Killy (Blame!)

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Killy is a male anime and manga character who features in Blame!.



Killy (Japanese: 霧亥, Hepburn: Kirii)

In her attempt to register Killy as a Safeguard, Sanakan, intentionally or not, re-enabled Killy's cybernetic functions that had been dormant for some time. During the encounter outside Toha Heavy Industries, where he was knocked out from using too much power from firing the GBE, we see from his point of view that he can now scan for the Net Terminal Genes automatically. Zuru asks him if anything is wrong, and we see his viewpoint, filled with little windows and analyzing the eyes of the person, along with other unknown elements. His response to her question was "I understand what the displays mean now". He was able to see these things before but didn't know what they meant. This is where he leaves the room and immediately scans the people outside, even Cibo, who is unaware of his change. However, he senses a strange reading from one of them, even a small scan showed up with a metallic endoskeleton. It was Sanakan, as she was one of the Safeguard, she then activates her functions and starts destroying things with her own GBE. He then apparently 'rejects registration with the Safeguard', and Sanakan tries to kill him, only to be defeated for the time being.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Killy was a a lean, pale-skinned young man with short black hair.

On the surface, Killy has no personality to speak of. He has the fewest speaking lines of any major character, barely more than a few words, and most things he says are either questions regarding his mission or irritated remarks.

He was tasked by an unknown agency with finding a human in the 32-AU radius Megastructure who still possesses the Net Terminal Gene, a genetic marker necessary for safe access to the Netsphere, from which the functions of the Megastructure may be controlled.

Powers and abilities

Killy possessed various cybernetic features, though they are not readily visible. He has a HUD (heads-up display) in his retinas that he uses to scan the environment around him, and a small box with several connection ports that hangs from his hip and is wired to the back of his head. When not in use, Killy keeps this box tucked inside his outfit.

He was equipped with a Gravitational Beam Emitter (GBE), a compact but powerful weapon capable of creating holes miles long in the Megastructure.


  • Killy was created by Tsutomu Nihei where he featured in the setting of the Blame! universe.

In other media



  • Blame!:

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