Kaiju (Pacific Rim)

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Kaiju are monstrous beings that feature in Pacific Rim.




The Kaiju were a race of genetically engineered creatures that were designed by a sentient race of extradimensional beings known as the Precursors native to the Anteverse. Their purpose was to serve in the colonization efforts of their makers who dispatched the Kaiju to worlds through dimensional rifts in order to decimate a planet. Once the native population was wiped out, the makers would then proceed to take ownership of the decimated planet for their own needs. These planets would be completely used by the aliens whereupon they proceeded with attacking another viable target world. The alien creators of the Kaiju had visited Earth in the prehistoric era when dinosaurs lived on the planet's surface but the world was not conductive to their needs. Thus, they decided to wait the passage of centuries where the rise of mankind saw the native species polluting the environment and suffering from the world's ozone depletion. As a result, mankind had inadvertently terraformed Earth for the alien masters of the Kaiju that were preparing for their invasion in the early 21st century. In 2013, the Precursors opened a portal to Earth which formed at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. This served as a port of entry for the Kaiju allowing for the Trespasser to emerge on the planet where it attacked the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. After cutting a great swathe of devastation, the Kaiju was killed by the detonation of three nuclear bombs with this event being known as K-Day. Whilst it seemed that the danger had passed, mankind began to experience the emergence of more Kaiju who began to appear in increasing frequency.

In time, certain members of the human populace came to believe that the Kaiju had been sent from heaven in order for the gods to punish mankind for their behavior.

By 2020, Category III and IV Kaiju were becoming common Kaiju to attack the Pacific Rim. February 2020 marked the beginning of the Defense Corps' downfall in the war against the Kaiju when the Category III Kaiju, Knifehead exhibited the learning curve that allowed it to critically damage the Mark-3 Jaeger, Gipsy Danger and kill one of its pilots.[3] As the Kaiju began to best the Jaegers, the United Nations put into motion plans to create a Wall that would isolate the Pacific Rim from the rest of the world in the hope that it would stop the Kaiju from spreading and began to move civilians further inland from the coastlines. There were thirteen Kaiju attacks in 2024 alone, resulting in staggering Jaeger losses. Hermann Gottlieb speculated in the aftermath of the assault on Sydney by Mutavore that the increasing appearance of the Kaiju and their attacks suggested that the emergence of Kaiju from the portal would increase until there were mere day or hour lulls in their attacks, leading to the "Double Event" and "Triple Event". In an effort to find the invaders plans, Newton Geiszler decided that the only solution was to Drift with a Kaiju brain. Gottlieb's fears were later confirmed when his colleague, Newton Geiszler, 'drifted' with a Kaiju's secondary brain in order to gain information in the K-Science Lab. Newton learned the first wave of Kaiju sent through the portal were meant to both test and weaken the boundaries of the inhabitants' defenses. The second wave of Kaiju would have adapted to the battle strategies of humankind and proceed to wipe them out in a mass extinction event. Leatherback and Otachi simultaneously attacked Hong Kong in search of Newton, and, during the process, destroyed two of the four remaining Jaegers, Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon. The Triple Event later occurred during the mission to bomb the portal. Scunner, Raiju and Slattern all emerged from the portal to defend their masters from certain destruction at the hands of Striker Eureka and Gipsy Danger. The Kaiju and their masters, within the boundaries of the portal, were destroyed when Gipsy Danger's nuclear reactor was set to self-destruct. The destruction of the Breach ended the Kaiju War and destroyed the facility of Kaiju clones.

Unknown to anyone, Newton Geiszler had been deeply affected from the Drifting with the Kaiju brain. Geiszler then planned to re-open the Rift and allow the Precursors to invade the planet. From his position in Shao Industries, he worked to sabotage mankind's efforts and help bring a return of the Kaiju. He harvested the hind brain of a Kaiju and placed it within a custom Jaeger called Obsidian Fury.


In appearance, the Kaiju came in a variety of difference forms and appearances. Despite their different forms, they shared the same genetic structure and were in fact clones. Each were amphibious allowing them to survive deep underwater and were created to be extremely hostile. Their bodies were so massive that they required two brains in order to operate their forms. These organs such as the secondary brain had a high degree of ammonia within it. All Kaiju were connected to one another to the point that they had some form of a hive mind. Kaiju bodies were sometimes riddled with skin parasites known as Skinmites that were multi-legged large insects with mandibles that were harmless to humans and seemingly did not survive following the death of the host. They were only able to survive following being immersed in ammonia. One cubic meter of Kaiju excretion had enough phosphorous within it to fertilize a whole field.

Kaiju flesh had a distinct radioactive half-life signature indicating their origins to the Anteverse. Their blood was noted to be highly reactive with rare-earth elements that made it capable of producing great deals of energy in an explosion. As a result, a Kaiju on exposure to such substance could effectively operate as a living bomb or their blood was capable of serving as fuel. Kaiju biology was toxic to other species and seemingly designed to wipe out other species such as mankind with this toxin being referred to as Kaiju Blue. The skull plating surrounding the brain was so thick that it prevented others from drilling through before it rotted away. Deceased Kaiju needed CO2 to be pumped into their bodies in order to delay the acidic reaction and allow the harvest it of its organs. Ultimately, Kaiju were able to keep evolving allowing them to become stronger and tougher allowing them to defeat any threats to them. This allowed them to develop traits and abilities among the various types designed to defeat their enemies such as spitting out corrosive acid or generating electromagnetic pulses that could knock out an entire city.

Category 1 to 4 Kaiju were the lower end creatures tasked to serve as hounds that were deployed at worlds in order to attack the native population centers. Once this was done, the second wave of creatures were deployed that were the exterminators designed to eliminate all trace of the native population allowing for the alien masters to take possession of the world.


  • Trespasser :
  • Slattern :
  • Otachi :
  • Knifehead :
  • Leatherback :
  • Hakuja :
  • Raijin :


  • The Kaiju were created by Guillermo del Toro and and Travis Beacham where they featured in the setting of the Pacific Rim universe.

In other media


  • In Pacific Rim: Uprising, the Kaiju appeared in the setting of the animated television series.

Video games

  • In Pacific Rim, Kaiju appeared as enemies in the 2013 video game adaptation of the film.


  • Pacific Rim: (2013)
  • Pacific Rim: Uprising: (2018)

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