Maki Oze

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Maki Oze is a female anime and manga character who features in Fire Force.



Maki Oze (Japanese: 茉希尾瀬, Hepburn: Maki Oze) was a female human born as the daughter of Danrou Oze and his wife Madoka Oze where she had an older brother named Takigi Oze.

She came to join the Tokyo Army where she came to be a Private who served under Sergeant Takehisa Hinawa in the Year 195. During her enrolment, she was noted to had worked harder than normal soldiers and went through training that was far beyond than what was required of her. Two years later, she came to be recruited by Takehisa to join the ranks of the Special Fire Force where she joined his Company 8 detachment leading to her leaving the army as she looked to save people rather than fight them.

Maki, alongside the rest of the 8th Special Fire Brigade, arrives to save the train station from an Infernal, where she helps Akitaru Ōbi face the threat by putting out a fireball launched by the enemy. Later, at the headquarters, she takes a shower with Iris, where she asks how it was when Shinra carried the girl like a bride. In the meeting room, she is present when Akitaru delivers a speech on Spontaneous Human Combustion. Later that night, Maki notifies Shinra about an incident in a factory and tells him to get ready, taking him to the brigade's Special Armoured Fire Engine. When the brigade arrives, Maki manipulates the flames out of the team's way. She later helps Akitaru fight the threat by keeping the flames at bay so that the two wouldn't get burned. After the mission, she was happy to see Shinra with a happy smile. Some time later, on the church's roof, Maki displayed her abilities to Iris by creating a sentient fireball, but the conversation between the two is cut short when a fight between Arthur and Shinra breaks out in front of them. The former unsheathes his blade-less sword, which makes Maki question his choice of weapon, but the girl's attention is diverted when Arthur suggests the two girls to be princesses. When Takehisa arrives to see who's behind all the ruckus, he pours a glass of water on Maki's fireball creature and scolds her for playing with fire, making her upset. Takehisa then orders the girl to fight both Shinra and Arthur. Maki uses her abilities to put out the flames on Shinra's feet, easily defeating him. However, she fails to do so with Arthur's Excalibur. She resorts to using her martial arts skills and knees him in the face, which causes Arthur to call Maki, an ogre disguised as a princess. In a fit of rage, after Shinra said She had an ogre-ish face. Maki creates a huge fireball monster out of the flames of both Arthur's sword and Shinra's feet, ending the battle with her victory. Afterwards, much to the girl's dismay, Takehisa extinguished the fireball creature.

When an Infernal is spotted in the Iriya District, Maki moves out, where she looks upon a gigantic flame coming from Mikako's apartment. She informs her allies that the fire is not her doing, much to their confusion. The brigade then storms the building. When Arthur impales the Infernal with his weapon, the ceiling starts to collapse, but the team manages to escape unscathed. During Arthur and Shinra's participation in the Rookie Fire Soldier Games, Maki accompanies the two, where she gets fascinated by 119. When Arthur falls to his death, Maki helps to soften his fall with a blanket. The following day, she tells Arthur and Shinra to rescue a dog stuck in a tree. Maki later informs Akitaru that an Infernal has appeared at the courthouse. Moving out with her brigade to dispose of the threat, she apologizes to Shinra and Arthur for being the one responsible for getting the two scolded. At the courthouse, she saves an innocent girl from Setsuo's flames and returns his attack in the form of Sputter Comet☆, but to no avail. When the brigade catches up to Shinra, Maki and the rest find themselves in a confrontation with the Special Fire Force Company 5. Tōru Kishiri mocks Akitaru, which leads to Shinra and Arthur jumping in, but Maki and Takehisa detain the two. She then delivers a corkscrew punch to Tōru. A stand-off between the brigades was then catalyzed, but the two depart without any signs of struggle.

The next day, she is seen training with her fellow Fire Soldiers. Later, when the 8th Special Fire Brigade infiltrates the Special Fire Force Combine 5, Maki and Takehisa find themselves assaulted by Tōru, but, with their combined strength, the two succeed in winning the fight. Afterwards, the 5th Angels Three confront them and use their Ignition Ability to attempt to take the pair down, but Maki prevails with a heavy punch to the Angels. She and Takehisa then decide to search for any documents that the 5th may be hiding about the phenomenon and hope Shinra is safe. After Hibana's defeat, Maki is seen at the dinner party between the two Companies. She briefly entertains members of the 5th Angels Three with her fireballs, before Arthur (on Takehisa's orders) cuts them to pieces, to Maki's displeasure.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Maki Oze was a pretty young adult of above-average height and fair complexion where she had slender yet curvaceous as well as having a well-endowed figure. Despite this, she was shown as having an athletically built body with well-defined muscle. She came to be known by the moniker of the Witch Queen (魔女, Majo).

On the surface, she was shown to be calm and driven person who focused on the mission. In reality, she was shown as being a hopeless romantic at heart.

However, despite her reluctance to hurt others, she will brutally kill and dispatch enemies with ruthless efficiency to defend herself and those she cares about when pushed, as seen when she mercilessly slaughtered the subordinates of Flail when confronted and single handedly defeated the powerful third generation

She was shown to have a complex over her body as she tended to find it to be too muscular and not feminine. This was even though many of her close friends found her beautiful. Due to this trait, she sometimes misheard people when commenting about her where she assumed the worst such as them calling her a 'gorilla cyclops' even though they did not use those words. In such moments, she was shown to get furious and strike at the person who she thought said those words.

Powers and abilities

She came to enlist in the Tokyo Military as a soldier where she came to be an exceptional fighter and trained in hand-to-hand combat. Such was her skill that she was able to deal with multiple opponents at the same time and defeat large number of foes with relative ease.

As a Second Generation Fire Soldier, she had the ability to manipulate flames but could not create them. It was shown that her skill allowed her to control fires over an ultra-wide distance. Her training meant that she could handle herself against two Third Generations simultaneously, being able to extinguish and absorb their generated flames into a giant fireball.

Maki was able to manipulate flames to create sentient ball of fires where one was called Sputter (プスプス, Pusu Pusu) and the other Flare (メラメラ, Mera Mera).

Vulcan came to create a pair of weapon systems called the Iron Owls (鉄梟, Tekkyou) that took the form of two big sturdy metal hunks. Maki was able to place her fire spirits within them to power the machinery where her pyrokinesis allowed her to control the Iron Owls to serve as extensions of herself.


  • Maki Oze was created by Atsushi Ōkubo where she featured in the setting of the Fire Force universe.

In other media



  • Fire Force:

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