Mitochondria Eve (Parasite Eve)

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Mitochondria Eve is a female literary villain who features in Parasite Eve.





Mitochondria Eve was the name given to an entity that represented the consciousness of the mitochondria within the cells of the human body. For a long time, these organisms lived a symbiotic existence among humans until they desired to separate themselves from mankind. For years, Mitochondria Eve developed within the body of a Japanese woman named Kiyomi Nagashima who was to become her first host vessel. She cam to fall in love with a man named Dr. Toshiaki Nagashima during a Christmas Eve party though unknown to anyone this led to the recently emerged Eve attempting to use her host to find a mate to birth the Ultimate Being.

Parasite Eve

Afterwards, it was shown that Eve began to develop in a new host body with this being Maya Brea who was the sister of Aya Brea. Maya and her mother Mariko both died in a car accident leading to one of Maya's kidneys being donated to Melissa Pearce whilst one of her corneas was given to Aya. Thus, a second Eve was born where her mitochondria spent the course of two decades in a dormant state within Melissa Pearce. After Melissa's transplant, she fell constantly ill and was advised to take immunosuppressant drugs. This was done in order to prevent her immune system from rejecting the new organ. Unknown to her, this was the result of the mitochondria as they were growing stronger within her body leading to her condition persisting and worsening over time. Years later, Melissa became an opera singer living in New York City where she won the lead role for a production after the lead died in an apartment fire. Around this time, Eve came to become the dominant force in Melissa's body and would take manifest on occasion. This led to her encountering Dr. Hans Klamp where the two began to collaborate with one another leading to them planning the eradication of humanity in order to begin a new world with a higher species of ultimate beings. Eve told Klamp her sister in Japan was unable to attain her ultimate goal because the father's side of the mitochondria caused a rebellion. To aid Eve in her goal, Dr. Klamp created special artificial sperm without the male mitochondria DNA which would allow her to become pregnant with the Ultimate Being.

On December 24, 1997, Melissa was ready to take the centre stage as the star of the opera performance. For her role, she came to overdose on immunosuppressants casing her to collapse her immune system allowing Maya's mitochondria to finally take full control of Melissa's body. Thus, Eve 'awakened' during the solo performance at Carnegie Hall where she caused people on stage and in the audience to suddenly burst into flames using her powers.


Personality and attributes

In appearance, Eve had a number of forms as she had manifested through various humans over the years.

All Eves were shown to be arrogant, cold, merciless and hold ruthless personalities. Eve considered humanity to be useless and saw them as an unnecessary parasite on the planet. Thus, her goal was to eradicate mankind in order to bring about the emergence of 'superior' organisms that would have the ability to control and manipulate their own DNA. Thus, she wanted to reverse humanity's symbiotic relationship between the nucleus and the mitochondria.

Powers and abilities

She gained complete control over her own biology and form. This allowed her to initially change her human features and shapeshift as a result. At first, she could disguise herself as different humans but was later able to perform more drastic changes to her form. This included developing multiple limbs and making it appear in an inhuman form with these changes seemingly being permanent.

Their ties to mitochondria meant that all the Eve incarnations could manipulate it within others. This allowed her to telepathically cause living organisms to combust, melt into slime or transform into Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures (NMCs). NMCs were mutated life forms taken over and controlled by their modified mitochondria. Their mitochondria came to evolve consciousness during their mutation thus becoming awakened neo-mitochondria. The mitochondria generates extreme amounts of ATP energy thus causing drastic changes in the cell nuclei, as well as the death of the host organism. This results in mutations such as growth, extra limbs and appendages, as well as a rather horrific disfigured appearance.


  • Mitochondria Eve was created by Hideaki Sena where she featured in the setting of the Parasite Eve universe.
  • In an interview with Sena, he wrote, "The monster in my book is not identical to the genetic meaning of "Mitochondrial Eve". SHE is a monster made from hepatocytes (liver cells) of a modern human. So there is a little trick of description in my book. SHE is just borrowing an image of "Mitochondrial Eve"."

In other media


Video games



  • Parasite Eve:

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