Justin Hammer

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Justin Hammer is a male comic supervillain who features in Marvel Comics.




The dying Hammer in Iron Man: Bad Blood v1 #4.

Justin Hammer was a male human born in Surrey, England, where he began his company Hammer Industries, which became one of the leading weapons suppliers in the world. Hammer maintained other manufacturing interests besides weapons, and it was while bidding for an plant, to be built within the borders of the small Communist country of Carnelia. The company came to expand into the weapon manufacturing market after Stark International stepped away from the field. (Iron Man v1 #124) Over time, his business empire grew to the point that it was second only to Stark International which became a competitor and thorn in the side of Justin Hammer. (Iron Man v1 #126)

In response, the Carnelian Consulate came to sign the franchise over to one of Justin Hammer's subsidiary corporations. (Iron Man v1 #126)

Knowing that Iron Man was an essential part of Stark International's image as well as its security, Hammer directed his engineers to develop a means to override Iron Man's armor. The engineers eventually built a hypersonic device able to breach the armor's refractory coating. Over a period of weeks they tested their ability to override the cybernetic circuitry of the armor by activating various weapons systems against Iron Man's will. Knowing that Iron Man was an essential part of Stark International's image as well as its security (but not knowing that Iron Man was actually Anthony Stark), Hammer directed his engineers to develop a means to override Iron Man's armor. The engineers eventually built a hypersonic device able to breach the armor's refractory coating. Over a period of weeks they tested their ability to override the cybernetic circuitry of the armor by activating various weapons systems against Iron Man's will. (Iron Man v1 #118) Iron Man dismissed these incidents as mechanical malfunction rather than a deliberate override. Finally Hammer activated Iron Man's repulsor unit, causing Iron Man to publicly kill Sergei Kotzinin, the Carnelian ambassador to the United Nations. (Iron Man v1 #124) His armor impounded, Tony Stark tracked the reclusive Hammer to the Mediterranean Sea, where he was taken captive by Hammer's mercenaries. There he learned about Hammer's designs upon him, as well as some of his shadier operations, such as the financing and outfitting of various costumed criminals in exchange for fifty percent of their profits. Stark managed to wreck the device that could override his armor and then donned his spare suit in time to battle Hammer's reserves, a small army of powerful costumed criminals. Vanquishing them, Iron Man damaged Hammer's floating villa and captured the man who designed the equipment that overrode his armor. Justin Hammer managed to escape. Although Iron Man was able to clear himself of the murder charge by exposing certain of Hammer's activities, he could not effectively implicate Hammer or thwart Hammer's operations, since his diverse corporate holdings are unknown to the authorities. (Iron Man v1 #127)

Taking Stark to his private villa, he held Tony hostage whilst Justin had his scientists break through the locks on his briefcase after thinking some vital secrets were inside. During this time, Tony Stark managed to escape leading to Hammer calling his hired costumed mercenaries to the scene. (Iron Man v1 #126) It was then that Iron Man arrived who confronted Hammer where he revealed that he was responsible for arming the various villains fighting the armoured superhero. He then ordered the mercenaries to attack en-masse but they failed to defeat their foe. Ultimately, Justin Hammer managed to escape when he activated the jets for his villa making the island mobile allowing him to flee into international waters. (Iron Man v1 #127)

When Stark lost his company to entrepreneur Obadiah Stane, Hammer left the destitute Stark to his own devices while continuing with his own enterprises. When Stark recovered and re-entered the business world with Stark Enterprises, Hammer sent the Adap-Tor that was a robotic attack drone disguised as a helicopter to attack the new company as a way of 'welcoming' Stark back. (Iron Man v1 #217)

When Obadiah Stane committed suicide, Hammer managed to get all the stocks of Stane International, even though Stark believed he had transformed Stane International back into Stark International. (Iron Man v1 #238)


Personality and attributes

It was shown that he was a smoker who used high class brands of cigarettes. (Iron Man v1 #126)

He claimed that he went to great lengths to avoid official attention. (Iron Man v1 #126)

One of his aides was Phillip Barnett who developed a computer system that utilise hypersonic scan techniques. (Iron Man v1 #126)

Powers and abilities

It was his passion for privacy that led him to create a villa-like island that floated over the sea. (Iron Man v1 #126) Flotation foils and lift pods were present on the villa that allowed it to become mobile over waters. This allowed Hammer to move it into international waters to escape the authorities. (Iron Man v1 #127)

He distributed his influence across a great many diverse enterprises. It was said that Hammer's power and holdings in the business world were second only to Tony Stark. (Iron Man v1 #126)


  • Justin Hammer was created by David Michelinie, John Romita, Jr. and Bob Layton where he made his first appearance in Iron Man v1 #120 (March, 1979).
  • In an interview, Layton recalled in 2014 that he and Michelinie originally created Hammer as the cautionary tale of what kind of person Tony Stark might have become if he stayed on his path as a global war profiteer, as well as a tribute to actor Peter Cushing; in Layton's words, Stark and Hammer were essentially in the same line of work, but with diametrically opposed moral views.

Alternate Versions

  • In Ultimate Spider-Man v1 #16 (2002), an alternate version of Justin Hammer appeared in the Ultimate Marvel reality designated as Earth-1610 in the Multiverse. Justin Hammer was a wealthy industrialist and CEO of Hammer Industries. He was rivals with Norman Osborn and was Oscorp Industries' main competitor. In an effort to surpass Osborn Industries, Hammer hired Osborn's top scientist Otto Octavius and paid him for inside information.

In other media


  • In Iron Man, Justin Hammer appeared in the 1990s animated television series where he was voiced by actor Tony Steedman in season one and by actor Efrem Zimbalist Jr. in season two.
  • In Iron Man: Armored Adventures, Justin Hammer appeared in the setting of the animated television series where he was voiced in a British accent by actor Michael Adamthwaite.
  • In Avengers Assemble, Justin Hammer made several appearances in the cartoon series where he was voiced by actor Jason Spisak. This version of the character was made to resemble the portrayal of Justin Hammer done by Sam Rockwell as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • In Luke Cage, Justin Hammer was mentioned in the live-action series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe where he was referenced in the episode "Moment of Truth". Cornell Cottonmouth mentioned that he was gathering weapons that were on the same grade as Justin Hammers armaments. Hammers company later built special bullets made from a metal not from Earth and derived from the Incident that were able to pierce bulletproof armour. Diamondback had managed to acquire several Hammer level weapons and was selling them in Harlem including the bullet piercing armaments to Cottonmouth. Stryker later utilised a suit made from Hammertech in order to fight Luke Cage.


  • In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Justin Hammer made a number of appearances in the shared continuity setting.
    • In Iron Man 2, Justin Hammer made his live-action debut where he was portrayed by actor Sam Rockwell.
    • In Marvel One-Shots 'All Hail the King', Justin Hammer made a brief appearance in the short clip where he was once again portrayed by actor Sam Rockwell. He was shown to be at Seagate Prison and was not impressed with the new inmate Trevor Slattery who was an actor hired to portray the role of the Mandarin.

Video games

  • In Marvel's Avengers, Justin Hammer appeared in the setting of the video game where he was voiced by actor Nicolas Roye.


  • Iron Man v1: (1979)
  • Iron Man: Bad Blood v1:

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