Lulu (Final Fantasy)

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Lulu is a female video game character who features in Final Fantasy.




Lulu (Japanese: ルールー, Hepburn: Rūrū?) was a female human born in the world of Spira on the Isle of Besaid. She was an orphan when she was five years old after her parents were killed by the monster Sin. This saw Lulu coming to be raised alongside Wakka, his younger brother Chappu and later on Yuna. During these years, Lulu became romantically linked with Chappu who had considered proposing marriage to her. However, Chappu came to join the ranks of the Crusaders as he wanted to make the world safer for Lulu. During this time, he was involved in an operation against Sin near Djose where he was killed as a result. As she grew older, she came to serve as a guardian for Summoners in their quest to defeat Sin and accompanied them on their pilgrimages. The pilgrimage of the first summoner Lulu was when she was 20 years old where her charge was Lady Ginnem but this was cut short by her death in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Meanwhile, her second pilgrimage was with Father Zuke who ended in the Calm Lands that was a common decision among summoners. Afterwards, Yuna wanted to follow her father's footsteps by becoming a Summoner with Lulu having attempted to but failed to dissuade her in this goal.

When Yuna decided to become a summoner, Lulu initially protested, but after returning from Father Zuke's pilgrimage, Lulu agreed to become Yuna's guardian along with Wakka and Kimahri. Though Lulu is protective of Yuna, she respects her decisions. Lulu travels to Kilika with Yuna, Wakka, Kimahri, and Tidus, a young man who claims to hail from Zanarkand and looks a lot like Chappu. Although Lulu does not believe he is from Zanarkand, she offers Tidus information about Spira, believing Sin's toxin has induced an amnesia in him. She is unhappy with how keen Wakka is to befriend Tidus, seeing him as clinging on to Chappu's memory in wanting to make Tidus his surrogate brother rather than trying to move on. During their journey to Kilika Island, their ship, the S.S. Liki, is attacked by Sin, and Lulu helps fend it off. Sin destroys the Kilika Port where Lulu tells Tidus about the sending, pyreflies, and fiends, explaining that Yuna must send the dead, lest their feelings of anguish remain on Spira in their pyreflies and in time turn into fiends. The morning after, she sets off with Yuna, Tidus, Wakka, and Kimahri for the temple on the mountain top where Yuna obtains the aeon Ifrit, and the group leaves for Luca to attend a local blitzball tournament.

Lulu and Wakka discuss Tidus as she worries about Wakka's intentions to desert him after the tournament (under the impression he could join another blitzball team). She advises him to ask Tidus to become a guardian, as it would be difficult for Yuna to ask for it. The following morning, the group arrives at Luca, where Grand Maester Yo Mika and the newest Maester Seymour Guado arrive. Lulu explains it is Mika's fiftieth anniversary of being a grand Maester, and this year's blitzball tournament is held in his honor. Amid the commotion, Yuna and Tidus check if rumors of Auron, a legendary guardian to Yuna's father Braska, being in the town are true. Kimahri is confronted by his Ronso rivals Biran and Yenke, and when Tidus is distracted, Yuna goes missing. Lulu catches up with them and informs Tidus and Kimahri that Yuna has been kidnapped by the Al Bhed Psyches and for her safe return they want the Besaid Aurochs to lose the blitzball game. Lulu says Wakka told her he will play the match while they rescue Yuna. The three board the Al Bhed ship and rescue her. After discussing Yuna's Al Bhed heritage with Tidus, Lulu shoots a flare into the air to signal Wakka, who wins the game for the Aurochs. After the tournament, fiends attack the stadium and Seymour summons Anima to slay them, impressing the crowds. When they are about to leave, Tidus and Auron request to be Yuna's guardians, much to Lulu and Wakka's surprise.


Personality and attributes

She was highly intelligent, one of the few Yevonites who easily questions the Yevon religion on objective terms, and was far more accepting of Rikku's Al Bhed nature than Wakka initially was.

Lulu was shown to be often stern and scathing particularly to Wakka. Despite this, she was nonetheless caring toward others. Lulu was particularly harsh towards Tidus when they first met, but her opinion of him slowly changed for the better over time.

Lulu had been romantically involved with Wakka's younger brother, Chappu, and his death at the hands of Sin affected Lulu greatly. Afterwards, she became romantically involved with Wakka where the two got married and she gave birth to Wakka's child, Vidina, a name that translates as "future" in the Al Bhed language.

Powers and abilities

As a Black Mage, she used animated dolls as weapons and bangles as armor.


  • Lulu was created by Motomu Toriyama and designed by Tetsuya Nomura where she featured in the setting of Final Fantasy X.


  • Final Fantasy X:
  • Final Fantasy X-2:

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