Medivh is a male video game character who features in Warcraft.
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Medivh was a male human born to Aegwynn who served as the Guardian of Tirisfal that protected the world of Azeroth. The Council of Tirisfal had been responsible for selecting a champion to defend the planet from the threat of Demons. Eight centuries ago, she confronted the threat of a demonic force that was Sargeras. She succeeded in defeating the demon but unknown to her this was part of the demon lord's plan as he used the confrontation as an opportunity to transfer his essence into her body where it lay in wait for years.
Unknown to Medivh and Moroes, his darkening thoughts belonged to the dark spirit of Sargeras who began twisting his thoughts and emotions towards an insidious end. In time Medivh would become determine to stop the Burning Legion at all costs and under Sargeras's influence would discover Draenor and the Horde. Seeing that the Horde had been abandoned by the Legion Medivh felt that it would be a perfect irony to use the Horde against the Legion. Thus bargaining with the warlock Gul'dan from his chambers in the tower of Karazhan, Medivh promised to provide Gul'dan the location of the Tomb of Sargeras if Gul'dan would bring the Horde to Azeroth. And so, aided on the other side by Gul'dan's Shadow Council, Medivh opened the Dark Portal between Azeroth and Draenor. When the Dark Portal was opened by him, almost every creature attuned to magic on Azeroth felt ripples as the gateway flared to life. Aegwynn could not fathom what had happened, but she sensed the presence of fel magic and knew Medivh must have somehow allied himself with the Legion. Aegwynn traveled to Karazhan with the blue dragon Arcanagos to confront Medivh about it. The tower was crowded with nobles who were expecting a gala, and so Aegwynn entered alone at first, hoping to convince Medivh to give up his power peacefully. It was then that Medivh revealed that, as he died in battle before her, Sargeras had spirited his essence into Aegwynn's own body like cancer, lying in wait for her to conceive as he knew she would. Sargeras later stitched himself into the fabric of Medivh's unborn body so that when he awoke and realized the power of Tirisfal he would also manifest his unholy, demonic heritage. Aegwynn was stunned as the truth set in, but she did not lose herself to despair. Instead, Aegwynn became angry and knew she would defeat Sargeras there and then, even if it meant striking against her beloved son. The battle between the two shook the tower to its foundations and sent the would-be revelers fleeing. When Aegwynn was temporarily incapacitated, Arcanagos joined in. However, despite being a blue dragon, Arcanagos was severely outmatched. Sargeras struck him down, burning him from the inside out until all that was left was bone. Her friend's death sent Aegwynn further into rage. Sargeras may have had the full weight of a Guardian's power, but she had centuries of experience. As their duel continued, Aegwynn slowly gained the upper hand, until Medivh resorted to draining the life of nearby all occupants of the tower in order to fuel his strength. Now stronger but still unable to kill Aegwynn, Medivh instead banished her from his sight.
Medivh's gaze also fell upon Arrexis and Ebonchill who set up a camp in Deadwind Pass. Arrexis and his followers experimented with their warding magics outside Karazhan, attempting to neutralize the tower's strange powers. The records indicate that Guardian Medivh visited the magi at this time and offered his advice. He suggested that Arrexis could apply his warding spellwork in new ways, specifically to prevent demons from clawing into the world. Arrexis heeded Medivh's advice which would eventually be his downfall. At some point, Medivh hosted some traveling merchants who attempted to cheat him by selling him counterfeit artifacts. Medivh cursed them and today they are known as the Dark Riders. It was shortly after this time that the mages of Dalaran sent Medivh an apprentice. The Magus had already rebuked dozens of failed apprentices, but something in this Khadgar, a name which among the dwarves meant Trust, caught his attention. Time passed as 'Young Trust' studied under Medivh. He lived within Karazhan with a few others: Medivh studying, Moroes serving as his aide, and Cook making meals. Around this time, the war began picking up between the orcs and the humans, as the orcs increasingly struck out of the Black Morass. Medivh was sober about this, even remarking that it was happening as planned. Soon after the Horde's emissary, Garona Halforcen, came to Karazhan. The Magus thought that with her conflicting heritages, she would understand what he was going through. Unbeknownst to anyone Medivh and Garona had a brief affair which later resulted in a child, the mixed race Med'an. Medivh and Khadgar soon crossed paths with the King's Champion Anduin Lothar and his soldiers on a scouting mission to the Black Morass. Lothar had encouraged his friend to rejoin Stormwind's defense, though understood that Medivh struggled with the power he unleashed on the Gurubashi years ago. The Guardian played along and feigned a fear of tapping into unwieldy magical powers, though his true intention was to buy time for the Horde to boost its strength. Lothar also spoke with Khadgar, telling him about Medivh's troubled past and asking him to act as a caretaker in addition to an apprentice. Medivh became more erratic afterward, disappearing for days at a time and being exhausted when he finally returned.
Khadgar would be the first to discover that it was Medivh who brought the orcs upon the lands of Azeroth. During this time, Khadgar and Garona had an audience with King Llane and Anduin Lothar, where Lothar was convinced of Medivh's corruption. Lothar, one of Medivh's best friends, led a troop of human forces, which included Khadgar and Garona, to deal with the crazed Guardian. In the meantime, the Guardian killed Moroes and the Cook. During the battle with Medivh, Khadgar—magically aged by Medivh's spellwork—held Lothar's blade to the Guardian's chest, and finally ran it through Medivh's heart. The demon within him awakened at that point, right up until Lothar delivered the mercy stroke, decapitating the Guardian and banishing Sargeras into the Nether. At the same time, Gul'dan was trying to probe Medivh's mind for the location of the Tomb of Sargeras. The warlock was still deep within the Guardian's thoughts when Lothar and Khadgar killed him, ending Medivh's treachery and forcing Gul'dan into a coma. Medivh was the first Guardian to be killed in combat in centuries. As a consequence of the killing, the pure, virtuous spirit of Medivh was allowed to live on and wander the astral plane for many years to come. His body was buried in Morgan's Plot in Deadwind Pass. At the height of his powers, Medivh worked his magics and struggled with Sargeras in his tower of Karazhan. His powers were such that the trauma of his death laid a curse on his once wondrous tower and the surrounding area that became Deadwind Pass. The tower has become such a dangerous and accursed place, that those that venture in never return.
Long after the Second War, a strange prophet appeared to various denizens of Azeroth, delivering a warning of a looming apocalyptic threat. He was able to appear as a supernaturally-large raven. Medivh chose not to reveal his true identity, as he would've been recognized as the evil sorcerer who brought the orcs to Azeroth. King Terenas of Lordaeron and Antonidas of Dalaran both consequently dismissed the Prophet as nothing more than a madman. He then appeared to the young warchief of the Horde, Thrall, son of Durotan — had a dream where the orcs and humans were fighting against each other while infernals rained from the sky. He awakened and the Prophet told him it was a vision, and that he must go to the ancient lands of Kalimdor if he wished to save his people. Thrall consulted with the elemental spirits, which quickly advised to trust the stranger's words, and set sail to Kalimdor in the far west beyond the sea.
Personality and attributes
Powers and abilities
The most powerful mages focus their powers into magical staves, and Medivh was no different. His staff, Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, was possessed by the eponym demon, agent of Sargeras, thus boosting Medivh's already-immeasurable powers. When Medivh was killed, Atiesh was taken to Dalaran, where it was revealed that the demon within killed anyone who dared try to wield it. It was locked away in a secret and secure vault for nearly three decades following Medivh's death, until Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde, along with the staff.
- Medivh was created by Blizzard Entertainment and where he featured in the setting of the Warcraft universe.
- In Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the character was voiced by actor Michael Bell.
In other media
Video games
- In Heroes of the Storm, Medivh appeared as a playable character in the setting of the mobile video game.
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos:
- World of Warcraft:
External Links
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