Maelstrom (Pirates of Dark Water)

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The Maelstrom was the massive flagship of Bloth's fleet, constructed almost entirely from the bones and body parts of dead Leviathans. It's horrific visage strikes terror into the hearts of nearly all who see it, and few have actually managed to escape it. The Maelstrom's hold is large enough to contain a whole other ship, and there is also an area where Bloth stores his slaves and prisoners (the Kravidorm), a pit for the Constrictus, a series of sewerways snaking through the bowels of the ship, a hold to store Dagrons, Dagron perches above deck, captain's and officer's quarters, and even an old ship foundry apparently to build scout ships (which Bloth abandoned and had sealed off once the Constrictus became too large to control).


Captainship of the Maelstrom went to Mantus after he and Konk successfully overthrew Bloth.

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