Martian Security and Economics Committee

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The Martian Security and Economics Committee is an organization that features in the video game Chaser.


The planet Mars was at some point colonized by the 21st century where in 2044 the United Nations established a governing body to oversee operations on the planet. This became known as the Martian Security and Economics Committee, also known as MARSCORP. Oversight of the committee was awarded to Samuel Longwood who became the leader of MARSCORP but as the years went on; the United Nation gradually began to lose control of MARSCORP which was attributed to the non-transparent license policy in the UN Charter of its director. This allowed Longwood to give himself autonomy by creating vassal relations between the various corporations and MARSCORP. Thus, MARSCORP's power became near absolute as it was now supported by the companies who in turn acquire additional rights as well as licenses. This arrangement made the consortium a highly wealthy arrangement between Director Longwood and the various businesses. The power of MARSCORP began to suffer problems when dissenting voices began to emerge that challenged Samuel Longwood's authoritarian rule leading to the demand for his dismissal from the position of the directorship over the complete redistribution of mining rights.

During this time, MARSCORP was involved in abusing cloning technology as well as draining the resources of the planet along with enslaving the world. However, Director Longwood intended to keep control over the situation in order to combat the growing Martian independence movement that was masterminded by a Commander Castor who intended to free Mars from the control of Earth. This saw skirmishes erupt between the military forces of MARSCORP and those of the rebels who were brutally oppressed as a result. To that end, the rebels gained the support of Agent John Chaser; a highly trained espionage and demolition expert with the mission of toppling the control of Director Longwood and MARSCORP who were well aware of the talents of this terrorist. Thus, they dispatch their own operative Scott Stone to neutralize him.


  • Chaser:
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