Max Zorin

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Max Zorin is a male film character who features in James Bond.



Maximillian Zorin was a male human born in Dresden after the end of World War II during a time when his home as part of East Germany. He later came to move to France and became a leading French businessman where he operated in a microchip market.


Personality and attributes

Outwardly, he was shown to be well spoken and extraordinarily intelligent.

Powers and abilities


  • Max Zorin was created by Ian Fleming and featured in the setting of A View to a Kill.
  • The character was portrayed by actor Christopher Walken.

In other media

Video games

  • In James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing, Max Zorin was referenced in the setting of the 2004 video game. It was shown that he had an apprentice named Nikolai Diavolo who wanted to avenge his master and kill James Bond. Part of his plans involved using nanobots to infect the population of Russia as well as Lithuania and other former Soviet republics, brainwashing those citizens into demanding the return of the Soviet Union.


  • A View to a Kill:

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