe commented that her preaching was going nowhere. He was shown to be frowning at Arlong's ill-mannered behavior towards the Fish-Man Island citizens. When Arlong was harassing a new recruit of the Neptune army with Jinbe scornfully commanded Arlong to let him go, to which Arlong snidely complied. Jinbe and Arlong then each gave Fisher Tiger equally warm greetings after he returned to the island from an adventure. After Fisher Tiger attacked Mary Geoise and became an enemy of the World Government, Jinbe resigned from the military and joined the newly formed Sun Pirates. During a battle with the Marines, Jinbe displayed his brutality by beating unconscious Marines. Jinbe scorned them for overlooking slavery and calling freeing slaves a crime. During their time roaming the Grand Line, the Sun Pirates battled numerous Marines including those led by Rear Admiral Kadar. After the battle, Tiger had a discussion with Jinbe and Arlong telling them not to kill humans; to do otherwise would mean stooping to their level. Tiger went on to say that their ultimate goal was freeing the oppressed and not becoming cold-blooded murderers. This did not sit well with Arlong and he suggested to Tiger that they should instill fear in humans by using ruthlessness and extreme brutality. Jinbe smacked Arlong in the head to silence him. Later, Tiger spoke to Jinbe alone and relayed his concerns that Otohime may view himself and Arlong as equally ruthless, and alluded to the demons of the past that lurked within his heart.
A few years later, the Sun Pirates visited an island where a former slave of Mary Geoise named Koala resided. The inhabitants there had no way of returning the girl to her homeland so they asked the Sun Pirates to take her. After taking the girl, Jinbe showed his sympathy upon seeing how traumatized she was. Jinbe tried to understand why the girl was so afraid of them, which she explained was simply a matter of knowing nothing about them. As the Sun Pirates' voyage continued, she warmed up to him and the other pirates, and most of them to her. However, when they reached her hometown, the Sun Pirates were ambushed by marines led by Rear Admiral Strawberry and tipped off by the villagers, causing Jinbe and the other fish- and mermen to abandon ship and steal a marine vessel. Unfortunately for Fisher Tiger, he was badly wounded during the battle. After escaping the marines, Jinbe along with the rest of the Sun Pirates surrounded Fisher Tiger's bed as he confessed about his past as a slave and how, though he tried, he could not stop hating humans and so could not accept their blood in his body. Jinbe begged for Fisher Tiger to live, but he eventually passed away with Jinbe and the other crew members crying in misery. After Tiger's death and Arlong's capture, Jinbe took over Fisher Tiger's legacy and became the new captain of the crew. While reading a newspaper explaining Tiger's death, Jinbe noticed that Arlong had lied about how he died. The Sun Pirates battled more enemies, but Jinbe continued living by Tiger's will of not killing anyone. Eventually, his bounty raised to 250,000,000 Beli. Then one day, a government messenger bat sent Jinbe an invitation to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Chew suggested that the Sun Pirates should take an opportunity to make an infamous name for themselves, but Jinbe told the crew that he was thinking about accepting the government's offer. He then spoke with King Neptune, telling him about his plan to strengthen the bond between species.
Around 2 years ago, Portgas D. Ace attempted to challenge Whitebeard, the pirate who protected Fish-Man Island, Jinbe stood prepared to fight Ace, due to the fish-man seeing Whitebeard as a hero. The two pirates fought non-stop for five days, nearly killing each other, until they finally collapsed from exhaustion. After Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he and Jinbe developed a more amicable relationship.
By the modern day, Ace came to be captured and handed over to the Marines. Around this time, both Jinbe and Ace came to be imprisoned in the prison of Impel Down. In Jinbe's case, this was because he was the only member of the Shichibukai who refused the summons of the World Government to stand against the Whitebeard Pirates. He had decided to defy the Marines and was prepared to lose his status as a warlord in the process. He was held in the same cell as Portgas D. Ace. Whilst there, he stated that he would gladly give his life to end the fighting. Jinbe was seen talking with Ace about how Whitebeard saved Fish-Man Island and the reasons he's prepared to die to stop the fighting. Ace would then pass the time prior to his death sentence by sharing tales of his younger brother, Monkey D. Luffy, with the fish-man. Knowing that Ace's captivity, as well as his impending execution, were being used to incur Whitebeard's wrath, Jinbe further stated that he wanted to break his cellmate out of the Great Prison. He also stated that he would stop the war from occurring, telling Ace that he still trusted in miracles and luck. However, this brought out a reaction from imprisoned Crocodile, who explained to Jinbe and Ace that there are many pirates who have a grudge against Whitebeard. Ace also personally asked Jinbe to take care of Luffy for him once he's gone. Jinbe declined, saying that even though it was Ace who asked, he has no obligation to look after someone he considered a complete stranger in the pirate-infested world. Around this time, Jinbe and Ace were visited by another of the warlords namely Boa Hancock who had wanted to see Ace. Hancock claimed that she simply wanted to see the prisoner that was triggering the war against Whitebeard which she would be joining. Jinbe apparently under the impression that the female warlord was only there to gloat at his and Ace's imprisonment and remarked that even the 'idle empress' would go to war to save her Shichibukai position, seeing this as a low point for Hancock. Hancock, however, told Jinbe that she meant no harm to them and cryptically revealed to Ace that his brother was trying to rescue him before leaving the area. When Ace told Jinbe this, he described Luffy's behavior as being 'reckless'. Jinbe though had pointed out that although he did not personally know Hancock, there was a possibility that she was lying. However, Ace countered that Hancock would not go out of her way to lie to him, and knowing Luffy, his breaking into Impel Down after hearing Ace's incarceration down there was exactly the sort of crazy thing Luffy would do.
About six hours before Ace's execution, when Magellan came to Level 6 to escort Ace to his transfer to Marineford, Jinbe could do nothing but sit in his cell and watch. When Luffy, Emporio Ivankov, and Inazuma reached Level 6, Jinbe immediately recognized Luffy as Ace's brother due to the straw hat Luffy wears and wasted no time yelling to the Straw Hat that the prison staff extracted Ace from his cell only moments ago and that there was still a chance to catch up to him. After Ivankov convinced Luffy into releasing Crocodile from his cell when the former Warlord offered assistance in providing a means to escape, Jinbe pleaded to be released as well, as he too wanted to save Ace. Luffy, realizing Jinbe's honesty, agreed to free him, earning him the fish-man's gratitude. Upon his release, Jinbe immediately glared menacingly at Crocodile and made it clear that he would not allow him to kill Whitebeard. Crocodile, unfazed, asked Jinbe if he wanted to fight to the death. Afterward, he and the others went up through Level 5 to Level 4, where Jinbe re-evaluated the designated time for Ace's execution, set to occur at 3 o'clock sharp. He also concluded that if Whitebeard and his crew made preparations beforehand, with Ace being escorted out in the open sea, the battle between the World Government and the Whitebeard Pirates could break out any time. After Crocodile reduced the gateway between Levels 5 and 4 to dust, Jinbe demonstrated his Fish-Man Karate by punching the jailers and launching a shock wave that wiped out the line of enemies descending upon him and his comrades. When the three remaining Jailer Beasts, led by Sadi, suddenly appeared, Jinbe urged Luffy to move further ahead and let him and the others worry about the three beasts. He lamented on the fact that he is not as powerful on dry land as he is out in the open sea. Despite this claim, Jinbe further showed his strength by taking out one of the Jailer Beasts with one powerful blow alongside Crocodile and Luffy, both of whom defeated the other two. Jinbe continued in aiding the rebelling inmates as they rioted further up to Level 4, where they were momentarily halted at the entrance to Level 3 by Hannyabal, whom Luffy made short work of them.
But it was the unexpected arrival of Marshall D. Teach that truly finished the Vice-Warden off. Jinbe recognized the interloper as the one responsible for Ace's capture and was immediately angered, and asked what Teach was doing in Impel Down, immediately followed by asking if Teach ought to be called Blackbeard now. Blackbeard only replied that the fish-man should not get worked up too soon, apparently aware that he and Ace were friends, and that Blackbeard was only partly responsible for Ace's current predicament. As Luffy then started to attack Blackbeard, giving him significant injury, Jinbe stopped Luffy from wasting his time fighting Blackbeard, telling him to consider the rescue of Ace as the top priority. The breakout army eventually reached Level 1, and they united their forces with Buggy and Mr. 3's rioting squad. Jinbe then noticed that Magellan ordered the guards to do something with the ships outside of the fortress, and Jinbe informed them that they needed to hurry out of the prison. Jinbe then leads the assault on the retreating warships as Luffy stayed to fight Magellan. Jinbe, along with Crocodile, Buggy, and Mr. 1 went to steal one of the battleships that was sailing off, with Jinbe carrying the rest of them on a makeshift raft. Jinbe then fiercely attacked the battleships, destroying half of one with a Spear Wave without much effort before being scolded by Crocodile. When the battleships near the one attacked by Crocodile, Buggy, and Mr. 1 tried to sink them with the whole ship, Jinbe protected them by watering the cannons and making them useless. Later, he helped Luffy, Mr. 3, Inazuma, and Ivankov escape from Magellan, calling a school of giant whale sharks as backup. As the survivors were transferred onto the ship, Jinbe began to steer the ship towards the Gates of Justice. From an earlier conversation, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei revealed that he intended to stay behind, so he could disguise himself as Magellan and sneak back into the prison to open the Gates for everyone else. Mr. 2 requested that Jinbe not tell Luffy until they passed through the Gates, so the Baby Den Den Mushi's signal would be cut off, preventing any tearful goodbyes. However, when confronted by Luffy, Jinbe told of what happened before they passed the Gates, and protested Luffy's desire to go back to rescue Mr. 2, in that returning would only throw away what Mr. 2 sacrificed for. However, Jinbe gave Luffy a Baby Den Den Mushi to have one final talk with Mr. 2 before the signal would be severed.
Jinbe felt a certain amount of gratitude and guilt toward Luffy for being the one who had to defeat Arlong. However, he decided to temporarily set the matter aside and talk about it later in order to focus on their goal of saving Ace. After the successful escape through the Gates of Justice, Jinbe finally introduced himself to Luffy, revealing he was a Warlord, or most likely a former one since he escaped Impel Down with the intent to save Ace. As the crew came into sight of the Gates of Justice, Jinbe told Luffy that, if it had not been for the wind not blowing against them, they would've arrived sooner and then asked the latter how were they going to open the gates. Later, when Whitebeard's fleet finally arrived, the Gates of Justice opened for them. After landing at Marineford, Jinbe retrieved all the Devil Fruit users who fell into the water and then shouted to Fleet Admiral Sengoku that he resigned from the Seven Warlords of the Sea. When Moria created an army of zombies, Jinbe splashed them all with salt water, causing the shadows to leave the reanimated bodies. Sengoku's revelation that Dragon is Luffy's father seemed to have spurred Jinbe into making some kind of connection. He then battled against Moria, who was after his shadow. Despite being augmented with shadows, Moria was sent reeling after one of Jinbe's punches. Despite Moria only mildly hurt, he broke off from attacking further, leaving Moria infuriated. Upon seeing Squard stabbing Whitebeard due to Sengoku's plan, Jinbe expressed shock at what just happened. When the Marines raised the siege wall to trap all the pirates and to burn them to death with Akainu's Meteor Volcano, Jinbe launched Luffy over the wall with one of his water streams, per Luffy's request. Later, he was seen together with Ivankov on top of the siege wall. He was then seen asking a pirate doctor to attend to Luffy's injuries before declaring that he would die in the war at Marineford. However, thanks to Ivankov, Luffy did not require any help. When Whitebeard was badly injured and as high ranked marine officers attacked him, Jinbe was among the pirates who formed a formation behind Whitebeard in order to protect him. He then watched Luffy made his way to the execution platform and was very glad that Luffy freed Ace. Jinbe then accompanied Ace and Luffy as they made their escape. After Akainu dealt the fatal blow to Ace, he looked on in horror, but then defended Ace from a second attack, declaring that he did not value his life and that if he could do even a little to help Ace, it would be worth it. Unfortunately, it was already too late for Ace, and Jinbe was among the many who mourn Ace's loss. Marco then told Jinbe to grab Luffy and run and Jinbe complied.
Jinbe continued to run with Luffy, not looking back as Whitebeard spoke his last words. After Whitebeard's death, Akainu appeared in front of Jinbe and once again told him to give Luffy to him. Jinbe replied that he would rather die than give up on Luffy, thinking back to Ace's request to look after Luffy. As Akainu prepared himself to attack, Ivankov appeared and attacked Akainu with a Hell Wink. However, the attack did not stop Akainu. Jinbe hoped to jump into the sea to gain the upper hand but found the water below to be frozen. Akainu managed to strike Jinbe and harmed Luffy at the same time. Jinbe apologized to Luffy for letting him get injured. When Akainu was about to finish off Jinbe and Luffy, Crocodile came and repelled the admiral and then summoned a sandstorm to launch Jinbe and Luffy into the air to get them out of the admiral's reach. Jinbe, while carrying Luffy, was then caught by Buggy, who was floating high in the air also trying to escape. After barely maneuvering out of the way of Akainu's colossal magma fist, Buggy then carried Jinbe and Luffy to the just emerged ship of the Heart Pirates. Buggy threw Jinbe and Luffy onto Law's Submarine and they were then both safely carried in by Law's crew. The submarine soon submerged and successfully escaped, taking them far from the battlefield. Jinbe was later seen lying next to Luffy in Law's sickbay, with Law standing over next to them and instructing his crew to ready the ex-Warlord and Supernova's treatment.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Jinbe was a large blue whale shark fish-man who possessed a stocky build. His yellow eyebrows and sideburns are distinctly shaped like those found on such demons, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards. He has a lightning-shaped scar that can be seen from his left sideburn and reaching over his left eye. He also had two tusk-like conical lower fangs with the rest of his teeth from the upper and lower rows being smaller by comparison. This gave him a severe underbite which made room for his huge fangs. He came to be known by a variety of titles including Knight of the Sea Jinbe (海侠のジンベエ, Kaikyō no Jinbē?, English versions: "First Son of the Sea") and as Boss Jinbe (ジンベエ親分, Jinbē Oyabun?).
Jinbe was a fish-man of great pride and honor. He is known to the World Government as a pirate-hating pirate. However, he had great respect for Whitebeard and his crew as he sees them as a completely different story. Because of what Whitebeard had done for his homeland, Fish-Man Island, he understands the damage a war between the World Government and Whitebeard would cause. He knows that places like his home, which are protected by simply being part of Whitebeard's territory, would suffer the most should Whitebeard lose the war. Because of his honor, Jinbe is very respectful and considerate to the people he serves under. When asked to join the Straw Hat Pirates, Jinbe declined due to still being affiliated with Big Mom and could only join after he left her crew. Jinbe also desired consent from his crew, the Sun Pirates, in order to join the Straw Hats, showing Jinbe is very considering towards his now former crew members' feelings. However, despite wishing to settle things with Big Mom with honor and respect, after Jinbe saw her Roulette, he correctly deduced that it was rigged to kill him and his crew and chose to silently revolt instead. However, once Jinbe confronted Big Mom again, he personally declared his intentions to leave her crew in front of her guests and crew members to ensure it was official.
Powers and abilities
Even for a fish-man, Jinbe possesses tremendous strength.
As a fish-man, Jinbe's physical capabilities significantly increase when he is at sea. While underwater, he was able to bring a large, capsized ship to the surface.
He was shown to be an exceptionally powerful and disciplined master of Fish-Man Karate and Fish-Man Jujutsu with years of battle experience.
Among the techniques known to him included:
- Karakusagawara Seiken (唐草瓦正拳, Karakusa-gawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Arabesque Tile True Punch") :
- Gosenmaigawara Seiken (五千枚瓦正拳, Gosenmai-gawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Five Thousand Tile True Punch") :
- Yarinami (槍波, Yarinami?, literally meaning "Spear Wave") :
- Murasame (群雨, Murasame?, literally meaning "Rain Shower") :
- Samehada Shotei (鮫肌掌底, Samehada Shōtei?, literally meaning "Sharkskin Palm Block") :
- Samegawara Seiken (鮫瓦正拳, Samegawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Shark Tile True Punch") :
- Uchimizu (撃水, Uchimizu?, literally meaning "Water Shot") :
- Nanasenmaigawara Mawashigeri (七千枚瓦回し蹴り, Nanasenmai-gawara Mawashigeri?, literally meaning "Seven Thousand Tile Roundhouse Kick") :
- Fish-Man Karate Ogi: Buraikan (魚人空手「奥義」武頼貫, Gyojin Karate Ōgi: Buraikan?, literally meaning "Fish-Man Karate Secret Technique: Martial Reliant Piercing") :
- Soshark (粗鮫ソシャーク, Soshāku?, literally meaning "Rough Shark") :
- Fish-Man Karate Ogi: Onigawara Seiken (魚人空手「奥義」鬼瓦正拳, Gyojin Karate Ōgi: Onigawara Seiken?, literally meaning "Fish-Man Karate Secret Technique: Onigawara True Fist") :
Jinbe was a member of the Ryugu Kingdom (リュウグウ王国) where he came to serve as a soldier. This was until he joined Fisher Tiger's crew and became one of the original members of the Sun Pirates (タイヨウの海賊団). Afterwards, he came to lead the pirate crew when Fisher Tiger had died with this being the case until the World Government offered him membership into the Seven Warlords of the Sea (王下七武海). Jinbe accepted believing he could use this to strengthen relations with humans. However, he was forced to abdicate his position when the Marines staged a war against Whitebeard and called on the Seven Warlords to aid them. Jinbe refused to do so and thus was stripped of his position. Later on, Monkey D. Luffy asked Jinbe to join his crew with the fishman eventually accepting leading to him becoming a member of the Straw Hat Pirates (麦わらの一味).
- Jinbe was created by Eiichiro Oda where he featured in the setting of the One Piece universe.
In other media
Video games
- One Piece:
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