Mirror Queen

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The Mirror Queen is a female film villain who features in The Brothers Grimm.




The figure that became the Mirror Queen lived 500 years ago where she was a Thuringian monarch who was treasured across all of Europe with her being famed for her incredibly beauty. However, she was noted to had been vain and selfish with her entire world being her own reflection. Long ago, King Childeric I came to a forest where he built a city whilst the queen experimented with black magic in an effort to gain eternal life. During this time, a plague swept through the land leading tot he queen hiding in her tower whilst her husband and those people in the city perished from the disease. Her experiments in immortality led to her casting a spell to gain immortal life but this did not extend to her youth and beauty. Thus, her youthful appearance now only existed within her mirror that became the source of her life with it being an illusion. To regain her beauty, she thus required to drink the blood of twelve young girls leading to people missing as a result. The queen then began to work on an enchantment to restore her beauty where she was assisted by various supernatural beings including a werewolf huntsman with a magic axe, crow familiars and other creatures in the small forest village of Marbaden.


Personality and attributes

Powers and abilities


  • The character was portrayed by actor Monica Bellucci.
  • She was not identified by name in the film but instead being called the Queen but the credits give the character name as being the Mirror Queen.


  • The Brothers Grimm:

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