Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld
Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld is a female anime and manga character who features in The Asterisk War.
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Julis-Alexia Marie Florentia Renate von Riessfeld (Japanese: ユリス=アレクシア・マリー・フロレンツィア・レナーテ・フォン・リースフェルト, Hepburn: Yurisu-Arekushia Marii Furorentsia Reteena Fon Riisuferuto) was a female human born into the royal family the country of Lieseltania (リーゼルタニア) where she was the first princess of the nation. As a child, she came across an orphanage, and developed a fast friendship with the children and Sisters of the orphanage, striking up an especially close relationship with Orphelia Landlufen. She was given an handmade embroidered handkerchief as a birthday gift by her friends at the orphanage, leading it to being her most prized posession. The orphanage's financial troubles is her primary reason for going to Asterisk in the first place. Where she has been a student at Seidoukan Academy, for the last two years having transfered in during her third year of junior high.
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Julis Reissfeld was a beautiful young human girl who was often described like rose with long, bright pink hair and cyan eyes. She wears the Seidoukan Academy uniform jacket and dress with a white blouse underneath, along with two key like headpieces on either side of her hair. She also wears a grey belt with light red designs. Her jacket has trimmings on the sleeves. Aspera Spina, Julis' weapon, is held in the right guard on her hips. Julis was known by her title as the Glühen Rose (華焔の魔女 Gryuuen Rooze).
She was shown to be a elegant, proud, beautiful, hot-headed, stubborn, and can be cold to those she was unfamiliar with.
However, underneath that cold, unfriendly facade, was an honorable, faithful, and loyal person who would do just about anything for a friend.
Initially, she treated Ayato and his friends with mostly disdain, but eventually warms up to them and even calls them by their name.
Julis had a fear of disappointment and rejection, and will do whatever it took to keep her friends safe. She disliked relying on others.
She has a soft spot for children.
Her older brother was Jolbert Murray Johannes Heinrich van Riessfeld (ヨルベルト・マリー・ヨハネス・ハインリヒ・フォン・リースフェルト) who came to be the king of their country.
She had also known Claudia Enfield since they were both young.
Powers and abilities
As a Genestella, she was a Strega (魔女) whereby she was able to link with her mana through flesh and blood. This allowed her to manipulate prana which in turn enhanced her abilities. Julis mainly used her ability to gather her prana into fire-based attacks. . The image she uses when using her Strega abilities is flowers which is because of an experience with Orphelia about them. She combines these with her Aspera Spina, and later the Nova Spina, to great effect. Julis begins her moves by saying Bloom (咲き誇れ) or Open (綻べ) for her traps. During her duel with Fan Xinglou, she is shown to use a move that begins with Flourish (華めけ), though it is unknown if it falls under the previous two categories or if it's a new category of its own. She can't be harmed by her own flames.
She wielded a Lux (煌式武装) which took the form of a Lux Aspera Spina rapier until it was destroyed during the Phoenix Finals.
Julus had a number of techniques known to him which included:
- Longiflorum (鋭槍の白炎花ロンギフローラム) : by waving her weapon to create large whitish-blue colored spears of fire along the path her weapon passed through. The longiflorum shaped spears then fly at the opponent with a force similar to rockets. The shape of the spears can be changed to increase speed, and it can also be used without her weapon.
- Amaryllis (六弁の爆焔花アマリリス) : Julis summons a large fireball in front of her and shoots it towards the target. It can be made to explode by saying Explode (爆ぜろ). This is considered her best publicly known move and the size is alterable.
- Red Crown (隔絶の赤傘花レッドクラウン) :
- Antirrhinum Majus (呑竜の咬焔花アンテリナム・マジエス) :
- Strelitzia (極楽鳥の燈翼ストレリーティア) :
- Strelitzia Petty (極楽雛鳥の輝翼ストレリーティア・ペティ) :
- Livingstone Daisy (赤円の灼斬花リビングストンテイジー) :
- Anthurium (大紅の心焔盾アンスリウム) :
- Primrose (九輪の舞焔花プリムローズ) :
- Amaryllis Duo Flos (六弁の爆焔花アマリリス・二輪咲デュオフロース) :
- Ranunculus (重波の焔鳳花ラナンキュロス) :
Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld was a princess of the kingdom of Lieseltania (リーゼルタニア) which was a small country in Europe. To train as a Strega, she came to join the Seidoukan Academy (星導館学園) in order to refine her skills.
- Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld was created by Yū Miyazaki where she made her first appearance in The Asterisk War universe.
In other media
- In The Asterisk War, Julis-Alexia von Riessfeld appeared in the setting of the anime series where she was voiced by Japanese voice actress Ai Kakuma and by English voice actress Kira Buckland in the English dub.
- The Asterisk War:
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