Loghain Mac Tir

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Loghain Mac Tir is a male video game character who features in Dragon Age.




Loghain Mac Tir

Past victories over the darkspawn has made King Cailan Theirin over-confident to the point where Cailan begins to doubt if Ferelden is even facing a real Blight. Loghain seems to believe that Cailan relies too heavily on the Grey Wardens and think them untrustworthy. Some think King Cailan has a delusional fixation with the Grey Wardens and their legendary reputation; even Warden-Commander Duncan admits that Cailan believes fighting with the few Fereldan Grey Wardens makes Cailan feel invulnerable. Loghain also deplores Cailan's idea of joining forces with Orlesian reinforcements, which are en route; Loghain calls the idea a 'foolish notion' and also a threat to Ferelden's independence. Since Loghain won't permit them to wait for Orlesian reinforcements, Cailan insists that they defend Ostagar with the forces they have at hand.

Gossip from one of King Cailan's guards claims that Cailan has been spending most of his time riding off with the Fereldan Grey Wardens. Teyrn Loghain tries to get Cailan to focus on planning the coming battles but those discussions end up in arguments and the king just waves Loghain off. The guard claims that King Cailan wants to end the Blight with a single huge battle that will be remembered for centuries while Loghain felt Cailan was being too reckless. Loghain and Cailan have also had arguments about Queen Anora but the reason for it is never explained. As the Teyrn commanding the army, Loghain is responsible for devising the tactics that will be used in the Battle of Ostagar. Loghain's plan utilizes the anvil and hammer strategy; the Grey Wardens are to act as the anvil, drawing the main body of darkspawn, and Loghain's troops will flank the darkspawn once the beacon is lit. Although Loghain advises him not to fight on the front lines, King Cailan Theirin refuses and insists on accompanying the Wardens. Cailan also insists on having the two newest Grey Wardens, the Warden and Alistair, light the beacon; Loghain and Uldred disagree, but acquiesce to the king's desire in the end. Despite a darkspawn attack on the beacon tower, the Wardens eventually manage to light the beacon; however, on seeing the lit beacon, Loghain orders his troops to retreat—leaving King Cailan, a sizable portion of the Fereldan army, and the Grey Wardens to die.

After the battle at Ostagar, he declares the Grey Wardens traitors and places a bounty on their heads. He also declares himself regent for his daughter, Queen Anora Theirin, and demands all of Ferelden unite under him so they could sensibly fight the darkspawn while also protect the country from Orlesian invasion. This is not met with approval from the Bannorn, and civil war ensues. With Arl Rendon Howe as his main advisor, Loghain takes drastic measures to secure Ferelden — such as allowing elves to be sold into slavery, employing the apostate Jowan to poison Arl Eamon Guerrin, soliciting the Circle mages for their allegiance in exchange for promises of greater freedoms, imprisoned and tortured prominent individuals that could become political liabilities to him, and hiring Zevran Arainai, an Antivan Crow, to assassinate the remaining Grey Wardens. He refuses all Orlesian reinforcements, not believing Empress Celene's intentions are honest. Neither Howe nor Anora can convince him otherwise. Rumours circulate that the reason he abandoned Cailan at Ostagar was so Loghain could seize the Fereldan throne for himself; while others thought King Cailan was goaded by the Grey Wardens into a suicidal battle that got himself killed and Loghain was forced to abandon him when he realized the battle was a lost cause. According to King Cailan's Secret Correspondence documents, Cailan had indeed hoped to cement a union of kingdoms with the Orlesians by putting aside Anora, who was believed to be barren, and marrying the Empress Celene. Loghain's reaction in Return to Ostagar seems to indicate he was unaware of Cailan's plot or his intimate relationship with Celene.


Personality and attributes

Loghain was fond of maps; giving these as gifts will significantly boost his approval.

Loghain owned a mabari when he was a child. He named her Adalla, and had her for 10 years before an Orlesian took her to use her for breeding with his hunting dogs. Some time later Loghain was reunited with his dog, when the Orlesian threw the mabari out of a moving wagon. The dog was so weak that it died a week later in Loghain's lap.

Powers and abilities

It was noted that he was a brilliant commander.


  • Loghain Mac Tir was created by BioWare where he was voiced by actor Simon Templeman and featured in the setting of the Dragon Age universe.


  • Dragon Age: Origins: (2009)

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