Martian Congressional Republic

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The Martian Congressional Republic is a nation that features in The Expanse.




The Martian Congressional Republic (M.C.R.) was a government that formed on Mars after is colonisation by humanity. Its basis came during Earth's first forays into space led to the settling of nearby Mars in 320 BXT. The planet became the basis of the Mars Terraforming Project that was a century long initiative to make the planet a more habitable world. Between 200 - 130 BXT, Mars began to seek independence from the United Nations but Earth would refuse these requests leading to tensions developing with the growing colony. This only changed following the creation of the Epstein Drive by Solomon Epstein in 129 BXT. This saw Mars exchanging the Epstein Drive to the U.N. in 128 BXT in exchange for independence with the Martian Congressional Republic being formed as a result.

After the Free Navy struck at the Ring, they succeeded in eliminating the ships guarding it whilst their people at Medina Station secured the site. With the area under Inaros's control, a breakaway Martian fleet under the command of Admiral Duarte then departed the system and went through the ring gate to Laconia. This was to be the basis of a new colony that would be under a regime led by Duarte himself and those forces under his command.


The leader of the state held the post of Prime Minister of the Martian Congressional Republic.

Part of its Armed Forces included the Martian Marine Corps (MMC).

Its space forces were known as the Martian Congressional Republic Navy (M.C.R.N.) which was noted to be small but considered more advanced among the factions within the Sol system.

MMC Force Recon Marines made use of Goliath Powered Armor whilst the standard marines were equipped with Martian light armor.

Among the ship classes used by their navy included:

  • Raptor-class :
  • Corvette-class :
  • Morrigan-class :
  • Scirocco-class :
  • Donnager-class :

The navy was known to utlize the MCRN Stealth C ballistic missile platform that were capable of launching first strike nuclear missiles.

One of their installations was on Mars was Hecate Base.


  • Nathan Smith :
  • Emily Richards :
  • Winston Duarte :
  • Bobbie Draper :
  • Cas Anvar :
  • Winston Duarte :
  • Sauveterre :
  • Alex Kamal :


  • The Martian Congressional Republic was created by James S. A. Corey where it featured in the setting of The Expanse.


  • The Expanse:

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