Khyber (Ben 10)
Khyber is a male extraterrestrial villain who features in Ben 10.
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Khyber was a male Zaroffian whose homeworld was the planet Sangerosia where he was one of the handful who have escaped from his extremely hostile home planet.
Khyber was hired by Malware and Dr. Psychobos to get Ben's Omnitrix so that they could reverse engineer it to build a device of "superior" quality. They paid him with their device based on the Omnitrix, the Nemetrix. Khyber spent an amount of time afterwards collecting the DNA of the most fierce and savage of the universe's predators and added their DNA to the Nemetrix. Khyber also collected a number of 'volunteers' from the Null Void, such as Phil Billings, to test out the Nemetrix. Nearly all the tests failed miserably, learning that only a non-sapient creature could operate the Nemetrix without suffering from severe side effects since "higher functioning" creatures could not handle the savage nature of the predators, ultimately attaching it to his dog, an Anubian Baskurr. Originally, he was later tasked to obtain DNA samples from Ben's Omnitrix to complete the Nemetrix.
He later spotted Ben investigating the wreckage of Pakmar's destroyed 'toilet store' and sent his dog to attack Ben as Crabdozer. Once Crabdozer had Spidermonkey pinned down, Khyber recalls her, observing that Ben was "worthy prey".
Khyber sent his dog after Ben again but this time as Buglizard. When Rook saved Ben, Khyber called Buglizard back until he could get Ben alone. Khyber got his chance to attack Ben when he was alone during his fight against Psyphon, sending Buglizard after him again but this time, Ben was able to defeat Buglizard as Shocksquatch. Later back at his ship, Khyber decided that Ben is more resourceful and skillful than he thought. (Episode: The More Things Change: Part 2) Khyber stealthily broke into Plumber HQ to steal information on his employer Malware and the Helix, watching a video depicting the first fight between Ben and Malware. Once the video was over, Khyber copied all files relating to the Helix, Ben, and Malware before he left. (Episode: Trouble Helix) Khyber sent his pet after Ben first at Burger Shack as Slamworm, whom Ben was able to defeat as Diamondhead. Later, Khyber sent his pet after Ben a second time at Dr. Animo's ant hill, where his pet had nearly defeated Crashhopper as Mucilator before Rook saved Ben. Ben defeated Mucilator by freeing Animo's Mutant Ants from his control and letting them attack Mucilator, forcing her to flee. Khyber tells his pet to be patient, as next time, Animo won't be getting in their way. (Episode: It Was Them) Khyber spotted Rook and Ben apparently breaking off their partnership and takes the opportunity to attack Ben in person with Zed, successfully capturing Ben after a grueling battle between the two Omnitrix users. (Episode: Of Predators and Prey: Part 1) Khyber brought Ben to his ship and explained to him his history with his old nemesis, Malware. Afterwards, he and Rath got into a short fight in which Khyber easily won using a simple nerve pinch. However, Rook arrived and saved Ben, revealing that their earlier break up was part of an elaborate ruse to lure Khyber and Zed out of hiding. As Ben battled Zed, Rook fought Khyber in hopes of removing whistle that he used to command Zed. After learning that Khyber is the whistle, Rook simply muzzled him, allowing Ben to defeat Tyrannopede as Grey Matter using the same neural pinch Khyber used on him and rescued Rook from the crashing ship as Big Chill. Though Khyber and Zed survived the crash, they were soon found by Malware and Dr. Psychobos. (Episode: Of Predators and Prey: Part 2)
Khyber tried to keep Zed under control while the Nemetrix was malfunctioning but failed, with Zed continuing to randomly change form. According to Dr. Psychobos, the needed component to stabilize the Nemetrix was in the Omnitrix itself. Malware and Khyber argued over who would get the component, but Dr. Psychobos insisted that he did it himself. (Episode: Outbreak) Khyber and Zed attacked Ben and Rook at the "Olde Bellwood Days" festival in order to keep them from discovering that Malware was stealing data files from the Plumber database from Rook's Proto-TRUK. Once Ben discovered that the altercation was a distraction, Khyber directed them towards Rook's truck for his own reasons before he and Zed retreated. (Episode: Malefactor) Khyber is seen with Dr. Psychobos, who plans to take down Azmuth and the entire Galvan race using their own predator: Omnivoracious. He and Dr. Psychobos use Zed to transform into an Omnivoracious and they corner Azmuth. Azmuth quickly transports Ben and Rook to his side and Khyber quickly wants to fight Ben. Khyber orders Zed to attack Ben, but Dr. Psychobos uses his electrical powers to force Khyber to whistle, causing Zed to transform back into an Omnivoracious to attack Azmuth. Once Azmuth creates a flute that sounds exactly like Khyber's whistle, Khyber turns on Dr. Psychobos, allowing Azmuth to turn Omnivoracious into Dr. Psychobos' own natural predator: Vicetopus. Vicetopus traps Dr. Psychobos, allowing Ben, Rook, and Azmuth to take him away. Smoke then engulfs the area and the Nemetrix is suddenly gone from Zed's collar, as Khyber has made off with the Nemetrix and abandoned Zed. (Episode: Showdown, Part 1) Khyber returns and forms an alliance with Albedo. While Ben was on mess duty, he broke into Plumber's HQ and, after a few cosmetic changes to Ben, switched him with Albedo. Later on after Albedo completed the new Ultimatrix, Khyber rescued him after his defeat by Argit. (Episode: The Ultimate Heist) After Albedo captured and dropped Ben in his hunting preserve, Khyber introduced him his newest pet, a Panuncian. (Episode: A Fistful of Brains)
Ben and his friends were able to escape his HQ, causing it to self-destruct. After chasing them to Earth, he and his Panuncian fought Ben, Rook, Gwen and Kevin, but he was ultimately defeated and revealed that he had a fear of Nemuinas when Ben transformed into Pesky Dust. After putting Khyber to sleep and gaining information from his dreams, he and his pet were left for the Plumbers to pick up, but they escaped before the Plumbers could reach them. (Episode: For a Few Brains More) Khyber steals the Nemetrix from within Plumber Headquarters, leaving a mocking remark to Ben for the security cameras. He then travels to the Black Hole, and approaches Trombipulor, revealing that he has a Slime-Biot named Skurd on him. Khyber offers Skurd the opportunity to feed on the Nemetrix's DNA in exchange for a partnership, to which Skurd agrees. Khyber and Skurd find and attack Ben, Khyber using Skurd's powers to grant him the abilities of Crabdozer. Ben is teleported away before they can finish him. Ben later teleports onto Khyber's ship. Skurd, realizing that the Omnitrix has far more DNA to feed on then the Nemetrix, abandons Khyber for Ben, turning Khyber into Tyrannopede in the process. Giving in to the predator's savage nature, Khyber attacks Ben. Ben and Skurd work together to distract Khyber long enough for Rook to remove the Nemetrix, reverting him back to normal. Khyber is then taken into Plumber custody. (Episode: Stuck on You)
Personality and attributes
In appearance, Khyber was a male alien humanoid wearing a black suit that covered his upper body with a red stripe in the middle and grey pants. He has grey gloves and a grey belt, as well as black boots with grey soles. He wears bones as ornamentation over his clothes, which consists of a ribcage on his chest, a tail bone on his right shoulder, a horned animal skull on his left shoulder, ribs covering the back of his black suit and boots, and claws on his shoes.
Khyber has a calm and serious personality. Unlike most villains Ben and his allies have encountered, Khyber cares not for posturing; he does not monologue about his plans nor does he treat his opponents/targets as powerless before him. Rather, he is straight to business with a no-nonsense attitude. He does, however, take great pride in his status as a hunter, often commenting on it when looked down by others, to which he can get distracted when reaffirming his status.
Powers and abilities
Khyber is a skilled hacker, capable of hacking into any technology, especially Plumber technology, which he has done on multiple occasions.
Khyber can blow an ultrasonic whistle either through his mouth or his gills, which he used to issue commands to all animals who will obey him, which can also be heard by Vulpimancers.
Khyber has good knowledge of pressure points, as he knew of a pressure point in the shoulder of an Appoplexian and humans that can paralyze them when he used it to subdue Rath. He calls it the Hephaestan Neuro Grip, which is useful in taking down all manner of prey.
- Khyber was voiced by actor David Kaye where he featured as an antagonist in Ben 10: Omniverse.
- Ben 10: Omniverse:
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